
Ghouls may seem ferocious, but their defenses are surprisingly fragile. Their bloodthirsty frenzy, effective only against the weak, crumbles when faced with true strength. When they encounter a formidable opponent, their frenzied charges become futile, hastening their demise.

As the battle raged, some ghouls began to waver, sensing something was terribly wrong. The enemy's strength far exceeded their own, especially the Harbinger who blocked their path. Neither claws nor teeth could pierce the Harbinger's impenetrable defenses.


The fear that had once gripped the humans now spread to the ghouls. Some of the more cowardly creatures hesitated, their attacks faltering as they looked around, unsure of what to do next.

Ghouls are not mindless beasts; they possess a twisted sense of self-preservation. They revel in preying on the weak, but when faced with a stronger foe, they know when to flee.

And now, their morale shattered.

One ghoul turned to flee, but before it could take a step, an arrow pinned it to the ground. It struggled feebly for a moment before succumbing to death.

Chen Feng had no intention of leaving any survivors.

The camp would be slaughtered.

He needed the bloodshed to cement his dominance.


The Harbinger crushed the last ghoul beneath its heel, its body drenched in blood, with pieces of flesh clinging to its face. Yet, it was not satisfied—undead creatures never tire. For them, flesh and blood are the ultimate sustenance, and nothing excites them more than the thrill of the kill.

Every creature has its own path to power.

Dretches ascend by devouring, Dark Elves through sacrifice, and Harbinger thrive on pure slaughter. Blood and torment fuel their rise to power.

The Harbinger turned, its scarlet eyes locking onto Wei Xun and the others. The raw, undisguised killing intent made everyone feel as though they had plunged into icy water; even breathing became a struggle.


Chen Feng snapped his fingers, and the Harbinger and Dark Elf vanished. Only then did the crowd gasp for breath, as if awakening from a nightmare.

What had just transpired felt like a fever dream.

But the mangled corpses strewn across the ground were undeniable proof that it had been all too real.

Dozens of people turned their gazes to the calm figure of Chen Feng, their eyes filled with newfound reverence.

Admiration, worship, shock, fanaticism—a maelstrom of emotions swirled within them.

Just as those who live by the sea worship Poseidon, believing the god can protect them from the deadly waves, and shepherds worship the sun, which ensures the prosperity of their pastures, so too do gamblers, thugs, and prostitutes have their own deities they pray to.

Faith is born from fear.

These people believed that by pledging their loyalty to the gods, they would receive blessings and protection in their darkest hours.

Now, as they gazed at Chen Feng with burning eyes, it was as if they were beholding a divine being descended to the mortal world. The aura around him seemed to pierce through their very souls.

To these survivors, the ghouls were fearsome, unbeatable enemies. But to Chen Feng, they were nothing more than helpless prey, slaughtered effortlessly without a chance to resist.

Is this his power?

The thought sent chills down their spines as they collectively drew in a sharp breath.

Chen Feng turned, his gaze sweeping over the group before he spoke, "What are you standing around for? Get moving and start loading the supplies!"

"Yes!" they responded eagerly, their voices tinged with newfound respect.

The group snapped to action, their previous fear now replaced by a fierce determination. Though the terror still lingered, their faces now held a healthier, almost reverent glow.

After all, with such a ruthless leader, what was left to fear? Like the ghouls, no matter how terrifying, they ultimately crumbled before him.

The slaughter of the ghouls had elevated Chen Feng's prestige to new heights. In this situation, no one dared disobey his commands.

Wei Xun had been right—the ghouls at the trading post seemed to have come out in full force, and Chen Feng had decimated them all in a single, brutal sweep. The operation proceeded smoothly, and within just over an hour, everyone was loaded with supplies. Some even found tools to aid in transport, and this single haul was enough to sustain the people in the air-raid shelter for over a month.

Because of the heavy load, their return journey was slower. As the sun began to set, the group neared the air-raid shelter.

Chen Feng had been walking idly, but as he glanced up, his expression suddenly darkened.

"Someone's been here," Chen Feng muttered darkly, his voice low and edged with suspicion.

A trail of footprints led from the north, vanishing at the entrance of the shelter.

"Dretch!" Chen Feng called out, his eyes narrowing as he sought answers. If the footprints disappeared at the entrance, it meant that whoever left them had likely met a gruesome fate.

Wei Xun, puzzled by Chen Feng's sudden stop, froze when he saw a small head emerge from the shelter's entrance.

"A child?" he whispered, disbelief creeping into his voice.

There were no children in the shelter. Where had she come from? The wilderness was a death trap, yet she had survived unscathed. She was certainly lucky. But... something about her was off, unsettling.

Wei Xun's brow furrowed, sensing something strange. Just as he opened his mouth to question her, his words died in his throat, replaced by a gasp of shock. He staggered back, collapsing to the ground, his mind reeling in horror.

Even when confronted with the Harbinger, he hadn't lost his composure like this!

The reason was simple—the sight before him was overwhelmingly grotesque. What he had first seen as a cute little girl now revealed itself to be a monstrous abomination. Her head, disturbingly innocent, sat atop a massive sludge-like body writhing with countless human arms.

A child's head with an eerie smile, perched grotesquely on top.

A writhing sludge of a body, pulsating and unnatural.

A mass of dead, grasping hands, twitching as if they still hungered for life.

Wei Xun felt the world tilt beneath him, his mind spinning into madness.

How could such a nightmare exist in this world?!

The monster noticed the group, its pretty face contorting into an excited grin as it began to crawl toward them, dragging its grotesque form across the ground.

Wei Xun's mind went blank. He wanted to flee, but the panicked crowd blocked his escape. Paralyzed, he could only watch in horror as the creature drew closer, its grotesque form inching nearer!


"maSteR..." The monster suddenly spoke, its voice unnervingly sharp, like that of a boy who had yet to undergo puberty.

Wei Xun's trembling body stiffened as if ensnared by a dark force. His eyes darted to Chen Feng. Master? Was this monstrosity calling Chen Feng "Master"?

"hUg mE..." The creature's voice shifted again, this time taking on the voice of a lecherous man.

"Old... Rat?" Wei Xun's eyes widened in terror, his body going cold. He knew that voice—it belonged to someone he had once known!

Chen Feng stood to the side, his expression cold and severe, laced with a hint of curiosity. The Dretch didn't just devour lives—it consumed their very essence, mimicking the voices of its victims.

"That voice... Show me the body it came from!" Chen Feng commanded, his tone devoid of warmth.

The demon tilted its head, and after a moment, the sludge on its body began to writhe. Within seconds, a pale human head emerged from the muck at the Dretch's neck, its face frozen in a rictus of terror, pupils dilated in the horror of its final moments.

"You recognize him?" Chen Feng asked, raising an eyebrow at Wei Xun.

"This... this is one of Wang Yong's men, no doubt about it. He's called Rat. He was the one who negotiated with us earlier! He's also one of Wang Yong's closest allies, one of the three with powers!" Wei Xun's chest tightened with dread as he stared at the grotesque sight. There was no mistaking it—the head emerging from the sludge was indeed the twisted Rat.


How did he end up here?

"Wang Yong?" Chen Feng's voice dripped with disdain.

So diplomacy had failed, and now the enemy resorted to brute force. If not for the Dretch, the air-raid shelter might have already been reduced to rubble.

Chen Feng's eyes narrowed, a cruel smirk twisting his lips as he let out a cold chuckle. "I didn't come looking for you, but you brought yourself to me. In that case..."

Kill them all.

Chen Feng knew the rule well—strike first, strike hard. Wang Yong would be the first to fall in his path to domination.