Sarah came to school looking quite cheerful, harry decided to escort her as they reached the school gate, they met handi, Vanessa and daisy

Waoh what a handsome cutie handi said

But they were shocked to the marrow when they learnt that emelia was in love with him.

Urgh my plans keep spoiling

eh,eh,eh,miss planner keep planning.they said

Sarah heard all that and just passed them without saying a word.

The three exchanged glance's and quickly went after Sarah to know the problem

Sarah what's wrong? Vanessa asked

you girls should just leave me

I saw the red flag, but never knew it was like this.they were still surprised

Handi so you went to the extent of sleeping with Jerry well, well done and all of you here, even you Vanessa claiming to dupe Steve and be with redruth.well be dreaming and dream very well.


But how did she know all this act was the question on their lips .