Chapter 48: Reflections and Mirrors V

Once again he looked over the engravings, before an errant thought crossed his mind. Maybe this mirror is the treasure? After all it was quite obviously a powerful magical artefact, and maybe all the traps and wards were designed to protect this mirror.


Who wouldn't want a mirror that showed their heart's desires? Or with the mirror in their possession, learn how this complex and unknown magic even functioned.

What magical discoveries could be made with enough research? After all, the Prophet had said that there had been an attempted robbery, but the only item in the vault had been removed earlier that day. Together with the whispering he had heard from the 'golden trio,' it seemed the headmaster himself had been protecting the item from the vault.

Deciding to take the mirror entirely, he tried several charms to lift it, but found that they were totally ineffective. Looking at the runes on the floor, he decided to destroy the runes representing charge/power, these being the ones responsible for powering the wards on the mirror.

Pointing his wand, he fired a simple banishing charm at the power runes; it took several attempts for the charms to actually damage the rune, before repeating it several times on the cluster, before the mirror glowed for a bit before fading.

He cast a shrinking charm on the mirror to aid in moving the thing; it took a lot of power and effort, but eventually he was able to shrink it to the point of being about the size of a dressing table mirror. He then cast a feather light charm on it, before trying to lift it. It was still plenty heavy even with the charm, due to its own natural magics working against the charm's effectiveness.

Slowly making his way back through all the traps, he was grateful to not have to play the chess board again in his fatigued state. He grabbed the broom again and floated his way up, casting a lumos to cause the devil's snare to move out of the way, before reaching the top to thankfully find that 'fluffy' was still fast asleep from his the several doses of the draught he had eaten. Since the draught hadn't put the Cerberus into a near death-like state, the potion would eventually wear off without an antidote.

For the final time he charged the rune stones before making his way out of the room, casting a simple locking charm on the door before sleepily making his way back to his dorm room encountering no one on the way. He unlocked his trunk, and placed the mirror in the high security area for later examination, before unceremoniously falling onto his bed still fully dressed.

He was asleep within seconds, with a smug smile gracing his face even in his sleep. He had completed the puzzle, defeated the challenges of the 3rd floor and had taken the mirror as the prize for his efforts.

It somehow seemed rather fitting and terribly satisfying to have stolen something from the man who had mismanaged his family's assets, outright robbed from him, and placed him at the Dursleys for a decade of abuse.

If he couldn't get it back through the goblins, something he thought more than likely given how devious Dumbledore was, he would just have to steal bits and pieces from around the school to help level the score, with a hefty amount of interest charged for all the damage and trouble.

What Harry didn't know was that the mirror had a prize far more valuable than he first thought; it had a true philosopher's stone, one of only four in the world sitting in his trunk. And no one would even notice it had been stolen until a day before the new term started.


( Headmaster's Office )

Several objects in the Headmaster's office were currently flashing bright red, these objects having been charmed to monitor the wards guarding the stone.

With each layer of defence broken, the objects glowed brighter, one monitor for Fluffy's health, currently dimmer than normal; the second charmed to monitor the floor below the devil's snare, to flash green whenever someone was in the room; the third monitored the status of the provided broomstick and whether it was being used or had been used.

There was a charmed chess set in the office linked to the giant one of the 3rd floor, sending back feedback, moving each piece in real-time as it moves in the chamber below, showing the game to anyone in the office. The black king's crown currently sat by the king's feet in defeat. The full-sized chess set could also be controlled from the office. However, it was currently set to auto play, rather than player controlled.

Four troll statues were linked to the living trolls, sending back their health status at regular intervals, showing that they were now fast asleep.

Then there was a vial that filled whenever a potion was taken, it was currently filled bright red, after the flame protection potion had been taken to get through the fire wall.

Finally, there was an orb enchanted to show the face of anyone looking directly into the mirror; however with the wards connected to the mirror broken this also was dim, the image faded into nothing, never to reveal the face of the intruder to the headmaster.

There was no one in the office at all. Even the many portraits of the past headmasters and headmistresses were all at their own 'Hogwarts' Portrait New Year's Eve' party so they couldn't warn the headmaster of the danger to the stone either, and by the time they returned to their frames and canvases, the monitoring objects had already stopped glowing from the broken wards, from running out of magic.

Even then the portraits finally returned to the office, none of them were in state to notice the broken wards in their hung-over state, from drinking too much the previous night.

The Headmaster himself was currently in Russia attending a New Year's Eve ball, and wouldn't be back until the start of term, while his beloved phoenix was currently going through a burning day and wouldn't flame into the office for several more days at the least.

By the time the headmaster was flamed into his office by a grumpy Fawkes and realized just what had happened, it was already far too late. The thief's magical signature had long since faded due to the currents of magic throughout the school.

What was even more shocking and unexpected to the headmaster was that the mirror itself had been stolen, as well the stone; he couldn't help but panic at that point. 'What kind of diabolical genius would think to take the whole damn mirror and thus have the time to get the stone out at their leisure?' he thought.

The mirror had been borrowed from an old friend and now he would have to explain how that was taken, as well as explaining to Nicholas and Perenelle how their stone had been stolen in the first place. He didn't look forward to either conversation, unless he lied and said that both were destroyed at the same time.

After all, he had intended to fake the stone's destruction at the end of the year anyways. Deciding to check on his prime suspect, he immediately dispatched Fawkes with hurried orders to retrieve his subordinate, Nathan Harris, who he had personally assigned the task of tracking Quirrell's movements over the Christmas break.

Nathan Harris appeared soon after in a blaze of flames, the Order member quickly reporting that Quirrell was still overseas and hadn't actually been in Britain since the day he left Hogwarts for the holiday break. Now they had to come up with a new plan, as well as find their lost mirror and its precious cargo.

Albus couldn't help but curse the bad fortune of having gone to Russia and leaving Hogwarts. He also cursed having drunk too much of the delicious Russian vodka, which had dulled his senses so thoroughly he didn't even notice when his ward necklace had grown warm warning him of the wards being broken and that there was an intruder. The resulting hangover the next day didn't help either.

From now on all New Year's Eve parties he was forced to attend would be hosted in Britain. He wouldn't make the same mistake again. He also wouldn't try native drinks ever again; it made their firewhiskey look like apple juice.


Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)


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