Go! Seniors Madness Overload!

After the break, they returned to line up in the field with quite intense heat. Dewi who was still tired, walking with limply and without enthusiasm. as she walk, her hands hung down, her body leaned and bent. seeing his new friend like that, Bruno patted her on the shoulder to cheer her up, "Keep it Up!!!!!"

They then stood up, just stood and waited for the senior who had not yet appeared. Because it looked ridiculous, Fitri who saw Dewi doing that, laughing a little. because it had to much people around her, she covering her mouth so that people wouldn't hear her laughing.

After 20 minutes, senior Rian had not even come to them. the new students were really upset. because they were so upset, they all went to the front of the classroom so as not to be exposed to the sun except Dewi, Bruno, Fitri and Alexander. four of them just sat in the middle of the hot sun.

After another five minutes, Senior Rian came. he saw that his juniors were no longer in the line except for four people. he was a little angry, then shouted loudly " HUDDLE UP!!!!"

the shout surprised Dewi and the others. those who were in the field immediately stood up, while those in front of the class immediately returned to the line.

"It's amazing that you guys....., you cannot just be given a task. why are you enter to expensive schools if you have a ¹tempeh mentality? Go back to your moms womb" with a snappy and crazy tone

Everyone there was scared, they really couldn't stand this seniority. this is really bullying.

Rian gets angrier when no one answers him. he immediately punished the person who left the line earlier

"get it. there's no answer or whatever it called. so, whoever was out of line, please go to post area 2. ask them for punishment there because I don't want to take care of the life of someone like you. GO!!! HURRY UP !!!!"

those who leaving line, quickly ran away with a frightened expression. after the group had disappeared from his sight, there were only 4 people standing there

" so, there are just only four of yall left. come follow me " with a moving hand invites

After that anger, he became normal, like a normal person.

five of them then went to a place that was quite far from the university area. they walked and kept going. Dewi who felt tired, and couldn't stand it anymore was really tormented. her vision had begun to fade, her energy had begun to dry up like a well that had lost water and dried up. even so, he did not want his struggle to be in vain. she must give positive energy to everyone.

'i should keep going'

After walking for 40 minutes, they are in a beautiful place. like a big playground. Alexander confused, he suddenly asking about this to his senior,

" hallo sen, i wanna ask. what you wanna brought us here? is that weird?"

the senior who heard his question became confused,

"what do you mean? weird? don't be kidding me" he felt that something was wrong

Hearing that statement left them all confused. because of this misunderstanding, Fitri immediately pointed the playground to her seniors,

" that one....."

Rian immediately saw what she was showing. from the strange-faced one, suddenly laugh really loud. he couldn't stand them and he laughed more and more like a crazy person. he laughed as he punched Alexander's body

After that shrilly laugh, he then explained...

"noo... are yall kidding, haha. huft.....look at the other side, in below that" his eyes directed to that place

"Huh.... " they were shocked, it turned out that it was not a big playground, but it looked like a kelontong store

"yeahhh.. .. i want to treat you here. eat as much as you want, but do not let anyone knows, especially other seniors, OK?"

Those who are hopelessly, just agreeing and said, "OK"

they then entered the place. Rian said that this is a place where food sellers are very good and so delicious. he has subscribed here from his early class

The four of them then ordered the same food as Senior Rian, namely ²bakso beranak. It is a mainstay food here, it is amazing flavor and rich in spices.

Once cooked and already, they eat it voraciously and with great focus.

'that so big like a ball' Alexander thinking that because it's his first time seeing it. he's russian and rare people selling meatball in there, furthermore the large and many little versions

because it was too big, they had just finished eating for about an hour or so.

After eating, Dewi was very curious about what other friends did who were punished

" ano... Sen... what do you do about the rest?"

" the rest of what????" asking back with holding his full stomach

" the rest of people that got punished, i guess" Bruno answered it

Without further ado, he then left and went through the road that he had passed, which meant that they would go back to the university. he didn't answer that question, he thought it was useless

'he is so annoying, i got curious too' Fitri is mind

They then followed him behind


Ajeng and Sebastian were tasked by their senior to take care of Rian's junior, feeling very chaotic at that moment,

"what the hell they do think. they think that i should monitoring those who are punished so that they do not escape their punishment who have to mop the floor, clean the toilet, arrange the library shelves. i didn't have time to turn around, go there, there, and come back to check and back again. i am so tired" letting out her accumulated feelings

" agree, i can't stand any longer on this. that crazy little girl...." Sebastian's anger overflowed

They spoke, venting their anger by checking every place so that no one escaping from the punishment. Sebastian and Ajeng did it for almost 1 hours. after the shift was changed, they rested by sitting on a park bench.

They sat with sweat pouring all over their bodies. while sitting, Senior Putri approach them and give the ice drink.

"thank you sen.... ya know, me and kartika are so hard to do that and right now we really thirsty. thank you..." whilst opening the bottle and drinking it

"thank you..." Ajeng replied that after she had drinking first

" no problem. oh anyway, if they done with their work, please tell them to go to the field later. Say that if they don't wanna come, they will be punished more" while leaving them and go back to post area 2

"OK" they two replied.

On the other hand, Rafa is writing a lot of writings for existing activities, schedules, and teachings. actually, this is not assigned by seniors but by lecturers. because he had won in the standard writing championship, he was appointed by a lecturer to help him. In other words, he did not participate in the introduction of the university in day time. even so, he will still participate in camp activities later tonight.

Translator note ;

¹ Tempeh Mentality : Coward, stupid, unreliable, weak mentally, not strong, or Incompetent.

² Bakso Beranak : (bakso isi) is an Indonesian dish consisting of a meatball (either in regular size or larger than regular size) filled with various types of liquid, gel or smaller solid ingredients, such as cheddar cheese, mozzarella cheese, chili, eggs, tofu, sausage, mushrooms, minced meat, noodles, other smaller meatballs, and so on.