First meet part 2

?? Pov :

I was going back to my mansion after my mission when the atmosphere started to become clam and beautiful. I was admiring the atmosphere when my eyes fell on someone. A little girl who is standing outside with her arms opens like she is waiting for someone to hug her. I told driver to stopped the car and I came out of the car. I look at her for sometimes. Just then rain started. I look look up at sky but then I heard some adorable giggles. I looked at the direction from where those giggles are coming. I found that little girl giggling and spinning around in rain. I don't know why but looking at her a little smile formed on my face. I was so lost in her. I was admiring her until... I heard Someone calling her

Meanwhile with marinette

Marinette's pov :

After having breakfast with my family I came in the garden. I was waiting for rain. Soon the atmosphere started to become more cold and clam means it will rain soon. I open my arms to welcome rain. Soon the rain started. I was enjoying the rain. The first rain of the mansoon. Rain was making me all wet. I was enjoying it just then I heard Someone calling me. I looked at the direction and found Zack standing there.

Zack : marinette come inside now. It's raining you will get sick.

Marinette : noo I want to stay here for a Little more *whine like a small kid*

Zack : Mari please come inside now. *He said in a low tone*

Marinette : please i want to stay a little more

Zack : then you are not getting ice-cream and chocolate for a month.

Marinette : you can't do this

Zack : dad can right?!

Marinette : fine i am coming

After this marinette and went inside with Zack.

?? Pov :

"Her voice... She have an angelic voice." I was so lost in her voice that i didn't even realise that I was getting wet. My thoughts get disturbed by the sound of my phone. I came back to reality. I took out my phone from my pocket and pick up the call without looking at who was calling.

?? : okay I am coming *cold tone*

I sat back in the car and told driver to start the car. Soon i was at my mansion but my mind was stuck at that girl. I shrugged off my thoughts and went to my office room.

I called Kyle my PA

Kyle : yes sir *bows down*

?? : get the jet ready we are leaving tonight. *cold tone*

Kyle : yes boss *bows down and leave*

?? : I am coming back *said with closed eyes*


After few years

?? : Dad *said while running towards the person who was sitting in the living room*

Dad : *looks at the person* my daughter

?? : dad i missed you *said while hugging him*

Dad : i missed you too my dear *hugs her back and pats her back*

Mom : Mari did you finish your work?! *said while looking at her*

Marinette : yup i did *sad while breaking the hug and sitting beside her father*

Dad : which work?! *He asked while looking at his daughter*

Marinette : I was cooking food dad *she smiled while looking at her dad*

Dad : what was my daughter cooking?!

Marinette : your favourite food *she said with a big smile*

Dad : I am really excited to eat your handmade food after a long time *he said while thinking about the first time his daughter cooked something*

Zack & Nick : Dad did you forget us?! *both said while coming downstairs*

Dad : maybe *he said as he came out of his thoughts*

Nick : mom look Mari know some kind of black magic. She made dad forget us *he said as both brothers reached down to other*

Dad : stop blaming my daughter Nick

Nick : dad you know what your daughter did when you were not here?!

Dad : what she did?! She can't do anything. *He said as he pats his beloved daughter's hair*

Nick : sure sure dad's princess *rolls eyes*

Marinette : I am not dad's princess. Dad is a King and I am king's daughter.

Dad : she is king's princess *he said while looking at his looks at his daughter and then his sons*

Nick : then I am also king's Prince

Dad : nope *shooks his head* you are not

Nick : what?! Why?!

Mom : you are queen's prince Nick *she said while looking at her son*

Nick : that means Zack is also queen's prince?! *He asked his mom*

Zack : no I am not- *get cut off by Nick*

Nick : why?!

Zack : let me speak

Nick : okay

Zack : i am king's and queen's prince *he said as he sit between their parents*

Marinette : nope I am not sharing my dad with you *she shooks her head in denial and hugs her dad more tightly*

Everyone laugh at her childish behaviour. She was the sunshine of her family. If anything happens to sunshine then whole mansion become worried because without their sunshine the mansion is nothing. Even the workers and guards also love her. Her personality is really kind that anyone can loves her. Every person in this whole mansion treat her like their daughter and sister. She is a brightness in everyone's life. Nobody can live without her and her laughter.

Bg info :

Marinette :

Marinette is a innocent girl with kind and caring nature. She is sunshine of the mansion. Marinette is 22 years old indian girl who is doing UPSC.

Marinette is teacher's favourite or we can she is whole university's favourite. A day without her in university is like hell. She is smart.

She is most sensitive girl. A girl who loves book. She read books everyday in her house library which is specially made for her. She can make everyone happy just with a soft smile. Her voice is really sweet.

Everyone calls her sunshine. Because she is a ray of happiness in everyone's life. Everyone around her immediately started loving her after looking at her. She is daughter of millionaire but she likes to be simple.

She isn't a spoiler brat likes other girls. She respects evryone and treat everyone nicely. She likes to help everyone. She donate foods, clothes, money, etc to the orphanage every month. Her family support her and guide her everytime.


In France

?? : you dare to betray me?!

A person sad while sitting on the chair infornt of a man who was bleeding.

Man : b-boss please s-spare me-

Before he could finish his words someone shoots him. He die right thete.

?? : clear this mess

He said to his guards and walk out of there. As soon as he came out his phone rings. He pick up the call without looking at caller ID.

?? : hello

?? : Adrien where are you?! *Said the lady from the other side of the call*

Adrien : I am coming mom.

Emilie : come quick we have something to talk with you.

Adrien : ok I am coming in 10 minutes *he said as he cut the call*

At Agreste mansion

Everyone is sitting in the living room waiting for Adrien to come.

Soon the main door open revealing Adrien. Adrien came in the living room and sit on the single couch.

Adrien : what do you want to talk about mom?!

Emilie : Adrien we are going.....

To be continue

Next part on the next Sunday

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