Chapter eight: Erika

Emma's Pov

Training ended by 8:30 but the doors of the training center got locked by 10 so I stayed back while every other person left.

With the music playing at it's loudest, I didn't notice the training center had gotten really quiet until it was 9:45 and I heard the warning go off, notifying whoever was in the building that the doors would be locked by 10pm.

I quickly changed from my dance wears to the casual clothing I had worn when I came, arranged my bags and rushed out. I made it out 5 minutes before it was 10.

I hadn't noticed before but this place seemed extremely quiet and creepy now that it was all empty.

It seemed like I was the last person around - Wait, hold that thought, someone else just walked out a minute to 10, wow.

And that someone turned out to be Jace, he looked gloomy unlike his over energetic self. His hair wet and a towel slung over his shoulder while he held a backpack.

I was sitting on a pavement outside the training center waiting for a cab though it didn't look like I was gonna be getting one, I wanted to hide my face so Jace wouldn't see me and bug me but I didn't have a face cap, hat or mask on me so I sat still and looked towards the opposite direction from which he was coming.

To my surprise, he walked right past me, I was surprised and excited but something felt off.

I watched him go until he stopped a few steps past me, made an audible groan then turned around and walked to where I was seated and stopped in front of me.

"You won't get a cab here, it's best you start walking home" He said without a smile or smirk on his face, he rather looked drained of his energy, his eyes red like he had been in water for long, 'a bath or the swim academy?' I wondered.

"What do you mean walk back home, it took a bit over 20 minutes to get here with a ride"

I argued as the thought of walking that long distance didn't entice me in anyways.

"I wish I could leave you seating here by yourself"

"Why can't you?"

"Cause my conscience won't let me obviously"

"I'm not leaving by foot, no, that's an impossible feet"

"Fine then, suit yourself"

"Yes I will"

"Urrrgggg, you'd get up this instant unless you want me to throw you over my shoulder" he had a small smirk when he said this but he looked dead serious.

I stared wordlessly at him until I saw him advance towards me, I jumped on my feet and picked my bag up.

"Fine, I'll go with you".

We walked at a rather slow pace, the streets seemed to be as quiet as a grave yard, it was frightening, I brought out my phone but it was down already, 'shoot'.

I needed to reach home, they must be worried sick seeing the time and that my phone was off.

I looked at the quiet Jace and made to break the ice but I was too scared to make a sound.

Ever felt this odd feeling of wanting to be dead quiet when every other thing seemed to be dead.

I tapped him on his arm and he looked at me, he had been quiet ever since we left the training center.

"Do you perhaps have your phone on you" I asked but he simply shook his head without giving much of an answer.

He noticed I wasn't satisfied with that as I kept on staring at him so he sighed and said

"It's in the car"

"And the car is where?"

"Jake rode it home"

"Why didn't you leave with him?"

"Just because"

And with that we went back to being quiet but I wasn't quite comfortable with it.

"You know I find it all cool, how you're quiet and all but it's a bit surprising, why so quiet or is this a mood that came with nights?" I whispered to his hearing trying not to be too loud.

He laughed when he heard my question before replying.

"If I didn't know better, I'd say you miss me being loud and no it's not a nights mood, just tonight though"

"Get over yourself, I don't miss it, if at all, I really love this mood"

"The mood or the person?" he said with a small smile this time, it was a genuine smile.

"Definitely the mood, so what caused the mood, I need to say my thanks" When I said this, he only laughed without really giving an answer.

Just before I could say any other thing, a light from a car Shone on us, it took me a few seconds to realize it was Pete. He came out the car immediately and pulled me into a hug while Jace watched quietly.

"You got me worried there Em"

"I'm sorry, I didn't know there weren't any cabs by this time and my phone was down"

He was about pulling me to the car when he noticed Jace, he looked from Jace to me but decided to swallow his words.

"You should come with us, you do live across after all"

"He does?" I asked wide eyed while Pete laughed.

"Of course he does"

"I thought he was an annoying stalker"

We looked back to Jace who had just been watching us talk about him all the while.

"I think I'm good, I'll just walk home" he finally said.

That's not happening unfortunately, before my conscious mind knew what was happening, my subconscious mind had left Pete and walked over to Jace taking him by the hand and dragging him to the car, I even opened the door before I knew what was going on.

