Plans for gwen funeral,is skyrocketing with high speed

Two weeks to the wedding

alysa what's the matter? nothing I just think it's malaria.then we have to see a doctor.

Yes mum I agree with dad.harry said.

that's my boy let's get going.


Bill am feeling tired and dizzy

don't worry after the test we go home.

Several test were carried out on alysa and it was confirmed that she was pregnant again? but well that's good news

what do you think will be bill reaction? of course flee as usual?.

But no bill was over excited.alysa was just dumb founded,well thanks to the almighty.

but you didn't tell me---------.

Hurray!! finally harry shouted I will have a sibling.

Mum, Dad do you know my friend's worry me about my siblings?

don't worry you will have one okay?


Now let's get going.