[Absolute Clarity] (SS-Rank)

After greeting Holy CupNorth YearSnow Pile at her lair, Nivalis flew Rita to the usual battleground of Wind Shear and Emperor Umbrella.

Wind Shear was a black divine dragon, and Emperor Umbrella a white yinglong. Rita had seen them fighting when she first visited Dragon Island. Both dragons were level 177, even higher than Holy CupNorth Year.

When Rita and Nivalis arrived, the two dragons had just finished a clash and were now locked in a standoff.

Nivalis took a deep breath, held up the black-and-white scale, and shouted, "Emperor Umbrella, Wind Shear~ Make peace, for my sake!"

The two massive dragons slowly turned their heads, peering down at the tiny Rita and Nivalis.

Nivalis felt her legs go weak and silently questioned the scriptwriter: "Will this really work? Are we even going to leave Dragon Island alive?"

Rita: "What, are they going to kill you?"