
"How could this happen?!"

Feng Zhiyong stared at the scene unfolding before him, his heart overwhelmed with shock, as if a flood had burst its banks, ravaging his very soul. His hands clenched into fists, and a searing rage flared in his eyes.

Ghost Assassin, Qigong Master, Iron Forger

Who could have imagined that a situation so close to victory would deteriorate so rapidly? Three loyal soldiers, men who had fought by his side and were practically his personal guards, now lay dead, their bodies broken and lifeless.


In a world gone mad, the strength of a faction is judged by the number and quality of its Professionals. Though Feng Zhiyong had hastily assembled a thousand-man unit, only thirteen were Professionals. Nine of them were assigned to defend the two other urban districts, leaving the Ghost Assassin and his comrades to accompany Feng Zhiyong into this last and most dangerous sector.

These men were his most trusted, his brothers-in-arms, who had followed him through countless battles, earning honor and glory alongside him.

Now, they were dead.

Once powerful warriors, heroes shaped by military discipline, had glimpsed the dawn of victory—only to be plunged into the depths of darkness by the monstrous beast before them.

"Squad Leader! You killed the Squad Leader!"

"And Zhang, too! He's the one who brought me into the army!"

"What the hell are you?! I refuse to believe you can't be killed!"

"Third Squad, listen to my command—open fire!"

A chorus of fury erupted as more than twenty soldiers stepped forward. They were young and old, from battle-hardened veterans to members of the mess crew. Their combat skills varied, but they were united by one thing: they were soldiers. In this unit, they had become brothers, bound by blood and sacrifice. Now, driven by the sight of their fallen comrades, they raised their weapons and unleashed their fury upon the malformed beast.

They shouted to steel their nerves, positioning themselves at the forefront, directly challenging the silver-ranked abomination that had brought them to the brink of ruin.

Their attack wasn't without effect. The hail of bullets tore into the beast's flesh, and a few fearless soldiers managed to close the distance, increasing their accuracy as they fired point-blank.


The malformed beast lacked the hardened hide of other monsters, possessing only a thick layer of fat. It was merely flesh and blood, and combined with the grievous wounds inflicted by the Iron Forger, the bullets easily pierced its body, sending sprays of blood into the air.

It could be beaten!

It was only flesh and blood—killable, as long as they had enough ammunition!

But before the soldiers could celebrate, the beast took a step forward and swung its massive forelimbs, smashing into the soldiers in the front row.

Blood splattered across the face of a cook, who froze in place, a foul stench filling his nostrils. His vision turned red as three of his comrades were cleaved in half before him, their bodies torn apart at the waist, leaving only a few strands of flesh to hold them together.

Blood pooled on the ground. Though their brains retained some awareness, these men, now only half alive, screamed like tortured spirits as they dragged their broken bodies across the dirt in a desperate, futile attempt to escape the pain.

It must hurt, right?

It must hurt a lot, right?

The cook felt a soul-crushing pain stab through his nerves. The next moment, a searing heat washed over him. Slowly, he lifted his head, only to see a pair of bloodthirsty eyes gazing down at him…

The sight of the malformed beast rampaging through their ranks left the remaining soldiers paralyzed with fear. Some who had already raised their guns now lowered them, unable to act.

The beast had one of their comrades dangling from its jaws. It hadn't crushed him yet, instead, it seemed to be toying with him, shaking him like a rag doll, letting saliva and blood drip to the ground. Some of the soldiers could still recognize him—it was Xiao Wang from the cooking unit, a shy kid from the south…

"Stop it now!"

The Vine Warlock cried out in horror, channeling his power into the ground. Thick vines erupted from the earth, wrapping around the malformed beast and holding it tight.


But before the Warlock could breathe a sigh of relief, the beast roared and flexed its powerful muscles, shattering the vines in an instant. A silver-level creature, especially one driven into a berserk rage by injury, couldn't be held by mere vines.


