
A few weeks after the event, the lecture opened and began. 24 July 2023, Monday it's the date that College begin.

In the very dark morning, Dewi went to take a shower first. she showered at dawn so that she wouldn't scramble or queue. Likewise with Sebastian, Rafa and Ajeng who took a bath at dawn. the bathrooms in their building are only had 5 rooms while the students who live in building 'B5' are around 35 students. It would be very long and long to queue.

After taking a shower, Dewi and her roommate went for a dawn walk around the classroom and campus yard.

The sun had set, Dewi was getting ready to go. she left alone because of a different major and started college with English lessons.

'so excited'

Campus bell about to ring, she then entered his classroom. Because she was confused about finding a seat, she then checked the announcement paper on school wall magazine. After knowing her seat, she sat in her seat. She is really enthusiastic about studying on this campus, this best campus.

A few moments later, a lecturer with a very beautiful face like a model came. Most students in outside then ran in because they didn't want to be left behind. They then sat down and the teacher introduced herself!

" Good morning, my name is Lucjıę, i am from turkey. I am your lecturer in the lesson of English literature. I am looking forward to having good relations with you"

" so, today we should learn about the basic one....." the teacher immediately explained and discussed the subject matter

At that time, Dewi was very focused on studying and did not look at anything else. This is used by someone, yep, it's Fitri.

Fitri took this opportunity to prank her. First, she threw it with chewed gum. Dewi who looked very focused unfortunately did not feel that the gum had hung in her hair. Fitri just laughed in amazement.

'Serves you right!!'

The teacher get wind of Fitri's cuckle, she suddenly tell her to come out.

" Get Out Of My Class NOW!!!" as a pointing her finger at her

" and do not forget to go to my room next break!!!" she continues

She then came out concurrently being laughed at by her friends.

'just watch out you guys" at the same time go out from class

Since the bully had left, they continued their lessons quietly, as did Dewi who still didn't know about the gum stuck to her long hair.

A few moments later, the english literature lesson was over. All students on break, including Dewi. He then went out to the nearest canteen, but while walking...

" look, it's bubble gum? Haha"

"ewehhh.... that is disgusting"

" look at her hair, it is full of garbage..."

Hearing those words, made Dewi a little confused. She felt like otherd was talking behind her back. but since she doesn't care, she just walking straight.

Arriving at the school canteen, she then ordered her food. Even when ordering food, she still feels that someone is scolding her from behind. After the food was cooked, she then carried and turned her body over. When Dewi have turned around...

" heyyy!!! there is gum in your hair. Come on in, i can get that out from your hair " said canteen staff who saw it

Then Dewi came back again and asked for help, the gum was successfully removed with the oil he had,

" be careful. there is so much crazy people out there. you should take care yourself for not being object of bully " he said carefully

" thank you, mister. I will, dont worry, i can handle it"

After that conversation, she go to her seat and eat the food she buy. while eating, Fitri came to her seat

"hello, is this seat empty? ahh of course... you dont have any friend in here aren't you? Haha" while sitting

'ahhh this girl again, what on earth i must sitting with her, ahh never mind'

" ahh take your shit!!!"

Fitri was confused by what she said just now

"sorry, i mean take yout seat!" she continued by correcting her speech

They then ate together for a short time. Once finished, they returned to their classrooms to continue their lessons.

When in class, Fitri always sees Dewi from behind. I don't know how many minutes she looked at her, she didn't feel bored at all. She really was a shameless girl and clean girl at the same time.

Feel boring with the lessons, Fitri have a plan to disturbing Dewi. First, When Dewi was going to the bathroom, Fitri took her pen and replaced it with empty ink.

Dewi returned, she was confused to find her missing pen, she then asked the classmate next to her. But what power does he have no reserves. Because she has a talent for socialization, she then asks questions, praises the writing of his next classmate and other. after that act, she borrows a pen from that person

" thanks for lend me a pen, you are the best person ever. i will give it back later"

Saw that made Fitri get bloody. She then tried to sleep on her table because she felt uncomfy

Dewi is currently very focused on her lessons, she doesn't want to miss a few seconds, she wants to try to increase her focus. She does not want to disappoint herself and her family (not the main family but bestie, friend, and people who support her)

While sleeping, the lecturer who was teaching came to Putri's desk. She was unaware that hee lecturer was in front of her. Dewi who saw her felt strange and didn't care at all.

' i do not care about her. that is not my business'

After standing for a long time, the lecturer was no longer strong enough to hold it. He then pinch her cheek. The first pinch, Fitri didn't feel anything, the second pinch, she just felt uneasy and slapped the lecturer's hand while throw the hand, the third pinch, Fitri already felt unbearable, she suddenly stood up and scolded the lecturer,

"CAN YOU GET OUT OF MY SEa....t" she didn't realize that the one she yelled at was her lecturer until the end

" Ehhhhh, Lect.. i dont mean..." before she finished her sentence, the lecturer immediately told her to leave his class as soon as possible...

'this girl is really weird, really weird' her mind when Dewi saw that

Forced to leave, Fitri came out of the class again. She went out and headed to the sport venue( Gymnasium) to exercise there. Apart from being a clean girl and a brat girl, she is also a girl who is very fond of sports, especially basketball and floor gymnastics.

After she left, the lecturer said to the students

" Don't imitate her. She's so annoying and i don't like her. But I can't do anything, especially since she is the daughter of a person who has this university, our principal. you have to be polite to her, OK? . Alright, we must continuing the lesson..."

Listening what lect said, made the classmates only laugh while insulting her,

" yeah, she had more privelage"

"i hate her to, she think she is the main character"

"agreed, she is the terrible and b*tchy person i ever seen"

Hark that painful conversation made Dewi a little empathetic and sorry for Fitri. She didn't expect everyone in her class to hate her so deeply, let alone a lecturer. But because she didn't want to look for things, she only focused on her lessons and didn't want to listen bad conversations.

The learning hour was over, Dewi arranged her books because she was preparing to go home. Because this is just the beginning, there is no complicated and overly focused learning, only the basics.

When she went to her dorm room, Dewi passed the gymnasium and saw Fitri exercising and doing gymnastics. In an instant, the movement made Dewi amazed and fascinated by the beauty of Fitri movement. She then looked at it from the glass window and saw it secretly..

When she watch it, many people passing and said things that were not against her, and they were very rude. After an second, there's two people stopped and see Putri who's doing her own,

" you know, that girl is psyco. i hear from others that she was the killer " someone was chatting in next of her

" really? That is so scary... we should tell the other and dont be friend with her" the answer the person next to her

Listening to the untrue gossip, she then asked them

" heiii..... it is real? or it just gossip nowhere?" Dewi asked with sharpy eyes appearing

Looking at the terrifying faces, the two people didn't answer anything

"look, you all cant even answer my question. so please dont spread hate rumor. it is annoying!!!!"

The two people ran away without saying anything to Dewi.

'that rumor is suck, they just slandering people for their own pleasure'

After that conversation, Dewi wanna see Fitri again. When she wanted to see her again, it turned out that she had already left. In other words, Dewi continued her journey to her dorm