Truth-School Operation 2.

In the first few minutes after Mr. Yoshida left the room, they quickly got to work. Sebastian was still searching for something in the principal's room, while Rafa and Ajeng were busy hacking, keeping an eye on the surroundings. Dewi promptly returned and left to the storage's room to help everyone looking for the files related to what they were searching for.

At Sebastian's location, he searched in every direction but found nothing related to the curriculum. All he got was the key he had taken earlier and a blank piece of paper that looked like there had been some disappearing writing on it. He decided to keep it just for in case he need it. Meanwhile, he needed to wait for Rafa to finish the hack so that he could open the safe he had been trying to open.

Fitri, on the other hand, was looking for information not in important places, but in the library room. She thought that the library room was a place less likely to be tampered with, so she concluded that there must be something important there. She ran to there after pretending to be afraid in front of Sir Yoshida.

And Dewi had reached the storage's room, but she didn't find anything yet, the file that she was looking for. "Where is it? It was supposed to be here... Oh well. I'll have to look for evidence as fast as i could..." she said to herself when in front of storage safe box

In Storage place, she began searching around the room. After just a few minutes, she found a file on the budget for the special class program that she really looking for. She know that the evidence of it because she already knew when she looking for something what the lecturer told her to take.

"got it" with wide smile when she found it

Dewi then read it,

"Special class... The budget required is around $136K, provided by the central government under the condition that the students who undergo the program must serve the country for the rest of their lives..." Dewi was stunned as she read the document, thinking that the agreement was madness. She had no idea what to do next.

*Beep " Check check... Hi everyone. I've found the paper on the agreement between the government and the school." *beep

Everyone was shocked to hear this, meaning that Dewi had indeed discovered the first piece of evidence that they needed.

"I know, she's so fast... she's really fast at doing anything," Sebastian complimented her as he continued searching for something.

Time was ticking, and they only had 15 more minutes left.

*Beep "Can you hurry up, Zul? I can't wait around in this smelly room anymore," Sebastian said.

"Sorry, I'm still processing, but I'm only at 40 percent. 60 percent is still left," explained Rafa.

Ajeng was getting agitated. She knew how difficult coding could be, and was annoyed by the constant complaints.

"Ugh... You know, just wait. This isn't easy, you know," she responded indignantly.

Sebastian chuckled and retorted, "Haha, now you're defending him. I forgot, he's your boyfriend. Hahaha" *Beep

Ajeng was furious, "BASSSSS!!!! How dare you talk like that and then mute your mic, I'm so pissed off!"

Rafa tried to calm her down, "Calm down, Jeng. He's just venting, that's all."

In the midst of the tense situation, Ajeng suddenly noticed something on the CCTV they had hacked.

*Beep " Be careful, there is someone who can be seen on the right side of the school. They are wearing a black hoodie and are standing there looking suspicious. Be careful in the area near the storage room because it's quite close, so don't get caught" *beep

*beep "Alright, I'll be careful. I see that he's holding something in his hand. I can see him through the window," Dewi explained.

At that moment, everyone focused on their respective tasks. Unaware, the person wearing the hoodie was walking towards where Dewi was.

*beep "Dewi, be careful. He's heading towards the storage area. Can you hide in a safe spot for now?"

" okay, i'll hide first" *beep

"Dewi, please don't mute the mic, i cannot see the inside of storage area so, always on the mic" Ajeng's request

*Beeps " Oke... sorry for that"

" For Everyone, please on the mic and don't mute it. We already in 10 minutes so be prepared"

*beep " haikkkk!!!!" they said with on in the mic, except Rian.

"So, where is Rian? Why isn't he responding?" Ajeng asked curiously.

"I don't know, he said he was in the teacher's room, but I couldn't find him anywhere," Fitri replied.

"I have no idea, he's being very secretive," Dewi said.

"Huh, really? How do you know that?" Sebastian asked curiously.

"Where is Rian? Why isn't he responding?" asked Ajeng, who was curious.

"I don't know. He said he was in the teacher's room or the storage area, but i couldn't find him in everywhere" Fitri Said

"I have no idea. He's being really cryptic," Dewi Said

"Maybe he's looking for something secret in a place that not everyone knows about," Dewi added

"Really? If so, why do you know about it?" Sebastian asked curiously.

While they were in conversation, suddenly, they heard the sound of a door opening in the storage area, startling Dewi as she was hidden.

"Ohhh...shit...." she cursed under her breath.