—the Secret

The morning started, everyone woke up feeling happy, especially today they did not study and only celebrated independence by playing traditional games or viral games.

Waking up, Dewi immediately ran to the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower. She was really enthusiastic for today, unlike her roommate who looked tired even though it was still early, not enthusiastic and even tried to run.

After taking a shower, she woke up her roommate,

" heh, wake up. it's five am. WAKEEE UPP!!"

Because they heard her yapping, Ajeng and the others finally woke up. They then went to the bathroom to take a shower.

Meanwhile, Dewi who had been fragrant and clean then went to her class to check the condition and neatness of the class. After entering the classroom, she saw the classroom that was still clean and charming.

From the classroom, she then saw one by one the displays and decorations from other classes.

"wahh their decorations is really good, but i wish my class win for this year"

Because the decoration was too beautiful, she then took a photo of the class with Rian's smartphone that Sebastian was holding.



"Cekrek" sound of the phone when took pictures

Earlier in her dorm,

' hihi, sorry bass. I borrowing this phone first, I willl return it later' by taking the phone

Walking and walking in the hallway of the classroom, she then accidentally saw Putri who was preparing something in her class.

"hi sen. how are you doing? can i take the pict of you?" By taking a phone from her pocket and preparing to take a photo

"nothing, just moving this desk table out of class. Yeah you can" she puts down the table and does a two-finger pose


"Ahh, nice pose!" she flattering

" can i look the picture?" she asked

" sure of course!" while showing the picture

Fitri then saw the photo and was amazed. Afterwards she came back and lifted the table again to be moved.

'it is look like rian' s phone! Why did she hold that phone? I should asking him next time!'

"See you again, sen. I want to continue the school tour" by putting the phone back to her pocket

" ahhh great. See you again dewi. Anyways, have you registered what you want to participate in?" she ask Dewi, When asked, she looked confused about what she meant

"i mean, the games that school hold?" she clearing it

"ahhh, that.... i don't know, i really don't know. probably i just following what my roommate wanna join"

" ahh good to know. See you later"

Furthermore, she still looked at other classes, whether it was a class in semesters 1, 2, 3 or 4. She did the tour for at least 1 hour more. Exhausted, she then decided to go back to her room to show the photo of the majestic to her friend. However, she had not checked the gallery, where there was a secret that not hidden.

It was already seven am, she came back. She then told her the photo and wanted to show it off to her roommate.

At the time, Sebastian had no idea about or doesn't care at all, he thought it wasn't the case. He knew that it was Rian's phone but he forgot something important.

A few moments later, when Dewi really wanted to open the gallery phone, he immediately remembered what Rian had said at that time.

Very quickly, Sebastian snatched the phone from her hand. he picked up so quickly before Dewi opened the gallery. He was completely panicked at that moment, completely thrilling his heart.

Dewi, instantly confused by Sebastian's behavior. She didn't understand what he meant. She then tried to talk about this,

" ehhh, what are you doing bas?"

Sebastian replied in a slightly angry tone, " Huh? What do you mean? I mean ya really disrespectful. It's not your phone, and also nor my phone too. Don't be crocky about it" he really insulted her but he doesn't really mean about it or not deliberately

" what do you mean about that? I really don't understand. Please explain to me? I know I'm not get your permission for borrow that phone, but i really don't do anything bad, i just take the pict that's it. I really don't mean it, bas. Please forgive me, don't be mad at me"

Dewi really felt guilty for what she did. She apologized to him, she was really sorry. Dewi didn't know what was wrong, she thought it was because she didn't borrow properly, but the problem wasn't there.

At the time they fought, Ajeng and Rafa really felt..... Sad. As they argue, Ajeng calms Dewi and Rafa calms Sebastian.

" please stop. don't be mad about it, zal. i know she's was wrong but ayu don't mean it. Please, make up" Ajeng helping Dewi

"ya zal, don't you have a good relationship? yesterday day we had a good night. Please don't ruin it because of this. We should happy for this day, you remember? We going to sign competition later, we are together, be family. Make up please!!!" Rafa's advising Sebastian

After a while, the atmosphere became awkward. Everyone in the room was silent for a few minutes, really feeling lonely and full of worry.

Because he was really awkward, Sebastian then began to speak softly and apologize for scolding Dewi

" aa-nu, sorry yu.... i really don't mean what i am saying. i just feel like....."

Before he finished speaking, Dewi immediately hug him tightly, giving a sign that she was apologizing and forgiving.

" don't worry. I get it what you mean. I don't do that again, i promise. in the future, i will get permission whatever it takes"

" thanks for understanding me. but , i can send it to kartika's laptop, so we can see it together" he suggested

" no problem, we can see there" Dewi understanding him

Ajeng and Rafa are happy with them making up again. They almost panicked and were afraid that if they didn't make up, they might not be able to reunite or have fun like last night

Sebastian then opened the gallery and sent it to Ajeng's laptop, after which they saw what she had taken.

" wahhh, this roomclass decorating so amazing concept. What class is it?" Sebastian's ask

"uhmm, i forgot about it. Probably like 13-E or something like that" Dewi answer it

"13-E? What class is it? I though it nothing have class when in university, i search it in google"

" i don't know" she no had idea about it

Because Ajeng knew, she then explained it,

" As far as I know, this university is really different than the basic one like Gajah mada or UI, this university have different rules or what it called. this university have class, like 13, 14, 15 and last is 16. The difference is for the semester & what major they chose..."

" like me, i am in class 13-C. It's for Indonesian Literature. Same as 14-C and next. Like ayu in class 13-A because the major is English Literature. I think that's enough to understand it" she explained it all that she knew

" uhmmm, so like that, and that's why to we must wear school uniforms, unlike other universities that are free to use the clothes of their choice" Rafa have thought & he spoke it lauder

They were so preoccupied with chatting that they forgot that they had to be ready to go to the field to register for the competition, whether it was to bring the name of the class or themselves. They preparing what should they brought , turn off the laptops and prepare to leave,

" times for fighting. Are you ready???" Sebastian's spoken with braving voice and burning passion

"readyyy!!!" Ajeng, Dewi and Rafa said louder together

At half past eight, they went to the field....