Deeply Conversation about love!

They then continuing their conversation, they talk in stairs so others will not seeing them or disturbing them,

" anyways, how are you been about him? are you still in weird relationship with him or you already....." she asked

" no..... me and him still not in relationship yet... i really don't know but i don't know" he really confused about his feeling. Sebastian trying best to feel it but still it's hard to tell

" so... is he confess his love to you?"

" i forgot about that but i guess so because he wanna more friends with me. are ya not forget about.... that ya punch him"

"ahh that one... yeah probably because it's too long but i still remember. so, he really forced to..."

" ya know, i wanna talk about this truthfully.." he really wanna spill all the tea what is happen to them

" what do you mean?" she confused

" what i was said earlier is truth but not really... ya know i really don't wanna ya go crazy like before. i hope ya don't "

" huh? what are you talking about...?" she morely confused what happened

" first of all, i wanna tell ya that when i going with him, i got raped from him. i being forced to do that shit with him, and even he recording while we doing that. but gladly that video is in the phone that i borrow so he can't do anything. he force me if i don't being his boyfriend, he will leaking that video so because of that i really mad with him and crying so loud at that time.... " he talks with trembling because he really scared to talk about it.

" but don't worry, i don't got sex assault from him. i just got brutally kiss and forced to sucking his..... "

Before Sebastian could even finish speaking, Dewi wrapped her arms around him tightly, her heart heavy with sadness. She understood the anguish he was feeling, having been compelled to act against his will. Tears streamed down her face as she wept into his wound, so overwhelmed with relief that she couldn't find words. At that moment, Dewi was rendered speechless, paralyzed by the terror that had enveloped her. She was utterly helpless, unable to do anything to change the situation but to stand there and bear witness to the horror.

After releasing his embrace, Sebastian saw Dewi crying seeing that it was unpleasant because it weighed her down, but he had to be honest especially since they had promised each other so that there would be no lies like before.

" are you okay, yu..?" Sebastian feel not good about her, he's wiping away the tears that fell on her beautiful face

" uh... i'm okey. and about you... are you okey? i know you really scared when it happens. sorry for not helping you. i'm so useless..."

" no... ya are the best sistee i ever had. don't blame your self because it's not your fault. don't worry, i'm really good right now and he's become good person...let the past flies"

Dewi then hugged him tightly again,

" thanks for being strong until now, i'm really proud of you. you are the best brother ever in the world. even we are not same-blood but i'm really glad you are my brother...."

"thanks... you really make my day"

They hugging with love in it, they really love each other and their love will not dissappear in every time, but will spreading enough to tighten their love in every second.

When they talked about it, they didn't expect that Rian was listening to all the conversations they were talking about. When he heard it, he was truly sorry for his actions. He feels very guilty but he can't change the past, all he can do is make Sebastian happy in the future with him.

' sorry, i really sorry...' he then go way with great regret. When he meets Sebastian, he will apologize and will do anything to get Sebastian to forgive him.

Sebastian & Dewi releasing hugs and continuing their conversation,

" so, how's your going? are ya fine or if ya wanna talk about, ya can talk to me. Ya know, i'mma good listener"

Dewi there was just standing, she thought how could she tell about it because she never told anything about her problems to others. since childhood she just kept it secret to herself and it made her used to it.

" don't worry, i am not mad even you don't wanna tell to me, probably because it's too privacy or something like that. I am fine with that"

Dewi just standing there with conscious and anxiety arounding her. she really doesn't know how to tell it, which is so difficult for her because she really lack of communication if connected to person or feeling.

Eventually, Sebastian would walk away from there. Involuntarily, Dewi hold his hand so that he wouldn't leave..

" so..." Sebastian's looking Dewi seriously because he really can waiting any longer for she spill the tea

Dewi just sigh....

" huft... fine"

" so what's happening in your life lately...?" he really curious about it and care in the same time

" I and her are doing couples do..."

" her... who? couples do? kiss? hug? or what?" with curiosity faces appears

" uhm... fitri. i and fitri...." not finish talking, it has been cut off by Sebastian

" hahhh? fitri.. Are ya and her do kiss?"

" more than that " she just tell straight because she feel embarrassed. Dewi just looking down because of embarrassment for telling it

" hah? How come? Ya two is girl, right? so what supposed to do with that? or just using dil.... "

" yeah, you know it. Don't said that because it's embarrassing " with covering her face with her palm hand

" what.. Really? is it good?" he really excited when hear for the first time. It's first time for he meet lesbian so he kinda doesn't know anything. he even don't know that he's gay

" uhmmm.... " she just nodded, that she mean is yeah

" good to know, so.... how's your relationship with her... i'm so shock ya know because the person like ya and lonely person like fitri can go together? it's surprisingly for me"

" i don't know, but probably we will date first but i don't know...." she embarrassed and blushed at the same time

" ahh i'm so happy for ya... hope my beloved can happy...." he hug her because of happiness

While hugging, Rafa and Ajeng saw them hugging and approached them.

"Ehh, yuu, zal.... where are ya doing in the middle of the night. It's time to sleep" Ajeng said with looking suspicious to they two.

" kan! ... they really don't know what time is.. and don't forget that bastian should drink his medicine" Rafa continued Ajeng said

" sorry.... we have something to do but Oke" Sebastian answered

" yeah, i just met him in here just now... so yeah i'm so tired. so, let's go to sleep!"

The four of them then went to the room to sleep and rest. Rafa, Sebastian and Dewi sleep, but not with Ajeng who is still curious.

' why is they doing? Why they lool so suspicious? i should find out more about what they keep secret. i need to know what happen to my friends right?? Ahhh i really can't sleep because of them....'

' ahh.... probably listening music can take me to slept... but shit.... i forgot the battery is down.. i really cannot stand anymore. what should i do...i still curious, AHHHHH'

Because she went crazy, he then slept on Dewi's bed and slept there. Dewi simply just said "good night" to her and hug her like a bolsters pillow. Because of it, Ajeng was able to fall asleep calmly and not overthinking again. Before sleeping, she say" good night, yu" to her.