Chapter 9: Y1 Books, Trains, and a Codex II

( Harry Pov )

Hogwarts Express-[ 1st Sep ]

Harry made his way to the local train station and purchased a one-way ticket to London. Fortunately, the train had just finished unloading so he could board immediately. As he rode the train he let his mind wander, slipping into his newly formed codex. Unsurprisingly, it had taken the form of a library, which had been the only place he felt safe in his childhood.

Continuing to sort his recollections into tomes, the only defences he had was a locking charm on the door that guarded the way into 'his codex,' and the mass of negative memories he placed in the surrounding tomes.

Returning fully to the waking world was an interesting experience, especially waking up to see a business women sitting across from him reading a newspaper. Harry realized quickly just how much visiting one's own codex left you open to attack by anyone. It was a bit like waking from a daydream and being asked to give an answer, but never having heard the question in the first place.

King's Cross Station was probably one of the busiest places in all of London. It was full of regular people going about their lives, rushing around to catch their trains.

He had never had a reason to go to King's Cross personally, so this was his first visit to the famous train station. This explained his awed and wary state of mind as he took in the sights and sounds of the place, whilst trying not to be knocked down by the moving crowds. He never had been one for crowds, always preferring his own company over others.

Following the instructions on his letter, he slowly made his way over to Platform 9¾, which was strangely quite compared to the rest of the station. Looking up at a massive clock he saw he was nearly an hour early. He walked through the barrier to reveal an old steam train coated in red and gold paint, with a couple of early families on platform. His first impression was it was bit over the top, very grand, but if he was going to venture a guess, it was intended to impress new generations of magicals and make a statement.

Most of the compartments were empty, as was to be expected. Choosing a compartment, he brought his trunk out from his back pocket and with tap of his wand enlarged it. Then, he quickly changed into his Hogwarts robes as well as choosing a runes theory textbook to read to help pass the time, since the journey to Hogwarts would take most of the day.

His mother's notes had said that runes had many uses, mainly for warding structures and rituals. He would need an understanding of runes if he wished for his mind to be more secure against possible attacks.

Getting himself comfortable, he tried to read, however his attention kept slipping to the families on the platform. Watching them he couldn't help but wonder what it would have been like with his own family. He missed his parents a lot, but he would make sure their sacrifice didn't go in vain.

However, activity suddenly increased on the platform focusing around a family he noticed contained a kid with a lightning bolt scar on forehead, before recalling it was the so called Boy-Who-Lived, Neville Longbottom.

He was followed closely by a regal-looking old woman who was pushing her charge forward, ignoring the gaggle of fans, with a ginger haired family close behind them. He had read that the boy's parents had died the night that the Dark Lord had finally been defeated; he already disliked the boy, whose fame was bought with his parent's death.

Turning back to his book, silently making a vow to never be his friend as long the boy's behaviour was as arrogant as had been displayed on the platform.

Some time passed before there was a knock on door, followed by the door opening. He looked up from the book at what appeared to be twin girls of Indian decent. The first girl asked, "Do you mind if we join you?"

His first thought was to say no, so he could return to book in peace. He didn't really want them distracting him since it was turning out to be a good book and all his previous experience with the fairer sex had resulted in him having to pretend to be interested in their gossip, while at the same time getting a headache.

However, the logical part of his mind quickly made the argument that he would have to spend the next 7 years with them, so making a good first impression would be to his advantage. Especially if it meant more positive gossip, rather than having to deal with negative rumours, like he had endured while living with his relatives.

"Please do," he replied, standing up while gesturing to the seats. He made the effort to help them with their trunks, using a basic levitation charm he had learned earlier saying, "Harry James Potter, Heir to the Ancient and Noble House of Potter," whilst placing a light kiss on the hand of each girl as instructed by his books on magical culture.

"Parvati Patil," the first one responded before gesturing to her sister behind her, "this is my sister Padma," who gave a small smile in greeting. The trio slipped into conversation, during which Harry quickly learned that their family originated in India, but their father had came over to Britain to look after family trade interests on his own father's behalf, as well as acting in the role of an unofficial ambassador. Throughout the conversation it became clear that Parvati was the more talkative of the twins, while Padma answered questions in more detail.

However, during the one-side conversation, Parvati asked a question he been hoping to avoid, "Harry, what do your mother and father to do?" Taking a moment to respond, in an emotionless tone he said, "I am an orphan, my parents were murdered in the closing days of the last war. Since then, I have lived with my mother's relatives, both of whom are non-magical," before turning back to his book, leaving the two girls to talk amongst themselves, since he was no longer in the mood for small talk.

