Chapter thirteen: Hide and seek

Will's POV

It was lunch time and I wasn't really feeling it, I was pissed off and annoyed after running into Erika. It all just fueled my hate for Jace and I'll make sure he felt the same pain I felt.

I was sitting alone in the library when Emma walked in sighing, she looked tired. She moved around the shelf for a while before picking a book and settling down on one of the seats to read it.

I looked at her and I couldn't help remembering the scene from earlier today, I had seen Jace watching her intently, then she saw him and was about walking to him when I stopped her.

I saw how pained he looked afterwards and I liked it, I guess she was my key to revenge and I was gonna make the best use of it. I walked up to where she was seated, she was reading a novel, "Chosen Prey" by John Sanford.

I was familiar with it and it wasn't your usual all round romance like most girls would read. She was so focused, she didn't notice me plop down lazily on the seat next to hers.

"Nice book you got there" I said, startling her a little which was totally not intended. "OMG Wills, how are you even here?"

"Well I was here even before you walked in" I replied chuckling.

"Shouldn't you be in the cafeteria or something?" She asked me

"Well I could ask you the same thing"

"I guess I just needed to escape the whole crowd, the peace and quiet, you know?"

"Totally, I can relate. I needed to clear my mind too"

She looked up at me and gave me a small smile before turning back to face her book. I lay my head on the desk, I was going to get on her good side then I'd use her to ruin Jace.

Emma's POV

After my outburst with Jace earlier, I don't think I was ready to face him again, not just yet at least.

During lunch I went to the library instead of the cafeteria, though Ana wanted to come with, I urged her not to since she was hungry and I wasn't.

I ended up running into Wills at the library, he seems like a nice guy but kinda like a lonely folk. He sat next to me, head on the desk and eyes closed while I read a novel when my stomach decided it was it's job to embarrass me.

It made a loud rumbling sound while my hands instinctively held my stomach, prolly trying to stop it's rumbling. Wills opened his eyes and looked at me but said nothing.

It made another sound, this time louder than before, Wills sat up straight now, looking at me, skeptical then asked "Are you hungry?" I tightened my hands around my stomach, looked at him then shook my head otherwise.

Almost immediately it made a louder rumbling sound and Wills chucked. "C'mon let's get you something to eat" he said already getting up from his seat.

"But the cafeteria, I don't want to go there" I pouted

"We could always sneak out"

"Urmm isn't that a little too much?"

"It's daring, aren't you daring?"

My stomach rumbled more, so much for saying I wasn't hungry. "Awww what ever, let's go" I picked up my bag and we rushed out of the library.

Just outside the library, I saw Jace coming our way, oh shoot you've got to be kidding me. Just before I dashed away, he saw me, he looked from Wills to me and I noticed a hint of anger before I ran away leaving Wills behind.

I entered our chemistry lab and hid under the teacher's desk. What on Earth were we doing, a game of hide and seek? He was avoiding me and now I was avoiding him.

I stayed under the desk for a while, my stomach rumbling, I couldn't take it anymore, I decided to come out but just then I heard the doors open and rushed back under the desk hitting my head in the process.

"Ouch" I yelped, whoever it is that came in must have heard it cause he came straight to the teacher's desk and squatted so he could see me.

"Jace" I whispered while he smiled, it was beautiful.

"I figured you might be hungry" he said raising the chips bag and coffee he had in his hand then continued. "Seeing how you weren't at the cafeteria, I figured you must be avoiding me but I won't anymore"

"Uhh? You won't what?"

"Run away, I won't run away anymore, from it and from you"

I stared blankly at Jace unable to form a sentence or reply...

Jace's POV

"Run away, I won't run away from it and from you anymore" I said to her while she stared blankly at me, prolly too shocked to make a comeback reply.

I didn't feel okay seeing her with Wills yes, but it hurt even more being away so I was just gonna face it head-on. "Do you plan on staying under the desk all day" I asked her, a mischievous grin on my face "Uhh?..... Oh right" She said trying to get up and out "Watch your head" I tried to warn but it was already too late, she had smacked her head on the table.

"Oucchh, oh f4ck it" she exclaimed but her choice of words surprised me a little as I let out a chuckle. I helped her out, then handed over the chips and coffee I had gotten for her when she was done straightening her dress.

"Earlier ago"

When we had seen Ana walk in the cafeteria alone, I kinda knew something was off. One look at me from Jake and he knew my thoughts immediately, well it's either that or an excuse to talk to Ana as he walked up to her immediately.

She had gotten an empty table away from every other person. Five seconds after Jake got to her table, he took her hand and lifted her food tray leading her to our table. "A cutie like you shouldn't be eating alone" He said to her as they got closer to us.

"I'm not the only one seeing this right? Our daddy bear might be the first to leave the single crew" Felix teased and we laughed.

"You say it like you're just noticing it" Matty countered

"No no no, you don't get it Matt, we know he's always liked my nerdy cousin, what's new, is his new found courage" Cindy added excitedly

"That's just it, she gets me" Felix added giving Cindy a knuckle fist.

I looked at them all and smiled, they were the crazy set of persons I had as friends, in as much as they acted like kids most times, they were simply the best.

"I won't be surprised you've been talking about me all this time" Jake said as he got back to the table still holding Ana's hand.

"Of course, we were talking about the fact we'll be having a mommy bear soon" Felix teased earning a wack from Matty immediately.

"Why am I always on the receiving end of wack and slaps" Felix groaned

"Prolly because you're the youngest" Cindy said

"And we know you're a blabber mouth so we try to keep that in check" Jake added.

I looked at Ana who just sat in between Felix and Jake, she looked kinda shy, nah, more like extremely shy. "I don't see Emma around" I said to her causing everyone's attention to her.

"That's cause she isn't here"

"Where then?" I pushed for an answer

"The library..... Shoot I shouldn't have said that" her hands flew up to cover her mouth as soon as she said that and I chuckled at her expression.

"Well then, thanks for that info, I'll catch up with you guys later" With that I stood up, leaving for the library.

"How come the twin's loving up at the same time and we aren't?" I heard Felix say then a wack again, prolly from Cindy this time as she hushed him up.

"Ow man, seriously that hurts" he whined.


Emma looked weirdly at me before asking how I knew where she was. "Well that's a secret" I chuckled as I started walking out of the class and she followed behind.

The bell went off and it was time for the next class, I had history, I wonder what she was having. "See you around Pretty" I said to her walking off.

History class started and it was pretty much boring, well until someone ran in panting "I'm sorry I kinda got confused with the classes" she said and I couldn't help smiling. I guess history won't be as boring as I thought.