Miserable Day

Upon returning to the dorm, Sebastian thanked Rian for helping him,

" thanks, i'll give ya treat if i had more money"

" really? Oke, promise yah!!" With a happy face and leave it by do jumping step by step with joy


He then went into his dorm and there he met Dewi.

" Yu, why are ya leaving me alone there? why you don't helping me" with disappointed and sad face

Feeling guilty, Dewi then hugged Sebastian and cried because of her actions

" i'am so sorry, i didn't mean that. i just, cannot. sorry. I don't help you because i know that they're not bad people "

" wtf? are you crazy? they clearly kidnap us and ya can even said they are not bad people?" push her and go

Sebastian who was madly then left her. He went to a quiet place, the library to calm himself down

'ahh, i am fucked up. I am really stupid' her thinking with blaming herself

Because she was too stressed about the situation, Dewi decided to go to the rest room to calm down there. She can watch TV or play gameplay freely.

Evening in the north, Ajeng and friends got scammed. Now they are trapped in high hills and forests. They really don't know, especially since the only one who knows the location is Rian.

"that bitch!!!!!" Ajeng really mad and upset with Rian Behavior

Earlier, they were lowered on the road to the forest, they thought it was the place of confinement, but when they entered the forest, there was nothing but wild animals. They must be chased by a pack of fierce deer, chased by terrible snakes, bumblebees that swarming at them, and evil birds that have pegging their heads. This is the worst and most unlucky day they happened.

They walked through the endless forest. They walked from noon until sunset and they had not passed through the forest. Because it was getting dark, they sat on the side of the road and waited for a car or someone who passed by to ask for help.

" i really can't stand with this situation, never" Rafa complaining

" can you stop yapping? i 'am so lazy to listen your cramps voice" Ajeng really bored with Rafa's voice of yap

They were sitting on the side of the road enduring a great hunger. Really completely helpless and had no power whatsoever. Their cellphones are off, even if they are on, there is no signal in areas like this. Poor and look sad with dirty and tattered clothes like beggars,that is their current picture.

It was already 8 o'clock at night, they were still sitting there resignedly. Ajeng and Putri slept on Rafa's lap, it is undeniable that their bodies are very weak and feeble, especially since they have not eaten since noon this day.

A few minutes later, there was a pick-up car passing there. Rafa who saw him immediately shouted, stopped the car and asked their help.

Accepted, Rafa then carrying Ajeng and Putri to the pick-up car because they were both completely exhausted, they couldn't even walk. Aftet that, they finally get out from that damn forest

In dorm, there's Sebastian Who is writing his journal, lessons and anything that can get rid of his overthinking. While doing it, Dewi who had returned from the rest room entering the dorm. When entering, the atmosphere there was very quiet. No conversation or anything came out of their mouths. Dewi then climbed onto her bed and pretended to be asleep. There, Sebastian saw Dewi with a watery eyes. Sebastian didn't want their friendship to end, so he got out of his desk chair and headed to her bed.

" Yu, are ya sleep? If ya don't, can we go to canteen? i don't eat since that incident and i really starving but i don't wanna eat alone. can ya accompany me?"

Dewi who listens, feels guilty for ignoring him. She then woke up from pretend to sleep,

"ahh, yeah, OK! i don't eat as well because I don't have appetite but i think i got hungry right now"

Because are hungry, they got to canteen together with great joy in their hearts,

'i hope he Forgive me'

'i hope she Forgive me'

At Dinner,

" Bas, sorry for earlier. i don't mean to hurt you or something like that. sorry....."

"i forgive ya..and i'm sorry too because being childish and not understanding when i in your position"

While eating, they stand up, get close and hug each other.

" thank you for giving this shit friends chance" Dewi said cruelty because her wrong doings to herself.

At that touching moment, suddenly Ajeng, Rafa and Putri came rushing in. They were very greedy, taking the food belonging to Dewi and Sebastian. They eat shamelessly with body smelled pungent all over the body and became spread throughout the canteen room.

" what the is smell? it's disgusting"

"ewehhh... horrible smell. i really can't breath"

" that stinks. iyuhhhh, get away"

Everyone who was eating there then went to find fresh air, even the canteen owner couldn't stand the pungent smell. The same with an air conditioner that cannot get rid of it, it really smells very disgusting.

Different than everyone else, only Dewi and Sebastian just laugh at their behavior. The three of them looked like they hadn't eaten for a month.

" heh kar.. Are you beggar? Hahaha, you really can't smell your harmonious fragrant kah? Haha" Dewi mocking Ajeng

"donnrttmrmr..... Im.. No...smell" Ajeng speaking with full food in her mouth.

" i don't know what ya said, kar.. You too funny when you look like beggar, i can't xd" Sebastian follow Dewi to mocking her

In it, it was really chaotic, from Ajeng who snatched food from others who went because of the smell, Rafa who ate and took it directly from the big pot, and Putri who even though she was weak, she still eating with slay movements( good manners ) or in other words, she eating like a royal member.

Because it was crowded and there were many reports as well, Ajeng and Rafa were forced to be taken to the health room to check their health.

" auuu, aaaa, auuuuuuu" Ajeng's words when forced by the security guard were taken to the health room. She acts and speak like a monkey that is being forced into a cage

" that's monkey" Rafa said

Those who watched him laughed at Ajeng's very ridiculous behavior

" I didn't expect my classmate to be like that, but she seems to be a funny person."

"that's so funny"

"look at her voice and her face, funny"

The words of some people who were fleeing from the smell of Ajeng.

After the two of them were brought, the smell still hadn't disappeared. Many students are forced to take their food rations to be taken and eaten in the dormitory.

Dewi, Putri and Sebastian who had finished eating then went to their respective dorms because they were really tired.

" see you again, Put!"


Sebastian and Dewi didn't want to go to their place, because they were sure it would be fine. After all, tomorrow they will definitely return to normal again.

"what did happen to them, yu?" he asked woth curiosity appears

"i don't know, we can ask them tomorrow, but for now we should go to sleep. you know, we don't even finish decorating the class and we just have time one day left"

"tomorrow, we will exhausted with the Independence events. It must be very tiring and laborious"

" i know"

They talk as they walk to their dormitory. Arriving there, they then went to sleep. They fall asleep for no more than 3 minutes, let alone a lot of things happening to them.