During the journey to Hogwarts, a blonde haired girl named Lavender Brown entered the compartment and immediately began talking to the twins, primarily focusing on Parvati, making it obvious the girls knew each other.

He listened in with one ear while reading; he could review memory later that evening. During the journey he noticed Padma had also taken out a book. The rest of journey passed by without any major incidents, expect for an arrogant blonde haired fool interrupting his reading. This resulted in Harry sending a small fist sized bluebell fire ball at the boy, quickly causing him flee the compartment.

However, this resulted in a ginger haired prefect and a hazelnut blonde haired girl with an hourglass figure turning up to 'try' to give him a dressing down for his behaviour, while the blonde boy watched with amusement. During this dressing down, Harry couldn't help but reflect on what he had discovered about his own magic, since getting his wand. Fire spells were far less difficult for him, and they felt more natural.

Deciding he had enough of the red head, and really wanting to put him in his place, he stopped the boy's speech mid-flow saying, "Do you ever shut up? It was only a bluebell fireball, if I want to hurt the brat I would have. At worst, that charm will give him a minor burn mark that would be gone in less than a day. The way you are going on, you make it sound like I tried to kill the prat. Go and waste someone else's time, I have better things do," before turning back to his book.

The girl responded before the ginger haired boy got a chance by placing a hand on his arm saying, "Let's go Percy, we can inform the staff and let them handle it," before walking away from the compartment, resulting in Percy following her out.

The train began slowing down, and a voice echoed through the train, "We will be reaching Hogwarts in ten minutes' time. Please leave your luggage on the train; it will be taken to the school separately." The train finally stopped and they got out of it along with hundreds of other students.

When Harry got out of the train he heard a series of calls, "Firs'-years! Firs'-years over here!" Walking in the direction of the calling, he saw a giant of a man. "All right there, Harry?" the giant of man in front of Harry said, whilst beaming a big smile down at him across the crowd of students.

Harry couldn't remember ever meeting the fellow, who seemed familiar, but he knew he would recall meeting anyone of that size. After all, it's hard to forget someone that large.

Looking up at the giant of man, causing the girls to stop, he asked, "Have we meet before, I can't seem to recall you?"

The giant of man seem to recoil before responding. His tone was one of hurt at Harry's comment, "I knew your parents. My name is Hagrid and I often saw you whenever your parents came to Hogwarts on business and order meetings," before suddenly stopping, realizing he had said something he wasn't meant to.

Harry quickly realized what Hagrid had meant by order meetings. He recalled his mother's journals had mentioned something about an order, but he couldn't recall all the details, due to not having his codex set up yet. He made a mental note to reread his mother's journals at the earliest opportunity, in case he had missed something.

It also explained why Hagrid seemed familiar, looking up he decided to throw the guy a bone, since he obviously was trusted by his parents. "It's nice to meet you again, Hagrid, maybe we can have a lunch one day and chat, after all we are old friends," he said, followed by a smile.

Hargid seemed to beam at his response, before saying in a cheerful tone, "That'd be nice. I'll send you an owl sometime after you've settle in," before remembering his current task, leading the gathered first year students. "C'mon, follow me. Any more firs'-years? Mind yer step, now! Firs'-years follow me"

They followed him through the darkness, along the path, until they reached a series of small boats. "No more'n four to a boat!" Hagrid called out to them, pointing to a fleet of little boats sitting in the water by the shore.

Harry made the effort of helping the girls into the boat, holding their hands to escort them on board. After all, he had to maintain the impression of being a proper heir, plus it would curry more favour with them.

"Everyone in?" shouted Hagrid, who had a whole boat to himself, "Right then – FORWARD!"

The fleet of little boats moved off all at once, slowly gliding across the smooth surface of the lake. Everyone was silent, staring up at the giant castle overhead. It towered over them as they sailed nearer and nearer to the cliff on which it stood.

"Heads down!" yelled Hagrid as the first boats reached the cliff. They all bent their heads and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy which hid a wide opening in the cliff face. They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right underneath the castle, until they reached a kind of underground harbour where they clambered out onto rocks and pebbles.

They clambered up a passageway in the cavern, following after Hagrid, until at last coming out onto smooth, damp grass right in the shadow of the castle. They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around the huge, oak front door.

"Everyone here? Good," Hagrid said, before raising a gigantic fist and knocking three times on the castle door.


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