Chapter 85: lady Killer

The night dragged on, seemingly endless, as Alicarde and Malefica meticulously sifted through the vast collection of data they had acquired from the government's databank. The two worked in focused silence, surrounded by stacks of documents and glowing screens.

Malefica had lent him her laptop, though he didn't consider it an act of kindness—she was simply putting him to work.

He briefly considered snooping through her computer for... personal information, but decided against it.

They categorized each file, cross-referencing names, locations, and crimes, gradually constructing an intricate web of corruption that stretched across the city's power structures. The room was lit by fluorescent light since Alicarde had complained about not wanting to strain his eyes looking at a glowing screen in the dark. The sound of turning pages and the occasional tap of Malefica's elegant fingers on the keyboard filled the room.