Hey everyone,
I just want to take a moment to apologize to all my readers and patrons. I know I haven't been able to update for quite some time, and I feel terrible about it. But I promise, I had a real reason.
About two months ago, I was evicted from my apartment and had to move in with a friend. I tried to keep going—publishing here was still somewhat manageable—but writing for Patreon became almost impossible. Then, about a month ago, I had to leave my friend's place too. Since then, I've barely had the time, the chance, or even a stable internet connection to keep up with updates.
I hate letting you all down, especially those who've supported me so much. It's been a rough time, but I haven't given up. I just need a little more time to get things in order. Thank you for sticking with me—it truly means the world.
I'll be back soon. New chapters are coming!