Chapter 16. Afraid

"What's she going to do again, uncle?" Timothy asked, keeping his voice as low as possible as he drove the car per Medusa's request to Brooklyn and Andrew's house.


"Adding more statues to the collection," Bernard said.


"Shit, she's going to stone them?" Timothy asked, a hint of excitement in his voice.


"They deserve it," Bernard said without looking around, his eyes focused on the house ahead.


They managed to get into the housing complex because Timothy had brought the lawyer's statement about the will forgery. Unwilling to be dragged into the lawsuit matter, the security had simply opened the gate to let them in.


Medusa already walked to knock on the front door; Andrew was the one who opened the door. It seems like the couple was currently packing in a hurry, she smiled.


"Let me inside," she said to Andrew, who was struck by Medusa's piercing gaze and let her in without much resistance.


"Who is it?" Brooklyn was surprised to see the woman who had brought her worst nightmare walking freely into her house. She watched in dismay as Andrew simply stared blankly at Medusa.


"Andrew! What the fuck are you doing?" Brooklyn screamed, hitting Andrew's back in frustration.


"She just wanted to come inside," Andrew answered, clearly confused.


"Seems like you're going away. Why?" Medusa asked, walking around to survey the house.


The house had a traditional architectural style, with a mix of stone and stucco exterior, multiple levels, and a prominent covered porch. As Medusa observed the interior, she noticed the recent renovations that had transformed the space into a modern, harmonious blend of natural elements and contemporary touches.


"Where are all the pictures of the previous owner?" she asked.


"We put them in the basement, along with all their other things," Andrew replied, without much thought, still under Medusa's sway.


"Andrew! What the fuck?" Brooklyn continued to complain, her frustration growing.


"She just asked, what was I supposed to do?" Andrew responded, utterly confused by his girlfriend's outrage.


Medusa continued her inspection of the house, taking in the open, cohesive layout, the plush, neutral-toned sofa, and the large windows that flooded the space with natural light. The warm, earthy ambiance created by the natural elements and the balanced color palette caught her eye.


The living room area features a plush, neutral-toned sofa accented with vibrant orange and teal throw pillows, creating a comfortable and inviting seating arrangement. The couch is positioned in front of large windows, allowing natural light to flood the space and provide a soothing connection to the lush, wooded exterior.


The overall layout is open and flows seamlessly, with a dining table situated between the living room and kitchen. Pendant lighting fixtures above the dining area and kitchen island add a modern, refined touch.


Throughout the space, natural elements such as potted plants, wood accents, and decorative woven wall hangings contribute to a warm, earthy ambiance. The neutral color palette, with pops of color from the throw pillows and decor, creates a balanced and visually appealing environment.


The large windows not only allow for abundant natural light but also frame the lush, forested views outside, blurring the boundaries between the interior and exterior spaces.


"Oh, you've got taste." As Medusa sat down on the sofa, facing the swimming pool, Brooklyn approached her, her anger palpable.


"Miss Ariadne, you can't do this to us! You said you wouldn't take this house from us! That was the deal!" Brooklyn protested.


"Am I taking your house? I'm just sitting here, am I?" Medusa replied, a smile playing on her lips.


Something seemed to drain the power from Brooklyn's legs, and she found herself wanting to kneel before the beautiful woman seated on the sofa in her home.


"But, for what?" Brooklyn struggled to maintain her composure.


"Why are you packing up?" Medusa asked again.


"We're going to sell this house and move to Miami," Brooklyn said, rolling her eyes.


"Oh, the house costs at least three million dollars, right?" Medusa said, smiling as she patted the sofa.


"Ye-yes," Andrew answered.


"Well, I don't mind buying it," Medusa said, her gaze fixed intently on the couple standing before her. "Why, are you afraid of me?" she chuckled.


"You're really intimidating," Brooklyn replied, stuttering.


"Oh, am I really? I thought I was just beautiful," Medusa said while playing with her turban.


"You're beautiful, very beautiful. The most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my whole life," Andrew said shamelessly.


"Andrew!" Brooklyn was hurt hearing it.


"What? How can I not say that? You two can't compare! It's like heaven and hell!" Andrew reasoned.


"But sometimes my beauty comes from hell, you know. Not divine," Medusa smiled, pulling her turban slowly. "So, do you mind if I buy the house from you? I'll pay in cash."


"Three million! Not a penny less than that!" Brooklyn said hurriedly.


"Aw, you're really too much, Brookie," Medusa said.


"I need the money to live!" Brooklyn still didn't budge.


"Well, didn't you have the twenty-seven million? Did you blow it all in seven years?" Medusa asked, pulling her turban more.


"It was because she blew it all in the casino! She's addicted to gambling!" Andrew blamed Brooklyn, and soon the two of them started to bicker and shout at each other. Unaware that Medusa's turban had come off.


"Hey, you two, come look at me," Medusa said, her voice hypnotizing.