Both Pete and Jace stared at me like I had just gone mad when I realized what I just did.

"let's go already" I said and rushed into the front passenger seat while Pete got in the driver's side and Jace the back.

It was a quiet ride until we got home, Jace got out the door and just before he left, I said to him.

"You're not as bad as I thought, well that's as long as you're quiet, see you around tomorrow" he smiled again then waved at us as he crossed the road.

I think I could get used to seeing his smile.....

A new day to avoid all the drama that came along with Jace, what are the odds of that happening, yh right, your guess is as good as mine.

But still I was gonna try my best to avoid it, him? them?. Well anything or anyone that seemingly looked like drama. I was wearing a black hoodie, black leggings and a black can.

I topped it up with a black face cap and nose masks, there can never be too much black after all. I picked up my bag and rushed down, to catch a ride with Pete.

"What the devil!! What in Black's name are you wearing?!" Pete exclaimed as soon as he saw me. "Clothes obviously" I replied, laughing at his reaction.

He walked over to me taking off the masks and hood I had worn over the cap, "I don't remember having a hooligan for a sister" he stood still for a while, staring at me then sighed tiredly, "I won't even ask, let's just go".

I laughed and entered the car while he turned around to get to the driver's side. When we got to my school, Pete found a good distance to park as he tried to avoid yesterday's drama. I bade him goodbye and rushed to get to school before I was spotted by you know who.

When I got inside, I noticed almost everyone in pairs talking, well more like whispering about something but it definitely wasn't about me, they didn't even notice me, that was good, right?

I went over to my locker since I didn't know what was going on, "Emma!!!" Ana called out as she ran to me, engulfing me in a hug as soon as she got to me.

"You got me so worried yesterday, I couldn't find you after you left the cafeteria, you weren't in any of your classes and I didn't see you even after school. I didn't even have your number so I couldn't call and...." Ana went on and on until I interrupted her.

"I'm fine Ana, I just felt so embarrassed when I realized my mistake, I couldn't go back to the cafeteria and I hid from all my classes" "Aren't you just the silliest" Ana said and we both laughed.

"But Ana, did something happen today?"

"Something always happens" she replied with a laugh before she went on.

"The school is in an uproar because of Erika's return."

"Erika? Who is she"

"Well I don't know which would be right to say, she's both Jace's and Will's ex, Jace and Wills used to be best of friends before Erika, we don't know what happened for sure but she's the cause of their enemity"

Just as Ana spoke, a girl walked in whom I supposed to be Erika because of the reaction she got from other students. She's a beautiful girl with short wavy brunette curls, she strolled down the hall with a certain pride "Speak of the devil" I heard Ana whisper.

My day was going smoother than expected, and now we were having PE, Ana and I went to the locker room to change our wears and hurriedly went to the gym.

Now you'll think I was a sucker for sports but hell no I wasn't, Ana was though, she's like the first nerd I'm seeing who takes sports seriously like it were a book.

I was planning on hiding at the back and avoiding most of the sports but it seems Mr Gean, the PE teacher had different plans for me, how I caught his attention I still don't know, oh wait, I guess the face cap made me stand out, why I didn't take it off still is a mystery to me.

The first task was "dodgeball" it'll take grace to not be hit flat on my face. We were five on each team, I had Ana, a petite red hair, a black hair dude on glasses who looked like he had no enthusiasm to be here just like me and

the only person who looked like a sports person, what were the odds of winning?

The other team had 4 huge guys and an only girl with a beautiful smile that'll make you consider throwing the ball at your own teammate rather than hitting her, too much of an exargiration? maybe, but I'm sure you get my point. Erika was that beautiful, I see why two friends could hate on each other because of her, she kinda messes with your head.

Just before the match started, Jace, Jake, Matty, Felix and Cindy walked in, "The popular group of hotties" it was the first time I was seeing Jace today and I didn't feel good about it.

"Hey girlfriend, do a good job out there, I'm cheering for you" Jace said with a cheeky smile as he walked towards the bleachers, I rolled my eyes at him before looking back at the opposing team, meeting Erika glaring at me, why do I feel like I just turned to a target....