Feng Zhiyong's hair was disheveled, and his body trembled uncontrollably. The strength of the malformed beast far exceeded his expectations. Despite the barrage of bullets, it remained unyielding. What kind of monster was this?

Should he let the beast continue its rampage, or should he order the soldiers to open fire now?

Now was the best chance to kill it. The beast was deep in the throes of its bloodlust—heavy firepower could finish it off. But what about the soldiers caught in the crossfire?

If they opened fire now, those men would become collateral damage.

Feng Zhiyong was torn, two voices battling in his mind. One said, 'No, they are your most loyal soldiers—they still have a chance to survive.' The other urged, 'Shoot! This is your best opportunity. If you let the monster escape, it will be even harder to kill it later!'

There was no time to wait!

So many had already died. If he hesitated now, the beast would remain a lurking threat.

A beast like this was like a ghost in the shadows.

Just thinking about it made Feng Zhiyong's head throb.

He clenched his fists, his eyes filled with guilt and sorrow as he looked at the soldiers. He had no choice.

To liberate this city, sacrifices had to be made. It wasn't just these soldiers—if necessary, even he would have to lay down his life!

Feng Zhiyong closed his eyes, unable to bear the sight of what was about to happen. His lips trembled as he gave the order. "Fire…"

"What? Commander, our brothers are still in there!"

"Yes, if we shoot now, they won't stand a chance…"

"How can you do this?"

The other soldiers stared at him in disbelief, their voices rising in desperate pleas.

"I said, fire!"

Feng Zhiyong's eyes snapped open. Gone was the hesitation. Now, he exuded the authority of a commander, his tone leaving no room for argument.


The soldiers understood all too well. With their comrades as bait, the chances of killing the beast were much higher. But these were their brothers-in-arms, men they had fought alongside through countless battles. Unity and trust had been their first lesson, and now, their leader was ordering them to kill their own. How could they bring themselves to do it?

The thought of pulling the trigger on their comrades was like a knife to their hearts, leaving them paralyzed with indecision.

"What are you waiting for? I said shoot! Shoot, you cowards! Wastes! Now… I order you… to shoot!"

Feng Zhiyong's voice was hoarse, his usual cold demeanor shattered. This was the man who had taught them that men bleed but never cry, the man who had lived half his life in the military. Now, tears streamed down his face, his eyes wet with sorrow. His voice trembled as he repeated, "Shoot…"

There was no other way.


If they didn't shoot now, when would they?

"Ah! I'll kill you!"

"Damn it, go to hell!"

"Xiao Wu, in the next life, I'll still be your brother!"

The soldiers, their eyes red with anger and grief, raised their guns and took aim at the monster and their comrades locked in a deadly embrace.


One of the soldiers, gun raised, froze, his face contorted in disbelief. He pointed ahead, shouting, "Wait… look over there!"

On the rooftop not far away stood a tall, slender figure.

His expression was cold, his eyes deep and penetrating. Under normal circumstances, such a demeanor would have made him seem distant, unapproachable. But now… in this moment of despair, with the soldiers lost and confused, his presence was like a blast of frigid air, calming the fevered heat in their hearts.

The sight of him made them forget to pull the trigger.

The terrifying creature, a malformed beast, inspired no fear in him. His face remained expressionless, not betraying a single hint of emotion.

"The death toll is sufficient."

Chen Feng's voice was a low murmur, barely audible. Then, with a swift motion of his arm, an invisible wave of energy burst forth.

Two dark shapes materialized beside him, twisting and writhing like living shadows. The outlines of these sinister forms sharpened, revealing themselves to the soldiers below.

Dark Elf.

Creatures devoted to death, with a malevolent will. They were born in darkness, manifestations of the darkest, most twisted thoughts.

Darkness, distortion, pain, and torment.

The figure of the Dark Elf was cloaked in black. Her slender neck and supple bosom, half-concealed, were as smooth as polished jade. Her waist, impossibly narrow, could be encircled with one hand, and her long, graceful legs were bare, even her delicate feet exuding an alluring charm, inviting desire with every silent step.

