Chapter 11

The next morning, I woke up determined to speak to my parents about Margot. I wanted to recommend her to them, and I wanted them to better treat this woman. I had grown attached to her and didn't want to see her so upset.

I got dressed and walked down to breakfast. It was a beautiful day outside. Through the tall windows of the corridors, I could see the green grass of the park, shining from the night dew under the bright sunlight. In the air, was that excitement that is typical of late spring: the days are getting longer and warmer; summer is approaching; birds chirp merrily; the domestic animals rest lazily under the shade, and people are infused with new vigour: they talk to one another excitedly, and all past disagreements are forgotten.

I was in this spirit when I entered the room where we took our meals, but my merriment was cut short. My father's mood had not improved. If possible, he was even gloomier and in a darker frame of mind than the day prior.

My mother and my brothers too sat at the table. Usually, they would have been engaged in conversation: one would be recounting stories of a recent hunt; another would be reciting an interesting passage from a book. But today they were lost in thought.

When a question was asked, the answer was curt. Everybody was aware of father's situation by now, and they all feared that a word could cause a violent outburst. Nay, they all feared that a word might force him to reveal the danger we were in, and, as I believe we were by then vain and spoilt by the luxury we had been raised in, nobody wanted to hear bad news.

I had to postpone my plans to discuss Margot's situation.

I quietly sat at the table and ate my food. I looked around, but nobody would meet my gaze. I didn't dare to speak a word.

My mother looked pale and nervous. My brothers had a lost expression on their faces. Our father's dark complexion appeared darker, like his mood that day. He bit his lip and worked with his hands, as if he was handling imaginary objects.

Finally, he stood up, and, without a word, he left.

My brothers whispered something to each other, but our mother begged us to be quiet, as she had a bad headache.

Soon after, she too left.

'I will be lying down in my chambers,' she announced.

My elder brother began pacing the room.

'Ah!' he said, with a tone of someone talking to himself, lost in thought, but really putting on a performance for us to admire, 'Business can be a harsh mistress. Father might struggle to find a solution.'

This pessimistic thought seemed to give him some pleasure, maybe because he believed it was all a fiction that would soon resolve itself in the best possible way, while its reality terrified me.

Blaise too assumed a pensive air and announced:

'Brother, you and I might have to find the solution ourselves.'

Armand echoed this sentiment:

'That might be so. It is time for youthful energy.'

Blaise nodded.

'You are lucky, sister,' Armand continued, 'a woman, especially with her good looks and her good name to recommend her, never has to worry.'

'Men, on the other hand, have a heavier load to carry. All the responsibility is on their shoulders,' Blaise said in agreement.

The tone of this conversation was irksome, and I didn't want to listen to another word of it. I stood up and marched towards the door. There, I stopped and, upon leaving, said:

'What can you two do? You have no education and no trade.'

This commend, borne out of fear for what might happen more than any ill feelings for my brothers whom I loved dearly, cut deeply in that it was very true.

My brothers' faces dropped. Armand recovered himself quickly and said:

'When I want the opinion of an ignorant girl with no place in the world, I will seek your advice.'

Blaise's laughed, but his laugh sounded hollow, as he clearly perceived that my remark was indeed veritable.

I wanted very much to apologise. They were indeed allowed to discuss the matter in any way they found fit. It certainly made no difference.

'Please leave us,' Armand ordered.

I looked at my brother. His face was stern, impassible. He was determined not to show me that I had wounded his pride.

I closed the door. I felt a great desire to leave the house with the hope that some fresh air could lift my spirits.

Lonely and thoughtful, through the most deserted fields I slowly paced. I kept my eyes open so that I could avoid any place that bore a human trace. I couldn't find any other way to avoid anyone to divine my interior turmoil, for people could easily ascribe my sad demeanour to the fire that burned inside me.

I walked through the park and around the house. My father had many difficulties in his trades, and I couldn't explain why this present turmoil was affecting everybody to this degree. My father's demeanour, and my mother's reaction along with it, was such that there was no mistake that we had much to fear.

I was also much distressed in that I hadn't been able to perorate Margot's cause with my parents, and I was in much doubt that I could discuss that subject with them any time soon.

I didn't notice the pleasantness of the day, the vast and uninterrupted shade of the tree canopy that kept the heat of the sun away, the sweetness of the air full of the perfume of grass and flowers and resins of the many plants around. I walked without knowing where I was going.

It must have been my secret desire to forget about my present worries, not a clear design, that took me to that very construction where I had spied the peasant women bathing and, consequently, the encounter between my brothers and Ursula.

The memory brought a smile on my face. I was hoping to divert myself for a moment by enjoying, unseen, the sight of some women. When I got there, I couldn't hear any of the laughs or the merry chatting, as it was the wrong hour, and everybody would be engaged with their work.

I walked further in the direction of the building, just to have a look around. I was much surprised when I got closer, as I heard the banging of the door, as if someone had just walked inside.

I took special care not to make any noise. I got closer to the building and, through the grimy windows, saw that someone was inside. I got on my knees, accommodating myself so that I could watch inside without fear of being in turn seen by the occupants.

The first person I saw was Ursula. For a moment, I expected to see my brothers. Maybe they had returned to ask for more favours from this woman.

My heard began pounding when I saw that there was my own father in the little room with her. His face conveyed his present distress. Now and then, as he spoke, a crooked smile appeared and vanished on his lips, as he couldn't make any pretence of happiness for too long.

'Ursula,' he was saying, 'you have grown since I last saw you.'

