Jask tossed and turned in his king-sized bed, his sleep tormented by vivid nightmares. Sweat trickled down his brow, soaking into the silken sheets. The dark side's grip on his mind made restful sleep nearly impossible, his subconscious plagued by fear, anger, and paranoia.
With a sharp gasp, Jask's eyes shot open, his breath ragged as he tried to shake the remnants of his nightmare. His vision adjusted to the dimly lit room, only to be met with a palm hovering inches above his face.
In that split second, his gaze locked on a strange marking etched into the skin, a word written in a language he had never seen before.
Red lightning illuminated the room as Ali stood over the now-lifeless body of the Sith Warrior. Jask's head was charred beyond recognition, the stench of burnt flesh filling the air. Ali's crimson mask glinted in the eerie light, his expression hidden but his intentions clear.
Getting into the room without detection had been child's play for a grandmaster assassin. Ali glanced down at the corpse, his thoughts cold and calculating. 'Now this planet is under my control for the week', he mused before turning and slipping out of the room.
He made no effort to summon anyone to remove the body, instead heading back to his floor. Entering his quarters, he found Renella already fast asleep on the bed, her breathing soft and steady. Ali had insisted she sleep in the same room as him, a command she had begrudgingly obeyed.
Without a word, he sat at the desk in the corner of the room, his sharp focus now on the plans for the upcoming war. His fingers tapped steadily on the terminal as he worked late into the night, his mind unfazed by the events that had just unfolded.
The next morning, Ali issued orders to the tower's soldiers. Jask's corpse was to be removed, his room cleaned thoroughly, and all traces of his existence erased. He also announced himself as the acting commander of Vorrangar. The transition of power went surprisingly smoothly; Jask had no allies on the planet, and no one dared to challenge Ali's authority.
In Ali's new office at the highest level of the tower, he sat behind a polished desk, a hologram of Vorrangar's massive drills displayed prominently on its surface. The hologram spun slowly, showing the devastation being wrought on the planet.
Across from him stood Drogath and Zerina, both of whom looked tense. Renella, meanwhile, was perched near the glass wall, her arms crossed as she gazed down at the struggling village below.
"Ali, we have to do something," Drogath said, his deep voice filled with restrained anger. "At this rate, Vorrangar will become uninhabitable. My people will lose their home."
Zerina nodded fervently, her eyes filled with hope as she looked at the human Sith sitting comfortably before her.
Ali leaned back in his chair, his fingers tapped the desk. "Vorrangar is labeled as a resource planet by the Empire," he explained. "That means they expect something valuable to be extracted from here every year. Right now, that's the metal buried beneath the ground."
He paused, letting the siblings absorb his words before continuing. "But… there is a way to save the planet and stop the drills."
Drogath immediately stepped forward, planting his large hands on the desk as he leaned closer. His voice was eager, almost desperate. "Say it… What's the plan?"
Ali stood, his presence commanding as he addressed them. "The Empire doesn't care what resource they receive, so long as it's valuable. It doesn't have to be minerals. Your people were hunters, correct?"
"Yes," Zerina answered this time, her voice steady despite the tension in the room. "Most of the males fought every day of their lives against the beasts on Vorrangar."
Ali nodded. "Simple. The males will now fight for the Empire. Your superior strength will make you valuable as soldiers. All I need to do is make a few calls, and the Empire should give you a year or so to prepare and send your first batch of fighters." He looked between the siblings, awaiting their response.
Zerina's face twisted with anger, her fists clenching tightly. "So we have to send our people to die in the Empire's wars? To fight and die for their goals?"
Drogath placed a firm hand on her shoulder, his expression calm but resolute. "My people are fighters," he said, his voice filled with determination. "We would rather die fighting than sit idly by as our home is destroyed."
Ali's gaze remained steady as he returned to his desk. He typed a series of commands into the terminal, his fingers moving with practiced precision. "Since it's decided…" he said, pressing the final button with a faint click.
Outside, the loud, grating sound of machinery abruptly ceased. For the first time in years, the people of Vorrangar could hear the natural sounds of their world. The gentle rustle of wind, the distant calls of wildlife—it was a peace they had almost forgotten.
Zerina's expression softened as she took in the silence. "Ali… Thank you," she said, her voice filled with gratitude. She felt a deep debt forming toward the man who had just silenced the drills that had tormented her people for so long.
From the other side of the room, Renella snorted. "I didn't know the devil could be so nice," she said mockingly, her tone dripping with sarcasm.
Ali ignored her, his focus remaining on the siblings. "You two will handle all issues related to your people," he instructed.
"Drogath, you are now second in command after me. That means you can issue orders to the Empire's forces stationed here. I'll be busy for the week, so only contact me if it's urgent."
The siblings exchanged a glance before nodding. Together, they left the office, gratitude evident in their expressions.
Ali turned his attention to Renella. "Hey," he called, his tone sharp. "Come here and make yourself useful."
With a heavy sigh, Renella walked over to the desk, muttering under her breath as she joined Ali in the monotonous task of paperwork.
Six days later…
Renella stirred, her eyes fluttering open as the morning light filled the room. She blinked a few times, realising her hands were resting on something solid. Looking up, she found herself staring at Ali's face. He was asleep, his features relaxed, a stark contrast to his usual cold demeanour.
'He's even more handsome when he's sleeping like this', she thought before noticing something else. Her face grew warm as she realised she was completely naked, her body pressed against his. Memories of the night before flooded her mind, and her cheeks turned crimson. 'I can't believe I… Why did I say that?'
She tried to move away, but her efforts were futile. Ali's arm tightened around her, pulling her closer in a firm embrace. Her heart raced as she felt his head bury itself in her chest, his breath warm against her skin.
Renella glanced down at his peaceful face, noticing the faint smile tugging at his lips. "You're enjoying this too much," she muttered. "Ali, we have to get up…"
Her fingers instinctively played with his hair as she pleaded, but he only mumbled, "No," and nestled deeper into her.
Renella couldn't help but smile. 'Who would believe this cold, ruthless Sith could have such a side?'
After a few moments of quiet, Ali's voice broke the silence. "Renella."
She paused, her hand stilling in his hair. "Yes?"
"Make sure to survive the fight," he said, his tone suddenly serious. "I won't be able to look out for you. After the fight ends, you and Drogath will come back here."
Renella frowned, a sense of foreboding creeping into her chest. "Ali… What are you saying?"
Ali pulled away, sitting at the edge of the bed. His expression was cold once more. "You'll create a seal to weaken Drogath's power. He'll be allowed to retire here and lead his people. After that, you'll be free from the Empire's clutches. You can return to Dathomir."
Renella sat up, her voice trembling. "What about you?"
"I'm leaving," Ali said, his voice devoid of emotion. "The Empire hopes to mold me into a weapon—a powerful Sith to serve their bidding. I refuse to live that life. But they won't let me go. They'll send their most powerful Sith after me. I'll likely die."
Renella reached for him, but Ali stood abruptly, cutting her off. "No. You'll do as I say. And don't wait for me."
He dressed quickly, his uniform fitting perfectly over his muscular frame. Without another word, he left the room, the door hissing shut behind him.
Alone, Renella clenched her fists, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions.
Outside, Ali paused, his thoughts drifting. 'Leaving behind connections… It's why people go mad when they go back to paradise'.
'This way they'll have a chance at a better life after I'm gone, even though I wouldn't say they mean a-lot to me, still their the people I spent a month with…This is the least I can do…' Ali thought.
He glanced back at the door, memories of a white-haired woman with pure white, iris-less eyes flashing in his mind. 'She ensured I couldn't feel attached to anyone.'
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