Her attire was scandalously seductive, but compared to the expression on her face, it paled in comparison.

Her large eyes, brimming with mischief and allure, were veiled in a misty haze, exuding an irresistible charm. Her small mouth curved into a faint smile, lips slightly parted as if inviting someone to taste their forbidden sweetness. She was a creature who radiated seduction from the very core of her being, a woman who seemed to be constantly tempting, constantly pulling at the strings of any man's mind.

But she was more than just a temptress.

The Dark Elf was a master of manipulation, using not just her body but her mind as a weapon. In the treacherous depths of the Abyss, where danger lurked around every corner, brute strength alone wasn't enough to survive. Cunning, deception, and allure were just as lethal, and the Dark Elves wielded these with deadly precision.

The malformed beast sensed a threat. It raised its head, eyes glowing red as they locked onto Chen Feng. It was as if the beast was warning him, staking its claim: this was its territory. Turn back now or face the consequences.

"If you were at your peak, I wouldn't dare make a move against you," Chen Feng's voice was cold and cutting. "But now? You've taken countless bullets, you've drained your strength killing those Professionals, and you've got nothing left—barely a fraction of your power remains. And you think you can still scare me off? Pathetic."

Chen Feng's eyes flashed with a piercing, bone-chilling light. He commanded with a voice like the edge of a blade, "Kill it."

The Dark Elf's eyes gleamed with a cruel light. In her world, females were the rulers, and males were mere slaves or tools for reproduction. But Chen Feng was different. As her master, he exuded an aura of divine authority—an inviolable, irresistible force. When he expressed even the slightest dissatisfaction, she had been met with swift and merciless punishment, a treatment she had never experienced in her life as a Dark Elf.

And yet, this cruelty fascinated her.

Chen Feng had always managed to find the most powerful prey for her to hunt and torment.

Silver level.

Though the malformed beast was now wounded, its wings shattered, its chest gouged by the Iron Forger, and its body riddled with bullet holes, its aura remained terrifyingly powerful.

The Goddess Lolth, whom the Dark Elves worshipped, was a savage and tyrannical ruler who reveled in cruelty. She blessed those who delighted in the torture and slaughter of powerful enemies. Some Dark Elves, in a bid to please their goddess, would even capture sacred unicorns, corrupting their purity with darkness and death to gain Lolth's favor.

And now, here was Chen Feng—a master who gave her the chance to kill powerful foes, a master who treated her as nothing more than an expendable pawn, a master who was as cruel and tyrannical as Lolth herself. The Dark Elf trembled as she looked at Chen Feng, a misty veil of desire clouding her eyes. Her legs weakened, her chest tingled with a strange, aching sensation. In her short, violent life, there had been only one figure etched into her soul—Lolth. But now, a second image had begun to carve itself into her heart.


The Dark Elf pulled back her bowstring, and in the next instant, a black arrow shot out with a sharp 'twang', streaking through the air like a beam of dark light. It struck the malformed beast with deadly precision, piercing its ankle.


The beast howled in agony, its once-dominant presence now faltering. Hit by an arrow as swift and powerful as a hurricane, the malformed beast was forced into retreat, unable to even attempt to dodge.


Another surge of overwhelming power coursed through the beast. It was lost in a blind fury, its rationality completely shattered. Its forelimbs, dripping with red blood, flexed as its muscles swelled and its claws extended, becoming more like the limbs of a devil, exuding a terrifying aura that could crush stone into dust with a single squeeze.


But it was futile. No matter how violent the malformed beast became, it had lost the ability to fly. Now, it was nothing more than a sitting target, easily shot down by the Dark Elf's relentless barrage.

Ankle, wrist, chest, waist, eyes…

With five arrows, the Dark Elf turned the once-mighty malformed beast into a pitiful creature, riddled with wounds and crippled by pain.

A Great Master.

A Proud Master.

A Cruel Master.

The Dark Elf raised another arrow, her lips trembling slightly, though her aim remained steady and true. To please her master, she would personally deliver the final blow to this wretched beast…