Chapter 7

As Ali watched the departing figure of his defeated opponent, he was approached by the Flame Hashira, Kyojuro Rengoku. "Your spar with Sanemi was truly marvellous. You're strong. If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. By the way, I am Kyojuro Rengoku, the Flame Hashira," Rengoku said, pointing at himself with a big, charismatic smile.

"I'll take you up on that offer when I'm choosing my breathing style, Flame Hashira."

Rengoku nodded at Ali, bowed to Ubuyashiki, and left.

With Rengoku gone, only two Hashira remained: Shinobu, who was standing by Ali's side, and a petite woman with pink hair and striking green eyes. The pink-haired woman approached Ali hesitantly, her head slightly lowered in shyness, clearly trying to avoid making eye contact.

"Um, I'm the Love Hashira, Mitsuri Kanroji, and, um, I can help you too…," Mitsuri stammered, flustered and still avoiding eye contact.

'Well, she's got quite the figure,' Ali thought, his eyes briefly lingering on Mitsuri's chest. He smirked before squatting down to meet Mitsuri's gaze. "And how exactly are you going to help me, beautiful Mitsuri?"

Looking at the handsome face saying those sweet words was too much for Mitsuri's heart to handle. Her face turned completely pink, and she couldn't think of any words to respond.

Suddenly, the blunt end of a sword handle landed sharply against Ali's side, making him fake a pained reaction as an annoyed Shinobu scolded him. "Hey, leave Mitsuri alone, you idiot."

Ali shook his head and walked past Mitsuri to speak with Ubuyashiki. "So, how am I supposed to choose a breathing style? And do I get one of those weapons that can harm demons now?" Ali asked Ubuyashiki, who was standing up, clearly ready to leave and rest.

"Shinobu will help you with choosing your breathing style and will explain each one in detail. As for your Nichirin blade, a master swords-smith will contact you shortly to discuss your preferred weapon."

Ubuyashiki then turned around and started walking back into his manor but paused and said, without turning around, "Be careful out there, young demon slayer. I do not wish to lose another one of my dear warriors to the demons."

"You have nothing to worry about. I won't die to a demon—ever."

Hearing that, Ubuyashiki smiled and continued inside.

Ali turned back to Shinobu, who was now standing alone in the garden since Mitsuri had left moments ago. "What now?" Ali asked.

"First, let's head back to the Butterfly Mansion, and then we'll discuss your next steps to becoming a full-fledged demon slayer, Trainee Ali," she said the last part in a teasing tone, trying to get a rise out of him.

"Well, after experiencing firsthand what a Hashira is capable of, maybe staying a trainee is better than being lumped in with you losers," Ali retorted as they walked back to the mansion.

"It didn't seem that way to me. You know what I saw? I saw someone too scared to see what a Hashira is truly capable of, so he took the fight to the ground."

"Nah, I just wanted to get him out of the way fast so I could go have breakfast," Ali replied, walking faster, clearly not wanting to hear another witty response from her.

Shinobu smiled at him as she watched his back, but this smile was different. 'When was the last time I genuinely smiled like this? Probably since…' She looked up again only to find that Ali had already gone, making her sigh.

Inside the Butterfly Mansion, in one of the rooms, a yellow-haired boy was dozing off in a corner while another boy in a green kimono sipped tea at the table. Outside the room, a loud voice could be heard as a guy wearing a pig mask ran around with a large tray of dumplings in his hands, chased by three little girls shouting for him to stop.

"Hey, give them back! They're not for you!"

"Shut it, midgets! These are mine now, so just give up!"

As he rounded a corner while looking back at the girls, he collided with what felt like a wall, dropping the food all over the floor.

The 'wall,' or in other words, Ali, who had just entered the mansion, now had bits of dumplings all over his face and clothes.

'I come back super hungry after burning through all my muscles in that spar, and the first thing that greets me is someone wearing a pig mask plastering me with dumplings. Ah, I miss the king life already,' Ali thought as he glared at the groaning pig-masked figure on the ground.

Inosuke groaned, looking down at the wasted food, anger welling up in him. He then looked up at the person who had ruined his hard-earned meal with frustration. "YOU BASTA—"

Before he could finish his sentence, a backhanded slap sent him flying through the wooden wall, landing in the outside garden.


Everyone in the mansion was startled when they heard the sound of the wooden wall breaking. Zenitsu woke up from his nap, startled, while Tanjiro was already making his way to the source of the crash.

Ali walked through the newly created opening in the wall and slowly approached the pig-masked Inosuke, who was trying to stand up. Behind Ali, the three girls huddled together, terrified of the giant man who had just sent their friend flying through a wall with one hand.

Wiping the food off his face with the sleeve of his shirt, Ali announced to Inosuke, "I'm going to beat the living shit out of you for ruining my mood, pig face."

**BAM**, Ali kicked Inosuke right in the gut, sending him flying across the garden. A large purple bruise now marked Inosuke's exposed stomach. Ali walked slowly towards Inosuke, who surprised him by quickly standing up and charging at him, ignoring the pain. Inosuke attempted a superman punch, but Ali simply dodged and Sparta-kicked him in the back, sending him crashing to the ground in pain once more.

"STOP!" Ali paused at the shout and dodged to the side as Tanjiro's kick landed where he had been standing a second ago. Tanjiro looked at Ali, then clutched his nose in pain. 'Ugh, what is this smell? It's worse than any demon I've faced. Who is this guy?'

Ali glanced at Tanjiro, then grabbed his right forearm in pain. 'Who is this kid? The mark is burning like crazy. I should back off.'

Just as Ali thought that, a sweet voice was heard from the side of the garden. "Now, who wants to explain what happened here?"

A menacing aura froze Tanjiro, Inosuke, who had just stood up, and Zenitsu in place. Shinobu was furious, and the trio knew it. Before anyone could speak up, Ali walked straight past Shinobu without a word. He gestured for one of the three girls in the corridor to follow him and headed to his room.

Outside, the trio was stunned. That guy had completely ignored the Hashira as if she weren't even there.

"You three are in for it now," Shinobu said as she approached them, looking even more pissed off.

The three backed away, pleading for mercy. "Wait, crazy woman!" "Hashira-san, please listen…" "But I just woke up…" All that could be heard after that were screams of pain.

In his room, Ali sat in just his boxers. He handed his clothes to the little girl to wash and asked her to bring him one of the black bodysuits that all the demon slayers wore, in his size. Ali looked at the marking on his forearm, which had expanded even more. 'It burned a lot after I saw that kid. There's something different about him, I'm sure. Maybe beating up his friend wasn't the best idea. Ah, who cares? Shinobu must be fuming right now. Heh.'

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