Chapter 100

Chapter 100, what a milestone, Amazing. Thank u to Reeper and Zombie who have supported everyday since the start of the ff and thank u to all the support in the past few days u guys are incredible. Here's to the next 100 chapters💪.


The Krath, now gathered around the carcass, tore into the flesh with their sharp teeth, ripping pieces off and devouring them in a frenzy. Growls and the crunch of bone filled the air as the predators fought each other for the choicest parts of the kill. Meanwhile, Ali and Drogath readied themselves, sitting on their speeders at the top of the dune. Each of them had one hand gripping the accelerant and the other holding the projectile thrower.

They exchanged a brief nod before throttling their speeders to maximum acceleration. The machines roared to life, sending plumes of sand into the air as they zipped down the slope, heading directly for the Krath. The sudden noise startled the animals, who immediately abandoned the corpse. With a flash of their bright red tails, they split into two groups, each scrambling toward a different dune for cover.

Ali had anticipated this reaction. He and Drogath wordlessly split as well, each pursuing one group. Ali's focus was razor-sharp as he manoeuvred his speeder closer to the fleeing Krath. His projectile thrower was already raised, and with a press of the trigger, a large net launched into the air. It spread wide, casting a shadow over the animals before descending on them. The Krath snarled and thrashed, but the strong, reinforced ropes of the net held them firmly, pinning them to the sand.

Without hesitation, Ali attached the net to his speeder, securing it tightly before dragging the captured animals across the dunes. Their panicked yelps filled the air as they squirmed, trying in vain to escape. He glanced up and saw Drogath in the distance, also dragging a net filled with Krath.

'Good,' Ali thought as he adjusted his grip on the speeder. 'He's got five, and I've got four. That should account for the entire pack.'

When he reached the spot where they had left the cages, Ali brought his speeder to a halt and dismounted. Drogath arrived moments later, his net swaying behind him as he parked beside Ali.

"Move them into the cages," Ali said, gesturing toward the enclosures. He leaned back against his speeder, trusting Drogath to handle the task. The larger acolyte was more experienced with handling wild animals and wasted no time lifting the snarling creatures one by one. He worked quickly and efficiently, ignoring their sharp claws and snapping jaws. The last Krath, larger and more aggressive than the rest, writhed in Drogath's grip. Unbothered, the giant swung it by its tail and tossed it into the cage with a loud clang.

Ali sat calmly, watching the animals bark and howl in their enclosures. Their furious protests made sense—they were predators unused to confinement—but something about their frantic behaviour unsettled him. He frowned, his sharp instincts kicking in. Kneeling down, he pressed a hand against the sand and felt it—a deep vibration, strong and rhythmic.

His eyes widened in alarm. "Drogath, get on your speeder. NOW!" he shouted.

Drogath didn't hesitate. The urgency in Ali's voice was clear, and he immediately mounted his speeder. The two acolytes accelerated away from the cages, the engines roaring as they tore across the desert.

Ali glanced over his shoulder and saw the sand shifting ominously behind them. Something massive was moving beneath the surface, and it was gaining on them fast.

The creature finally revealed itself, bursting out of the sand with a terrifying hiss. A giant scorpion, its jet-black exoskeleton glinting under the sun, towered over the desert. Its enormous stinger arched high into the air, poised to strike.

Ali's breath caught as the stinger shot toward one of the cages. He swerved his speeder just in time, narrowly avoiding the deadly blow. His mind raced. 'That thing is huge,' he thought grimly, his heart pounding in his chest.

The chase continued relentlessly. For ten agonising minutes, Ali and Drogath weaved and swerved across the dunes, their speeders dragging the cages behind them. Despite their best efforts, the monstrous scorpion remained on their tail, its stinger striking again and again.

Finally, the Sith Lord's tent appeared on the horizon. Relief flooded through Ali. 'Let him deal with this motherfucker,' he thought, gritting his teeth as he pushed the speeder even harder.

As they approached the encampment, Ali noticed Malvok standing outside the tent. The Sith Master was not alone—another acolyte stood beside him. Malvok's face lit up when he saw the cages, but his expression quickly darkened as his gaze shifted to the massive creature pursuing them.

"What are these fools doing bringing that thing here?" Malvok roared in fury, his voice echoing across the desert.

Ali and Drogath sped past the Sith Lord without stopping, leaving him hovering above the sand as the giant scorpion charged toward him.

The Sith Master sneered, his small hand rising into the air. "Stupid insect dares to attack me?" he spat. With a simple gesture, the scorpion was lifted off the ground, its massive body flailing helplessly in the air.


Malvok didn't stop there. He lowered his hand, and the scorpion's own stinger was driven violently into its head. The creature let out a final, guttural screech before collapsing lifelessly onto the sand.

From a safe distance, Ali watched the display of power, his expression grim. He felt no relief—only a deep, gnawing unease. 'These Sith only grow stronger the more they reveal their power,' he thought, his stomach churning.

"Now then," Malvok said, turning his attention back to Ali and Drogath. "Let's see what you've brought me."

As the Sith Master approached the cages, Ali's eyes shifted to the acolyte behind him. He recognised her immediately. It was the same woman who had lost control during their training session, destroying a droid in a fit of rage.

Malvok inspected the Krath with an appraising eye, his expression softening into satisfaction. "Excellent," he said. "They're all healthy. You've done an amazing job."

The praise did not sit well with the female acolyte. Her hands clenched into fists, and her frustration was palpable—something Ali didn't fail to notice.

"Move them into the tent," Malvok ordered Drogath, before turning to Ali with a smirk. "Oh, I almost forgot. This is my useless acolyte, Derma. I sent her on the same mission earlier, but she returned with a single Krath—and it was dead."

Derma's face flushed with anger. "Master Malvok, what you asked was nearly impossible. They left barely any tracks in the storm—"

"Silence!" Malvok snapped. "These two brought back nine of my animals, and they don't even have lightsabers. Do not argue with me. Go back out there and do not return empty-handed!"

Derma's glare shifted to Ali, full of resentment. Without another word, she mounted her speeder and sped away into the desert, her frustration evident in the way she tore across the dunes.

Inside the tent, Ali and Drogath were greeted by a surprising sight. The once-ruined interior had been transformed into an advanced laboratory filled with high-grade medical equipment.

Ali's gaze was immediately drawn to a sedated Krath lying on a table, green liquid being pumped into its veins through a network of tubes.

"Master Malvok," Ali began, "what exactly are you researching?"

The Sith Lord's yellow face brightened. "Ah, I'm studying their connection to the Force," he explained enthusiastically. "I wish to understand whether it's a learned behaviour or an instinct. At what age does a Krath develop Force sensitivity? Can their abilities be expanded? There's so much to uncover!"

Ali nodded, his curiosity mingling with unease. Malvok's obsession was clear, and Ali had no doubt it bordered on dangerous.

"Well done, both of you," Malvok said. "I'll inform your master of your success today. Should I need assistance in the future, I will request you two specifically. You may return to the academy now."

Ali and Drogath left the tent without a word. As they mounted their speeders, Ali's gaze lingered on the scorpion's massive corpse, before he turned away and accelerated into the desert, Drogath close behind.

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