Chapter 62: Recollection

Alicarde sighed, relieved that none of the hospital staff had tried to stop them, especially considering he was carrying a sword. It was early in the morning when they left, so there wasn't much movement from people—just a few nurses and cleaning staff. He was thankful there was no drama.

Carrisa's shoulder felt comfortable. He could hear her breathing and enjoy her fragrance. In contrast, he reeked of blood and sweat.

'Wasn't she in a battle? How does she smell like rainbows and sunshine despite everything?' Alicarde thought to himself.

Since she was already letting him rest on her, he decided to take a little more liberty and wrapped his arm around her waist. She didn't seem to notice, or perhaps she simply didn't mind.

"Alicarde... could you please explain what transpired back there?" Carrisa finally asked after some hesitation. She had deliberated on how best to approach the subject and eventually decided to be direct.