Chapter 82

Ali stood there among the massacre he'd just committed, a harbinger of death covered by the blood of his victims.

A couple of the Guards who died from injuries away from the brain started to move slowly in their now zombie form.

Ali dispatched the moving corpses before they could get off the floor, he looked around the locker room for any hiding guards but found none so he moved down to the floor below.

Below Ali found a closed door, from inside he could hear painful groans of men, he opened the door slightly and looked inside, it was field with beds and the smell of blood dominated the area. Ali looked around the floor, he saw eight men with missing limbs or sever fresh injuries all over their body. They were all sleeping but still their whimpers of pain came out during their sleep.

But that was only nine beds as the other ones had bodies as well except these ones weren't moving, 'the ones that couldn't be save', Ali thought as he looked at the knife wound through their brains.

'Burn wounds on almost all of them', Ali instantly turned his head towards a room on the floor where the sound of water splashing could be heard.

Ali walked towards the room with no door, he peeked to see a middle aged women with a scarf covering her mouth, her clothes were covered in blood clearly from working with the injured and dead guards on the floor.

Ali walked up behind the women without her noticing, she was lost in washing her bloodied hands with dirty water. Ali covered her mouth with his hand surprising the women as she looked up at the mirror. That was when she saw Ali behind her with a machete at the side of her head. In that moment her eyes begged for forgiveness as they stared at Ali black eyes but those pleas for life were lost as Ali drove the machete into the side of her head killing her.


Ali dropped the women into the bucket of dirty water, her head releasing blood into the water turning the colour a dirty red.

Ali walked it the room and moved next to the sleeping injured guards, one by one Ali stabbed his machete into their head killing them in their sleep, 'At least their not in pain anymore', a thought passed through Ali's head as he closed the door to the floor.

Ali walked down the stairs once again, this time he came upon an open door which he calmly walked through with his machete spinning in his hand, Ali flexing his masterful dexterity with the weapon.

'A lodging area for the guards but barely any sleeping soldiers', Ali thought as he stood opposite two beds, the only beds with guards sleeping on them on the entire floor. Ali quickly sent the two men into eternal slumber before closing the door to this floor and walked down the stairs.

This time Ali stopped before exiting the stair as this wasn't a regular floor but the upper level of a giant plaza, Ali quietly looked out from the stairs area out into the second floor of the plaza, he saw two guard one at each side of the second floor, one of them was looking down at the ground floor while the other had his back to it with his eyes closed.

Ali moved silently around the second floor, unnoticed Ali sneaked up behind the guard focused on the plaza below, Ali covered the guard's mouth to silence any noise before taking him in the back of the head killing him. Ali laid out the dead guard on the floor before looking down at the plaza, there he saw the barricaded entrance to the skyscraper.

But that wasn't the most eye catching structure as Ali looked at the cages in the middle of the plaza, the cages had people in them, from old men to young children, women of all ages were locked in there but no able bodied men could be seen inside.

Ali's eyes landed on women sitting in a large cage with children sleeping around her even through the clawing and moaning of the zombies around. The women had a scar across her face which passed through her lips, it was Natalya.

'Always finds herself in a cage ha!', Ali mocked in his mind before as he looked opposite the cages where three guards stood, one of them had a sawn off shotgun in his hands while the other two held their regular machetes. All three had their backs to the second floor of the plaza making Ali's job easier.

Ali took out his machete and flipped it in his hand before sanding up and throwing the machete all the way from his end of the floor to the other side where the guard stood with his back towards him.


The machete quietly stabbed into the back of the guard's skull with perfect aim as the wall he was leaning on stopped him from falling to the ground loudly and had the dead guard slide slowly to the ground as Ali walked over to his position and took out his machete.

Ali headed for the stairs to the ground floor, from the top of the stairs Ali raised his machete and threw it with power at the guard with the shotgun.


The machete struck the guard and crushed his skull before entering and destroying his brain as the guard fell to the ground loudly attracting the attention of everyone in the plaza who looked in surprise at the guard with the machete sticking out his head.

"What the fuck", one of the guards said approaching the dead man on the ground.

Ali jumped from the stairs towards the distracted guard as his comrade watched Ali fly in the air and land on him. Ali immediately took hold of the machete in the guard's hand and forcefully stole it with his superior strength, Ali used his other arm to move the guard's hands trying to protect his face as Ali ruthlessly brought down the machete and stabbed it between the guard's eyes killing him openly in-front of the prisoners in the cages and the last guard standing who ran towards Ali with his machete in hand.

Ali quickly stood up and sidestepped the amateurish attack from the young guard before punching him with just enough force at his jaw knocking him clean out.


The unconscious guard fell to the floor and everyone watched as Ali raised his foot and brought it down on the guard's head crushing it to bits in a display of gore which had the people inside the cages real back in disgust.

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