Meeting you again

Zack and Nick are silently listening to him.

Adrien : how can you both forget me?!

Everyone in living room were looking at the trio and smiling at them. Just then someone yells.....

?? : How dare you to grab my brother's collar?! *she said in anger. Her eyes were red due to anger*

Zack : s-sis*he said in low tone as he doesn't have courage to speak with normal tone with his sister. He knows what will happen if he speaks in normal tone*

Everyone looks at her with scared face

Adrien : your brother?! *asked while still grabbing her brother's collar and looking at him*

?? : yes, my brother *she answered. her voice get soft in the mention of her brother*

Adrien : this voice- *he thought and immediately looks at the girl who was standing infront of him.* It's her, my angel. He thought while looking at her*

Nick : s-sis he is my old friend don't worry *he Said looking at his sister*

?? : i know all your friends but not him. If he is your friend then why I don't know him?! *she asked pointing towards the person who was grabbing her brother's collar*

Just then someone speak-

Emilie : Marinette my daughter *she said while looking at her*

Marinette : *looks at her and eyes widen* A-aunt Emilie?!

Emilie : *nods with a soft smile*

Marinette : *runs to her and hugs her* Aunt I miss you so muchhhh *said while tearing up*

Emilie : *hugs her back* I miss you too my dear *said while stroking her hair*

Gabriel : Won't you hug your uncle?! Or you forget him?! *Said while coming to them*

Marinette : *break hug and look at him* U-uncle *goes to him and hugs him* I miss you so muchhhh

Gabriel : *hugs her back* I miss you too my princess

Marinette : *break hug and looks at them* when did you come back?!

Again everyone looks at them with smile but this time with love also

Emilie : we came back few days ago *said while caressing her head*

Marinette : and you didn't tell me?! *pouts* I am angry with you both for not telling me that you are back *looks away*

Gabriel : *chuckles* okay okay sorry my princess this won't happen again

Marinette : nope you are not forgiven

Everyone present there also chuckles at her behaviour

Emilie : not even after seeing this?! *take out something from behind and saw it to her*

Marinette : *turn around and looks at her* A-aunt *took it from her* okay your apology is accepted

Everyone laugh at her cuteness

Gabriel : okay my princess

Izzy and Chloe : Hey!! They are our parents *said while going towards them*

Everyone is now enjoying this drama. This side of marinette isn't rare but still it's really fun watch it.

Izzy : they are our parents *said while standing infront of her with crossed arms*

Marinette : they WERE your parents now they are my uncle and Aunt *said while looking at her*

Chloe : no they are still our parents *said while standing beside Izzy*

Marinette : no my uncle and Aunt *said while looking at her*

Izzy and Chloe : our parents

Marinette : my uncle and Aunt

Izzy  : our parents

Marinette : my uncle and Aunt

Chloe : our parents

Marinette : your parents

Izzy and Chloe : your uncle and Aunt

Marinette : see now you both have said that they are my uncle and Aunt *said while smiling*

Izzy and Chloe : Yes- *realise what they said and eyes widen*

Marinette : YAYYYYY!! *spinning around happily* dad did you see i got other parents just like you and mom!! *said while looking at her father*

Tom : yes I saw dear

Marinette : now you are not my uncle and Aunt- *cut off by Chloe and Izzy*

Izzy and Chloe : Yeah because they are our parents *said while looking at her*

Marinette : NOPE because they are my PARENTS!! Now!!

Izzy and Chloe : WHAT?! NO WAY!! *scream in shock*

Marinette : Yea way!!

Izzy and Chloe : no way

Marinette : Yea way now shoo shoo *said and hugs Emilie and Gabriel*

Everyone laugh while looking at marinette

Izzy : mom dad you both also?

Emilie : why not?!