Ursula bowed her head:

'My husband gave me another child. Only a few months now.'

My father came closer to the peasant.

'It has made you rounder and more inviting. I beg you to spend some time with me this morning, as I am very much need of some consolation.'

Ursula and my father were very close now. I saw him unbutton his pants and present his member, whose largesse quite surprised me.

She said:

'You cannot expect to fit it inside me. In my state, that cannot be arranged.'

'Ursula, please. You know how much I desire you,' he said.

'Oh, don't ask me. Look at how big it is…' she replied.

'Why don't you touch it?' he asked, placing her hand on it.

'It's so hard, sir… And so big…'

My father was now boiling with desire. He was running his hands on the woman's large breasts, on her buttocks.

'Ursula, I desire you greatly.'

I saw that the woman had not lifted her hand but was still caressing that large object, as if very tempted by it.

'Ursula, if you're too scared, will you milk me like one of your cows,' he asked.

'Oh, sir,' she said, still running her hand on his cock and now looking at him with lustful eyes.

'I can see you want it very much,' he said.

She smiled, now convinced:

'Well, I might touch it a little longer in that manner you said.'

Then, in the tone she probably used with her cattle, she said:

'That's a good pet. Come, come. Ursula is now here.'

She led him to one side of the room.

He bent over and rested his arms on a short partition.

Ursula knelt next to him and began stroking his long penis, as if she was milking an animal.

Now and then, my father moaned and shivered, or twisted about, just like a cow would.

To calm him down, she would pet him and whisper sweet words. Other times, to reprimand him, she would hit him on the buttocks.

'Now, now!' she cried.

She was stroking the long appendage with vigour with one hand. She encircled the testicles with the thumb and index finger of the other hand, which made that natural purse bulge and grow pink.

'Ow!' my father cried. 'Ursula, please!' he begged. 'You know what I like, and I cannot wait much longer.'

The woman, then, red in the face from the exertion, walked behind him, while still masturbating him. She placed her mouth between his cheeks and began licking his anus.

Oh, how he bellowed! This activity seemed to give him much pleasure.

I could see the woman's tongue protrude from her lips and stab at the small opening. It entered as deep as its lengths allowed, and then emerged once more.

At this point, my father could not restrain himself. He stood up and, placed a hand behind Ursula's head, forced her down, on her knees.

'Oh, sir! What are you doing now?' she demanded.

He didn't answer. He placed the glans, which was uncovered and very red, into her mouth and pushed it inside.

'I know you can take it.'

Ursula's eyes widened, and she moaned in a choked sort of way, but he kept sliding the shaft in, which she allowed.

I was much surprised for she could fit the entire length of that portentous penis. The red flush on her face had spread to her neck and bosom, such was the effort. I could see that her throat was enlarged to accommodate the girth of the content I have spoken of.

Once her lips touched the base, my father moaned with satisfaction, while Ursula's eyes didn't look surprised anymore but were full of hunger and desire.

Because of its size, it was not possible for the cock to move in and out in a fast or vigorous sort of way. Those movements had to be slow and measured. With each ingress, my father cried out loudly, while Ursula growled, unable to speak, but wanting to express her enjoyment for this activity.

When it was the time for the woman to take a breath, she said:

'Sir, while I cannot take you inside my most natural orifice for fear of hurting my child, I desire you so much…'

He smiled, understanding her meaning.

She continued:

'You possess an organ of such design to give a woman much pleasure, that I am too weak to refuse.'

With this, she lifted her skirt and offered him her ass.

Her buttocks were large and round and very inviting.

He groped her, while she reached with one hand between her legs to take the shaft of his penis and guide it into her.

I was worried that his size might be too much for her, but Ursula's asshole must have been used to this activity, for she didn't show any discomfort with this operation. On the contrary, she moaned loudly when he penetrated her.

He began pushing, while I saw she was touching her front to stimulate the pleasure.

Her large stomach, for she was with child, moved back and forth under her. Her large breasts, which she had freed from her clothes, were large and heavy from the pregnancy. They were hanging low and bounced back and forth with every push. Her whole figure was all the more desirable for the rotundness that her state had given her. I believed her ass to be softer and more inviting too.

'Oh, my! It – so – big!' she cried.

'Ursula!' he replied. 'I'm going to come into your tight hole!'

'Aaah!' she cried, but I knew these noises were of pure pleasure. 'Fuck, fuck, fuck!'

She continued in this manner, screaming and cursing, until I knew she had reached an orgasm.

He was groaning too:

'Yeah… Uhmf… You're tight… Yeah!'

He finished thereafter with a cry. When he extracted his penis from that narrow opening, I saw copious amounts of the white semen drip out of it, as Ursula was spreading her cheeks with her hands and purging herself of that liquid.

'Show me, Ursula. Show me how I've filled you,' he demanded.

'You have stretched me greatly, sire. I am all a fire,' she said.

She then knelt before him and, reaching for his dick, sucked at the tip a bit longer.

He groaned, as this piece was now very tender.

'I believe there was some left,' she said with a rueful smile.

'Oh, if I could live in your ass, Ursula…' he said longingly. 'In fact, I wish I could live in your mouth, pussy, and ass, and I wish I could ejaculate infinitely inside them.'

He had a content look on his face, but, after he got dressed once again, and I saw him walk out of the door, he had resumed the fearful demeanour of the morning.

That natural tonic that is an orgasm had lost its soothing effect very quickly, so great was the worry he was filled with.