Later in the day

emelia came visiting and saw harry reading newspaper

Hey harry good evening

Oh emy good evening

So you decided to visit us?

yes I decided to come over

( Initially harry admired emelia.he loved emelia) constantly emelia has turned down his request but deep down her heart , she loved harry.

Um so you said you are looking for Sarah?



after you

Knock! knock! knock! who is there? Sarah asked

is me emelia

Oh come in

As emelia came in Sarah Hugged her, how have you been?


so emy I wanted to tell you something

like what

You see Jerry is insulted me all because of I refused to come to his house, please can you explain to me his ulterior motive or aim?

Hahaha emelia laughed, Sarah frowned

you see Jerry wanted to sleep with you.sarah was so shocked,yeah I overheard him telling Jake and Steve which happens to be daisy and Vanessa boyfriend, so after today I also overheard him telling Jake and Steve that handi was too hot and that she is hundred percent better than you

Buh,buh how could he say such Sarah asked

you don't know Jerry, he's pompous, proud and arrogant okay thank you for this advice

Let me see you off

5 minutes later at wethedral road

emelia I want to ask you something

go on

do you love my brother

no not really

Emelia just only the truth

Okay you got me yes

so can we leave the topic please

and discuss what

about your new crush



Oh no, redruth is not my crush,only a friend

a friend?

Yeah,beside why do you ask?

Sarah be closer to redruth, because Vanessa say's that she will dump Steve and make sure redruth love her


why do you laugh

because redruth studied their character, and came personally to me asking me for my help to help him, operate the coffee machine


Infact emy next week bye