Gabriel : Yeah she is my daughter *said and hugs back marinette*

Emilie : she is my daughter too *said and hugs marinette*

Izzy and Chloe : *jaw dropped* It can't happen

Marinette : it's already happened my dears now shoo shoo they will stay with me from now on *stick her tounge out*

Chloe : no they will come with us!! *said and started walking towards Mari and her parents*

Marinette : NOOO

Izzy : yes *said and started walking towards them with Chloe*

Marinette : noo *started fake crying*

Emilie : *hugs her*

Marinette : *break hugs and looks at her* A-are you l-leaving me?! *sobs*

Emilie : *wipes her tears and hugs her* shh don't cry dear

Gabriel : why will we leave our daughter?!  *said and caress her hair*

Marinette : *looks at him* y-you won't l-leave me right?! *sobs*

Emilie : *breaks hugs and looks at her* nope from now on we are staying with our daughter *kiss her forehead* right Gabriel?! *looks at him*

Gabriel : yes we will *smile while looking at mari*

Emilie : Sabine you and Tom don't have any problem with us staying here right?! *looks at them*

Tom : *looks at them* why would we have problem?

Sabine : yes, we will get more time to spend with each other *smiles* and more ever Mari will get some company at home and she won't have to be alone at home *looks at Mari* right Mari?!

Marinette : Yupp *nods like a little kid*

Gabriel : ok then we will stay here

Emilie : yes I will get to know my daughter more *smile at mari*

Marinette : you will sleep with me *said while looking at Emilie* and I will call you mom

Emilie : sure my dear

Gabriel : where will I sleep?!

Marinette : umm *think for sometime and looks at him* I will arrange a room for you and also I will call you dad

Gabriel : okay sure *smiles*

Meanwhile with Adrien :

Adrien's pov :

I was talking with my old friends more like scolding them. Just then someone come and start yelling at me. I looked at that person when she said her brother. To my shock she was my angel. The girl who took my heart in our first meet. She was asking her brother about me just then my mom called her. So her name is marinette. Her name is beautiful just like her. I was just looking at her. Soon Izzy and Chloe come and started fighting about our parents with her and soon enough she won by her cuteness. Everyone started laughing while looking at her. Just then again fight started between them, she now make our parents her parents and here I am dreaming of marrying her to make her their daughter-in-law. Just then Izzy and Chloe scream making me looks at them. Now they are fighting for where mom and dad will stay.

She started crying while fighting with my sisters. I don't know why but my heart start hurting looking at her crying. Soon mom hugs her and she started to clam down. After that dad decided to stay at her house- I mean mansion. She has now started calling my parents mom and dad. Even aunt Sabine and uncle Tom have no problem with them staying here.

Not gonna lie but marinette is more beautiful from close. Her blue bell eyes, dark blue shining hair, her innocent face and her simplicity. Even though uncle Tom is rich. I didn't see any expensive jwellery in her neck or hands. I just saw a normal necklace which doesn't seem to be expensive. I noticed two simple but beautiful rings on her both hands with a simple breslet.

I must say that she is very simple girl. She is even kind hearted person. Just looks at her how she is laughing with my family, how she makes my family her family. Even she became so happy after seeing a simple pendant which mom gives her. She is as soft as rose Patel.

I was in my thoughts when someone called me. I looks a the person and saw it was Zack..

Adrien : what happened?! *I asked him, pissed off*

Zack : bro why pissed off?!

Adrien : really?! like nothing happened?! Why the hell you hide that you have a sister?! *I asked him while glaring at him and Nick*

Nick : what would we told you?! That we have a sister? You know we don't trust anyone except you in our group. You know how our other friends are. We can't tell infront of them about our sister *he explained while looking at his sister*

Adrien : then you should have told me alone

Zack : we were about to tell you but you suddenly left.

Adrien : you should have called me at least

Nick : like we didn't try. We did try but your phone wasn't reachable.

Adrien : atleast you told me now *sigh* also tell if you both have any other secret from me *looks at them both*

Nick : we don't have any now

Adrien : are you sure?!

