A Meeting

Xie Zi overheard a conversation between Ren Jiao and a beautiful woman, discovering by chance that the disastrous blind date Ren Yanya had been complaining about was none other than Qi Chao.

It's no wonder Xie Zi never linked Qi Chao with the prominent Qi family.

Who would have imagined that someone from an orphaned background like Qi Chao could have any ties to a powerful family like the Qi's?

Now aware that Qi Chao was nearby, Chi Yu would find it far easier to track him down.

Eagerly, Chi Yu headed downstairs, stepping out of the elevator just as Qiao Yu approached, followed by several middle-aged gentlemen of refined demeanor, each wearing glasses.

Chi Yu recognized immediately why they were there.

Without waiting for Qiao Yu to speak, Chi Yu offered a polite bow to the university presidents and deans, responding with gracious yet humble words, "Thank you all for your regard, but my decision to attend the Imperial University is firm."