As Medusa's gaze fell upon the two humans in front of her, their attention was drawn to the snakes that adorned Medusa's head. The serpents, their scaly bodies entwined and twisted, seemed to writhe and squirm of their own accord, as if alive and feeding off Medusa's dark energy. Brooklyn's and Andrew's eyes, transfixed by the hypnotic dance of the snakes, began to glaze over, their pupils dilating as they succumbed to the ancient curse.


The snakes, sensing Brooklyn's fear, seemed to grow more restless, their forked tongues darting in and out of their mouths as they hissed with an otherworldly intensity. Medusa's cold and calculating eyes seemed to bore into Brooklyn's very soul, as if channeling the dark power of the snakes.


As their gazes remained fixed on the snakes, their bodies began to stiffen and their skin took on a grayish hue. Their muscles, once supple and alive, began to harden, their limbs transforming into rigid, unyielding stones. Their faces, once a picture of beauty and vitality, froze into masks of terror, their features set in perpetual screams of horror.


The transformation was almost imperceptible, yet it seemed to unfold in slow motion, as if time itself were bending to accommodate the ancient magic at work. Brooklyn's and Andrew's bodies, now statues of cold, unyielding stone, stood frozen in place, a testament to Medusa's power.


The snakes, still twisting and writhing on Medusa's head, seemed to hiss in triumph, as if they had claimed another victim for their mistress's dark and eternal collection.


Medusa then stared at the newly added statues in front of her. She then put the turban back on before calling Timothy and Bernard to come inside the house.


"It's safe," Medusa said, sensing the hesitation in Timothy's and Bernard's steps.


"Yes, madam," the two of them answered in unison.


They found Medusa sitting on the sofa, staring at the two statues before her. They could also see the tears rolling down her face. Medusa hated using her power to take human life; Athena's curse made it truly difficult for her to live normally. It was the worst curse the goddesses could have given.


And Medusa despised accidentally or purposefully taking a human life. Whether they deserved it or not, it was still something she was not proud to do. She took a deep breath and wiped the tears from her face.


"Tell Zoey about the house, and let her contact Aleysia. And there are a lot of Aleysia's and her father's things in the basement, bring them to me," Medusa said to Timothy.


"Let Zoey deal with the house; it's up to Aleysia whether she wants to sell this place or not. Fix the ownership of this house, and if you need help, talk to Bernard," she said again to Timothy.


"Yes, madam." Timothy answered.

"Lock all the doors, and take me to a hotel. Get rid of the statues," she told Bernard, then walked to the car.


"Yes, madam," Bernard said while checking to lock all the doors, as Timothy followed Medusa to the car.


"I'll be staying at the hotel tomorrow, just bring all the things from the basement to me. Let me take a look," Medusa said, and let Timothy open the door for her.


"Anything else, ma'am? Are we going to the Lombard Boarding School?" Timothy asked.


"Yes, the day after tomorrow. The headmistress is still the same as the one when Aleysia studied there, right?" Medusa said.


"Yes, still the same person," Timothy answered while Medusa took a seat inside the car.


"Good, you have all the documents already?" She asked Timothy before he closed the door.


"Of course, it's all in one folder. I can send it to your room tonight," he said.


"Yeah, send it," Medusa said, and she allowed Timothy to close the door.


While waiting for Bernard to completely check the house and the surrounding environment, Medusa took her phone out, checking the time and seeing it was already 8 AM in Longyearbyen.


She then dialed the number she was most familiar with, and on the third ring, the voice she missed the most answered the phone. "Ariadne!" The voice sounded excited.


"Hi Aleysia, did you have your breakfast yet?" she asked softly, a smile spreading across her face. Every dark thought, stress, and bad feeling suddenly disappeared from her mind.


"I did, I had smoked salmon for breakfast, with bread. And apple juice," Aleysia spoke about her breakfast to Ariadne. "How about you, have you had your dinner?"


"Not yet, I just finished with work today," Medusa said softly, the tension in her shoulders visibly easing.


"Oh, that's right, the time difference. It's already late there, isn't it?" Aleysia said, her voice gentle and soothing. "You must be exhausted. Make sure you have a good meal, okay? Don't just drink your wine!"


"Okay, I will. I'll ask Timothy to get me some meals for dinner. You heard that, Timothy? My princess wants me to eat dinner," Medusa chuckled.


"I heard it loud and clear, madam. Don't worry, Lady Ale, I'll make sure Miss M- Ariadne has her dinner," Timothy said, catching himself before saying Medusa's name. Medusa gave him a light slap on the head.


"I'm glad to hear it, but since when have I become your princess?" Aleysia asked softly, feeling a bit shy.


"Since the first time we met," Medusa said, even more softly. Timothy felt like he was intruding, and he wanted to get out, but Bernard was already in the car.


"Oh, Bernard's here. We'll go back to the hotel first, and I'll call you while I'm having my dinner. How's that sound?" Medusa said.


"Sounds great! I'll be waiting for your call again!" Aleysia replied excitedly.