

The once noisy prisoners had suddenly fallen into a collective hush, their eyes wide with shock as they stared at Chen Feng. The scene before them was utterly bizarre…

Chen Feng stood there, holding a blood-stained blade, with a fresh corpse at his feet. Yet, his face was adorned with a gentle smile, as if he were a salesman casually presenting his wares to a customer.


Another life snuffed out.

Ma Biao prided himself on being ruthless, having pushed more than twenty people to their deaths, leaving them to be torn apart by monsters. Yet even he felt his heart race and his eyes burn with the adrenaline of killing. It was an involuntary reaction, one he couldn't suppress.

But Chen Feng…

Ma Biao scrutinized him carefully. When Chen Feng killed Ayu, he hadn't even blinked. His eyes were clear—no, indifferent. There was no fear, only a pure, unfiltered disregard for life.

A madman!

Ma Biao swallowed hard. He had to admit, the way this man moved made him uneasy.

"This place isn't bad. It could work as a stronghold. And to thank you for your gift... let me send you all to hell."


Before Ma Biao could process his words, Chen Feng darted toward one of the thugs, the boning knife slicing through the man's chest from top to bottom. Without pausing, Chen Feng pressed the knife deeper, forcing the thug's organs to spill onto the floor.

No hesitation.

Chen Feng moved like a shadow, a predator in the jungle. He flowed forward, his wrist flicking as the blade cut through the throat of a second thug.

In less than ten seconds, two lives were extinguished.

Ma Biao's face went pale. He was utterly stunned by Chen Feng's speed. All thoughts of toying with his prey vanished. As a Professional, he had only one thought left: to kill this scourge before he was next.

"Fire! Shoot him dead!"

The remaining thugs snapped out of their daze. Having seized control of the police station, they had also confiscated several guns. Three of them pulled out pistols, aiming them at Chen Feng. At this range, not even someone as fast as him could escape.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

It was over.

Ma Biao's eyes were bloodshot, his fists clenched tightly. As a former gang leader, he had seen it all. When the apocalypse came, he became a Rock Warrior, and his newfound power fueled his ambition, making him fearless.

In truth, he had every reason to be confident. In just a few days, he had pushed over twenty-five people to their deaths. In this building, he ruled over life and death.

But Chen Feng's arrival had been an unexpected twist.

Within seconds, three lives had been taken. Ma Biao's hackles rose in fear. Although he didn't want to admit it, if Chen Feng had targeted him first, he would likely be a corpse on the floor by now.


Cold sweat trickled down Ma Biao's face. Fortunately... it was all about to end.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of gunshots echoed through the room, followed by the sound of someone grunting in pain and the sudden stench of something foul.

"What is this?"

"A ghost… a ghost!"

"Shoot it! Don't let it get closer!"

As the thugs panicked, a dark, slimy tentacle lashed out, wrapping around a prisoner's waist and slamming him into the ground. In an instant, the man was reduced to a bloody, mangled heap.

The other thugs lost their minds. They scrambled to flee, though a few continued firing their guns, desperate to bring down the monster.

But they had made a fatal mistake.


The creature was a grotesque combination of rotting flesh and sludge. Its decaying body absorbed the bullets with little effect.

The Dretch raised a tentacle, swinging a table with brutal force and knocking down several of the thugs. The impact shattered their chests, turning them into little more than broken bodies.

"What is this thing?" Ma Biao's pupils contracted in horror. He couldn't comprehend how such a monster had appeared before him.

With no time to spare, Ma Biao roared, his arms transforming in an instant into rocky, stone-like limbs—his final trump card as a Rock Warrior.

No matter what…

He had to find a way to kill this thing!

Ma Biao panted, focusing on the Dretch. He took a step forward, ready to unleash his full power on the creature.


Pain shot through his leg, and Ma Biao crumpled to the ground.

An arrow, barbed and cruel, was embedded deep in his left leg.

A long, elegant leg stepped out from behind the monster. The figure belonged to a woman—stunningly beautiful, with long white hair cascading down her back. She held an ornate longbow, her presence commanding and lethal.

An enchanting woman.

The series of unexpected events left Ma Biao completely dazed. A monster, a stunningly dangerous woman—how had they appeared out of nowhere?

"A bunch of useless trash. You're of no use to me."

As he spoke, Chen Feng extended his finger, pointing at the prisoners—sealing their fate.

In the next instant, the Dark Elf's hand glowed with power, her arrows already nocked. At this close range, her strength was more than enough. She released a flurry of shots, each one finding its mark. Within seconds, five more thugs were dead, their bodies collapsing lifelessly to the floor.

Meanwhile, the Dretch surged forward, crushing the remaining thugs before they could react. They didn't even have a chance to scream as they were turned into piles of mangled flesh.


"Don't kill me… I'll let you be the boss… You can make all the decisions…"

"Look at my abilities… I'm different from ordinary people…"

Ma Biao's voice trembled as he begged for his life.

A cold flash of light.

An arrow pierced Ma Biao's throat, blood spraying into the air. The twelve thugs had been reduced to lifeless corpses in mere moments.

Chen Feng was indifferent to death. If someone had the resolve to kill, they should also be prepared to die. These people were wild, untamable. Even if he had taken them under his wing, their loyalty would only be maintained through fear and violence.

Chen Feng preferred things to be simple.

No matter who it was, anyone who stood in the way of his survival was an enemy. And while Chen Feng might not shower his friends with kindness, he could guarantee one thing for his enemies—ruthless and absolute destruction.