This novel unfolds the tale of a world transformed by a cataclysmic event that plunges Earth into an era of perpetual winter, reshaping human society and political landscapes. In the 62nd year of the New Era, after the end of resource wars and the chaos of warlord conflicts, the world begins to thaw into a hopeful spring. Within this historical context, the once-glorious Su family of Northern Longcheng finds itself in dire straits after the imprisonment of its patriarch, Su Zhengcai. Su Tianyu, a young scion of the Su family, returns to Longcheng, burdened with the expectation of restoring his family's former glory. Su Tianyu's life in Longcheng is fraught with challenges. He must navigate not only the internal strife within his family and the pressures from external forces but also find his footing in a politically and economically complex environment. Armed with his intellect and courage, he, along with his brothers, faces a series of trials and conflicts, including power struggles with the Changqing Corporation, internal disputes within the Sanitation Management Committee, and confrontations with the Ma Gang. Throughout these battles, Su Tianyu gradually reveals his leadership abilities and unwavering loyalty to his family. As the story unfolds, Su Tianyu and his family must contend not only with external foes but also with internal discord and conflict. They are compelled to carve out a place for themselves in the New Era's Longcheng while safeguarding the family’s interests and honor. Through the rise and fall of the Su family, the novel vividly portrays a family's struggle and perseverance in a time of turmoil, as well as the personal choices and growth in the realms of family, friendship, and love. This is a novel rich with action and adventure, one that transports you into a new world brimming with challenges and opportunities, where the resurgence of a family and the emergence of a hero are witnessed.This novel unfolds the tale of a world transformed by a cataclysmic event that plunges Earth into an era of perpetual winter, reshaping human society and political landscapes. In the 62nd year of the New Era, after the end of resource wars and the chaos of warlord conflicts, the world begins to thaw into a hopeful spring. Within this historical context, the once-glorious Su family of Northern Longcheng finds itself in dire straits after the imprisonment of its patriarch, Su Zhengcai. Su Tianyu, a young scion of the Su family, returns to Longcheng, burdened with the expectation of restoring his family's former glory. Su Tianyu's life in Longcheng is fraught with challenges. He must navigate not only the internal strife within his family and the pressures from external forces but also find his footing in a politically and economically complex environment. Armed with his intellect and courage, he, along with his brothers, faces a series of trials and conflicts, including power struggles with the Changqing Corporation, internal disputes within the Sanitation Management Committee, and confrontations with the Ma Gang. Throughout these battles, Su Tianyu gradually reveals his leadership abilities and unwavering loyalty to his family. As the story unfolds, Su Tianyu and his family must contend not only with external foes but also with internal discord and conflict. They are compelled to carve out a place for themselves in the New Era's Longcheng while safeguarding the family’s interests and honor. Through the rise and fall of the Su family, the novel vividly portrays a family's struggle and perseverance in a time of turmoil, as well as the personal choices and growth in the realms of family, friendship, and love. This is a novel rich with action and adventure, one that transports you into a new world brimming with challenges and opportunities, where the resurgence of a family and the emergence of a hero are witnessed.