Chapter 1

The one where it all began


I can't believe I am late again. I need this job. I can't miss this. Let me introduce myself I am Skyler. I am 23 years old. I live in this small apartment with my grandmother, the only family I have.

You may be wondering What about my parents? I would rather not discuss them. Shit happens and I won't discuss them, it brings back all the bad memories.

Moving on, I graduated early because I worked twice as hard only because I had to work to earn sufficient to pay the rent of the apartment and various other bills. I didn't want to be a burden to grandma.

I was working as an assistant at my previous job but I got fired recently because I was late to work. Don't judge me, I had to take grandma to the doctor because she was sick. I had two interviews today but I missed one because I am late.

Usually, I am not this late but last night I ended up searching for information about the company I have my interview in. I wanted this job desperately and I hope I get this job.

I put on my heels and run across the hall. I saw Grandma in the kitchen as she yells at me warning me. I would have taken that advice if I wasn't late."Careful Sky. You will trip if you run in those heels."

"Why didn't you wake me up?" Grandma has always been by my side. She was there for me and took care of me. From waking me up early to get me to school, then high school, and then so on.

She mumbles scratching her head.

"I am sorry I forgot. Here eat this." I am a grown-up now. I shouldn't need anyone to wake me up. I slap my forehead in frustration. I was about to leave when I remembered something. I say looking at her."Did you take your pills?"

"No. I will take them later."

"I know your later means never."

I take the bottle of medicine and made her take them. After making a few faces I shoot a stare and she gulped it down. I was late but this was more important. After giving her the medicine I left for work...

"I am late. Store it in the fridge I will eat it when I am back."

I press the button of the lift and waited eagerly. Time was ticking.

"The lift is under service, Skyler." My neighbor says as she sees me in front of the lift. I have to take the stairs. Everything had to go wrong now. I quickly ran down the stairs and reaching the ground floor. I was panting for breath. I took a deep breath and ran my way to the bus stop.

This is the worst. The bus had to arrive late today. I couldn't wait for the bus. You better run, Skyler. The reason I am wearing heels was to create a good impression. When you are late everything makes you late. God, I hate these heels. I hope I reach on time.

I was already frustrated because I was late and then when I was crossing the road someone almost hit me with their car. I could have died and he made me more late.

All my things were scattered everywhere. I quickly grab everything and the man helped me to collect them. My papers were all scattered around and I saw my phone on the ground. It was broken. Shit!!!

When I get up he bumps into me as my hands touch his chest. I was taken back. I looked at him and he had this wide smile on his face looking at me. I cannot deny he was good looking but as I said I was frustrated and all that frustration came out on that man.

"See what you did? All my papers are ruined now and my phone."

"I...uh..." He was about to speak but I cut him off. This person hit me with his car. My papers are ruined and my phone is broken. All because of him.

"Excuse me, you didn't let me speak and then you start babbling things about me which aren't fair at all. I was about to compensate for your phone."

"I don't need your help." I hiss. What does he think he is? Some billionaire and that I can't repair my phone. It will take me weeks but I am not taking any money from this guy. The least he could do was apologize. I was late and I can't argue with this man now.

I stomp my foot to the ground and started walking. I had scraped my knee and I was now trying to walk to my destination and that guy called out for me. "Excuse me. Your n..."

I turned around to see the man with a notepad in his hand. The audacity of the guy to ask my number after that. Look at him standing with his call diary in his hand. "I can't believe this. I don't know what you think but I am not that type of girl."

He tries to justify himself. He is shameless. Standing there with a call diary and a pen."You are taking me wrong." He says. I walk up to him and look straight into his eyes. That's when I was a bit taken aback. Those are some beautiful eyes I must say. Then I get back to my point."Oh, really. Then what do you want to write on that call diary of yours."

"Will you at least listen to me?"

I took the call diary from his hand and toss it to the ground and stomp on it destroying it. He must be going crazy after all he lost all his contacts. Before he could say anything else."Now there you go."

To my surprise, he starts laughing hysterically and I look at him confused."You are laughing now after I destroyed your diary. I should not waste my time on you."

When he couldn't stop laughing. I bend down to take the destroyed book in my hands to realize that the call diary was mine. Shit! Shit! Shit! All my contacts are lost. My phone is broken and I wouldn't be able to recover any contact.

I didn't believe it still but then I check my bag to cross-check.

"Enjoy trying to recover all your contacts."

Ughhhh.I have to fix this up now.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

I yell at him as he could have said it earlier.

"You didn't let me speak."

"I am leaving."

I take the smashed call diary in my hand and start to leave. He was right, he did try to tell me but I didn't let him.

"Did I stop you?" He scoffs and then I realize we start walking in the same direction.

"Now you are following me." I look at him surprised. He rolls his eyes.

"My workplace is in the same direction, unfortunately."

"Ohh are you the waiter in the pizza place ahead?" Okay. That was low. I shouldn't have said that and I regretted it instantly. He did help me and this was rude of me. He scoffs ignoring my comment.

"Cat caught your tongue. Am I right?" Can't you stop talking already? Stop talking Skyler. You already did enough and it was bad of you.

He takes a deep breath probably to calm himself down. I tested his patience enough. He finally says after moments of silence.

"You go ahead. I can't tolerate you."

"What makes you think I can? The least you could say I am sorry." I tell him and then left the place to cross the street.


I woke up at 7 am sharp and took a swim in the pool. After a half an hour swim, I made myself some breakfast which consisted of some boiled eggs, two toasted bread, and a cup of black coffee.