Zack : yes bro *keeps his hand on his shoulder*

Adrien : *remove his hand and looks at him in disbelief*

I was looking at them in disbelief when I heard Someone calling Zack and Nick....

I look up to see who is calling them and see my angel..

Marinette : Zack

Zack : *looks at her* oh hey sis. Do you need anything?!

Marinette : umm yes I need.

Nick : what is it sissy?!

Marinette : *extended her hand* I want my Love back which you took early in the morning from my room

Zack : *looks at nick*

Nick : *looks at Zack*

I don't know why but I was feeling betrayed when I heard 'my love' from her. I will kill who ever he is. I chinch my fist in anger.

Marinette : give me now

Zack : *looks at her* umm Mari...

Marinette : *looks at him with curious face* yes?

Nick : actually we lost him *said while rubbing his neck from behind*

Marinette : WHAT?!

everyone looks at us when she screamed.

Tom : Mari dear what happened?! *Uncle asked while looking at her*

Marinette : dad *she looks at uncle and runs to him before hugging him*

Uncle hugs her back even though he was a little shock because of her sudden hug.

Tom : *hugs her back* Mari what happened?!

Marinette : *started crying* d-dad

Everyone started to get worry about her. Mom went to her and asked her..

Emilie : Mari dear why are you crying?! What happened?!

Marinette : *looks at her while crying* m-mom

Gabriel : what happened?!

Marinette : Zack and Nick *points towards them* t-they l-lost l-love *sobs*

Everyone looks at us- i mean at Zack and Nick...

Marinette : dad *looks at Tom* you b-bought him f-for me r-right?! Tell t-them to g-give me b-back him *said while crying*

Tom : *stroke her hair* oh my princess don't worry I will get you more like him okay?!

Marinette : *shook her head* N-no i only want h-him *sobs*

Just then someone spoke...

Xavier : Zack and Nick you both are grounded for one month *said while looking at them*

Zack and Nick : What?! Xavier you can't do this!!

It was Xavier who said that

Xavier : I can and i did. If you don't want to be grounded then who told you both to took love and then lost him?!

Nick : *looks at him*

Zack : *looks at him*

Nick : *looks at Xavier* I gave up now!!

Zack : don't!!

Nick : Mari go to your room and check your first drawer.

As Nick finished saying he gets a slap on her head from behind. It was Zack who slapped him

Nick : ouch *rubbing his head* why did you hit me?!

Zack : who told you to tell her?!

Nick : i don't want to get beat up nor grounded for one month

Xavier : you are still grounded for one month.

They were blabbering while Mari went to her room with mom aunt Sabine following her. Izzy and Chloe went outside. God knows why?

Dad and uncle Tom were scolding these two brats. While Xavier and I are standing aside talking about our life. Yes, I and Xavier are long time friends.

Now I know that she is really a little kid from heart.

Soon we heard footsteps coming towards us. While some giggling sound.

We looks at the foots direction to see mom and aunt Sabine coming down while marinette was behind them holding something in her hand.

I felt relief seeing her happy face.

I was staring at her. Until a voice reach to my ears. I look around and saw little puppy running towards marinette.

As the puppy reach near her she bend down and sat there with the puppy.

Marinette : Lucy You are here!! I miss you *saying this she hugs that puppy*

Lucy : *licks her face*

Marinette : *laughing* Lucy stop it's tickling hahaha

Lucy : *looks at her*

Marinette : *looks at Lucy*

That puppy looks at marinette with blue bell eyes just like Mari.

Lucy : *sit on her lap*

Marinette : *caress her furr*

Lucy : *put her head on her legs which were on mari's lap*

Marinette : my baby miss me   *said while caressing her furr*

Tom : *looks at her* Mari what are you doing on the ground?!

Marinette : *looks up at him* dad Lucy *points towards Lucy*

Sabine : *click their pic* aww you both are looking so cute

Emilie : yes they are. After all it's my daughter who is cute


Sorry for late update guys.

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