Redruth ran after Jerry and saw him on the backyard forcing himself in Sarah

What are you doing redruth said punching Jerry

Jerry fell down and was shocked t the marrow

Wait you actually punched me? Jerry said coming closer to redruth

Yeah and let me remind you,stay clear from Sarah, do you know you almost raped her?

Jerry slapped redruth, punched him, shove him to the ground and started beating him

Oh no Sarah said weakly,am sorry redruth for drawing you into this

Jerry has beaten redruth to stupor and faced Sarah, you are mine.

No I can never be yours, you animal

You called me an animal? Jerry said beating Sarah

Redruth was awakened by Sarah's cry and quickly charged at Jerry

redruth took a cradle stick and hit Jerry, and Jerry fell down.

Redruth managed to carry Sarah (redruth is really strong). to her home and on reaching Sarah's home entrance

Harry, bill, and alysa came running to him

alysa started crying

Redruth collapsed and blackout