I took a shower and put on my clothes for work. I look at the time and it was about nine-thirty. I started driving my car and made my way to work.

I was parking my car opposite my office building when someone comes in between and I stop the car and get down to check.

She was hit and fell to the ground. It was my fault. Maybe Tyler is right. I should take a new car. This car doesn't work as well as it used to do and that is why when I tried my brakes it didn't stop on time.

The reason why I am not leaving this car because it was gifted to me by Dad and I can't just give this away with a new one. It's too valuable. I will call Tyler to arrange for a mechanic.

The girl bent down started gathering all her stuff and I helped her. I looked at her broken phone and decide to give her some money to buy a new one because it was in no condition to work.

I took a closer look to see an attractive girl in her twenties. She looked like she was in a rush and by the looks of it she was late to work and as I stood up I helped her get up while she fixed her skirt to brush off the dirt.

I couldn't help but notice her. There was something about her that didn't let me take my eyes off her and it sounds stupid because I just met her. Slowly my gaze shifted to what she was wearing.

She was wearing a white blouse tucked in a navy blue pencil skirt with buttons on the side. She was a fair girl, with rosy cheeks, and tender soft pink lips. Her eyes sparkled, the light making them look alive. Their light brown color was soft, the exact shade of a latte.

When she turned her head to look at me they caught the light and I was lost in looking at those eyes.

The kind of brown that distracts you from everything around. She had long coal dark brown hair which shined in the dazzling sunlight and she had tied her hair in a messy bun and loose strands of hair were swaying in the light breeze.

I was about to say about compensating for her phone when she starts yelling. "See what you did? All my papers are ruined now."

"I...uh..." I tried saying again but then she started yelling at me. I understand it was my fault that I hit her and her phone was broken but she didn't let me speak.

After she was done babbling everything she had in store for me. I take a step towards her."Excuse me, you didn't let me speak and then you start babbling things about me that aren't fair at all. I was about to compensate for your phone."

"I don't need your help." She shrieks. I was closely observing her. Now, she was thinking about something but as much as I know her she must be cursing me.

After a while of channeling her thoughts and realizing she is late. She glares at me and stomps her foot to the ground and starts walking. She was limping and I guess she was hurt. I felt pity for her but she was rude.

I turn back to my car to see a notepad by the footpath. I picked it up. It seemed like a call diary and I realized it must be hers. I saw her walking. Why should I give it to her after what she did?

A part of me wanted to give it to her and another part of me thought why should I. Then I remember her phone was broken. She might need it. There may be some important contacts in it. I should give it to her.

I called out for her and she turns around as soon as she hears me."Excuse me. Your n..." She looks at me and then at the diary in my hand.

"I can't believe this. I don't know what you think but I am not that type of girl." She says. Oh, nono-no. She took me wrong. She was a beautiful girl and I would have loved to know her more but that was before she was rude to me when I offered help.

I tried explaining myself."You are taking me wrong."

"I can't believe this. I don't know what you think but I am not that type of girl."

I tried to explain myself."You are taking me wrong." Then she comes up close to me and I get to smell her. She had this fruity citrus smell and her silky black hair. I wish to run my fingers through her hair.

Okay, I was distracted. She looked straight up in my eyes and I looked at hers. They were beautiful now that I have seen them this close that I couldn't shift my gaze. She takes a momentarily pause after which she speaks bringing me back to reality. "Oh. Then what do you want to write on that call diary of yours."

"Will you at least listen to me?" She only likes arguing and is very rude jumping to conclusions without letting the other one speak. Fuck it!

I hate her.

"Now there you go." She takes the diary from my hand and throws it to the ground practically destroying it. I couldn't help myself from cracking up. She is crazy. She just destroyed her thing with her own hands.

"You are laughing now after I destroyed your diary. I should not waste my time on you." She looks at me confused but I couldn't stop myself from laughing.

She glares at me and I try to stop my laughter. I look at her as she bends down to pick the diary in her hands. The smirk she had on after she thought she destroyed my thing turned to pure bewilder.

She hisses and looks at me then digs through her bag and her expression made me laugh again.

"Enjoy trying to recover all your contacts," I say laughing.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

She screams. This woman is nuts.

When did I get the chance to speak? Every time I tried she cut me off and started cursing me yelling at me. I ignored the fact She is blaming me.

"You didn't let me speak," I say all confident.

"I am leaving." She takes a good look at the book and shrieks having destroyed it herself. She deserves it for being all judgemental and harsh.

"I am leaving." She says and walks away from me. I helped her two times. To hell with her.

"Did I stop you?" We start walking in the same direction.

"Now you are following me." I would be crazy to follow you. What does she thinks she is? Some Queen or a princess.

"My workplace is in the same direction, unfortunately."

"Ohh are you the waiter in the pizza place ahead?" I scoffed. Does she not know who I am? I guess she doesn't check the news often.

Interesting, she is the first to not know me and that made me curious because it is very unlikely that people don't recognize me but that doesn't mean she will downgrade me like that. Even if she does not know me.

It's unusual to see people not flirting with me the minute they saw me. She is something else. If I was a waiter at the pizza place. Why will I wear a suit to work? She is testing my patience.

"Cat caught your tongue. Am I right?" She should stop talking before I lose it.


Take a deep breath

Calm down, Shane.

I won't waste my energy on her. She will regret it later. I stop in my tracks. "You go ahead. I can't tolerate you."

"What makes you think I can?"

And then she takes off. I hope I never met this woman again.

(A heated argument out there. What happens in the interview? What will happen when Skyler finds out the man she lashed out to is her boss. Keep reading to find out...)

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