Taking one final look at the blood red stone, prior to sealing it away in the treasure chest. Before carefully putting the now fully resize mirror next to it, before heading over to a series of books shelves, to examine them for anything of interested.
He ended picking up a couple of text books on ward theory, and how to set up defences. Since his interest was prompted from his adventures of the previous year, and the discovery of the stone. He also took a couple books on charms and transfiguration theory.
After that he went over to one of the shelves his mother had prepare which held hers and his father text books filled with their notes, as well their own pieces on magical theory. He had left them there last year since he had lacked the necessary basic understanding of the material to understand them. Sadly, even after a year of studying and pushing himself, they were still out of his league, so he reluctantly left them there for then he was older and more capable.
One of the books what interested him the most, was the marauder's guide to becoming animagus, since he imagine it be useful skill to have, plus he wonder what his own form would be. It also was a tribute of sorts to his father as well; hopefully he could achieve his own form in the next couple years if he worked hard at it. Then he went about finding some other suitable reading material for the break, most of books, he pick up were ones he expected would hold second and third year material so he could continue to prepare.
After choosing a good two dozen books across the currently subjects he was taking, plus the ones he had already chosen and stacking them his trunk. Prior to sinking the trunk back down, so it would fit in his back pocket.
On the way out he noticed his family tapestry, what showed his family tree. The last time he had visited, he hadn't really been interested in it. It wasn't until he had learnt through reading and Daphne, just how much the magical world operated on tradition and family status.
He saw his name, Harry James Potter-Peverell, then his fathers and mothers names, then going back further, he saw quite a few surnames he recognized. But the name what got his interest the most was when looking at Peverell branch, he had a distance connection with the Slytherin family, about 700 years back, where one of Slytherin's great grand draughters married into Peverell Bloodline.
With the Peverell then marrying into Potter family tree, on and off from the 13th century onwards. If he had to guess to maintain an activate marriage alliance between the two households. Right up to the main branch of the Peverell family suddenly dying out all in 1632, all within a matter of months of one another.
So if he had to guess they were probably killed off for whatever reason, since five of them died, on the same day. After all there was no way a whole family of 30 members strong suddenly dying out in a matter of weeks of one another by any natural means? If he had to guess, a house war or Blood feud was declare, or something along those lines.
Looking at the family tree covering the vault wall, he was curious why no one from Potter family ever took up Peverell name and title ever again, until he did. Surly there was a reason or two for letting the name die out.
Deciding to look it up, over the summer so he had better understanding of his past, since he already knew Potter name dated back to time of Romans in Britain, but he had no real idea of his family history belong the last 50 years or so.
His stomach grumble, reminding him it would be well into evening by now, quickly walking over to pile of coins to top up his own money pouch. Before rapidly making his way to vault door to leave so he could get something to eat, only stopping to make sure the vault fully closed. Before waiting for what seemed like eternally for another mine cart to arrive to take him back to surface, instead of Griphook, he got another goblin, and was forced to share the cart ride back with an elderly couple.
Whilst travelling back to the surface, he pondered over fact that he had a distance blood connection to Salazar Slytherin, as well the off chance of possibly being able to speak parseltongue as well. That would be cool ability to have, even if people automatically assumed he was dark wizard, just due to have having the ability.
Sometimes wizards were really daft, basing their assumptions of others, on past actions. It wouldn't surprise him that fair few individuals had the ability, butd had chosen to stay quiet. Rather than being thrown into that box, and automatically being judge as dark wizard or witch, and then being treated as a walking time bomb.
So caught up in his thoughts he didn't notice they had arrive back at the surface until the goblin poked him with his stick, causing him to snap out his thoughts and apologize for not paying attention.
( Home )
Waking up rather late in morning; since he had been busy the night before unpacking and getting the small two bedroom farm house, he was currently calling home up to speed. Thankfully due to wards placed around the house, meant that the tracking charm on his wand was useless as long as he was inside the wards, or a highly magical area.
The wards around the place also include any 'anti-muggle wards and privacy wards, the house from the outside just look like any other old farm house, what everyone would expect to see in the English country side.
So getting the place up to speed was relatively quick and easily. One thing he missed while staying at Hogwarts, was the ability to cook his own food the way he like it, and when he liked it. Since Hogwarts lack this, due to it was catering close to 300 students at any one time, making the idea in practical. Thinking over what was needed to be done, so he could prioritise his efforts and energies for the day.
The first thing he was planning to doing after finishing settling in, was exploring the local area around the farm house. So he could at least get a sense of where everything was, and what local services were in the area.
Second was food shopping, as well some clothes since he had bulked out quite a bit under some healthy living conditions. So he now almost looked like a normal healthy 12 year old boy. Third, well that was relaxing and reading, he had to visit the alley sometime to top up on supplies, since he couldn't last night, but that would be done over the next week or so.
Then finally get somewhat into shape, and visit healer Ayra and get her to give him a check up, and subscribe any potions he would need for the upcoming year.
( Hogwart's Staffroom – Minerva Mcgonagall's POV )
The end of term meeting was well underway; all members of the teaching staff were present, with the exception of the recently 'retired' Professor Quirrell. These meetings often lasted for several hours at least; first they would go over the standard review of the course material, and things what could be improve upon, or no longer needed or some cases removed, due to being to advance for that currently year group of students.
Which in her professional opinion devalue Owls, if the standard kept changing to suit each individual year, at least Newts were constant. And Masters were graded internationally, by multiply experts so true geniuses could shine despite these short comings in the system, causing her to look at the resident potion's master.
No one ever bothered to bring up potions anymore, since nothing chance since Severus had started. Therefore they had combined their efforts to better use, such as getting new equipment, and often became down to who had most favours to call in. As well trying to get Binn's replaced, with a teacher who didn't put his class to sleep. Unfortunately this notion was always shot down due to practical reasons, first you didn't have to pay a ghost to teach, and by Binn's teaching about the goblins and their rebellions kept the ministry from trying to interfere.
Also the fact remained, despite all the bloodshed in history of Goblin rebellions, and wars, it was far cleaner than wizard history. And more or less every house had some kind of dark wizard or witch in their history, which they wished to be swept under the rug and forgotten about, so they could keep up the air of respectability.
However today she had feeling that the potions situation may change for better, after Harry's letter was brought to Headmaster's attention. She was going to wait until after the meeting had end so it could be discussed it in private, like the true professional she was, rather than airing to room. Even if the man had cost her the house cup!
Eventually they went on to reviewing students, ones what showed promise to achieve their masteries, if they desire upon leaving Hogwarts. And of course, how to help redirect the negative, and underperforming students so they too could reach their full potential. Or as Albus would regularly say, 'save them from themselves' and 'guide them back to the light'. She was all for helping students, but only then they wanted to be help.
They had spent good amount of time examining the up and coming seventh years, for the most talented, and ones which had rare abilities and skills. One key one what pop out was Miss Tonks and her Metamorphmagus ability, resulting in a round of questioning from Albus about her grades and the extent of her abilities, which Pomona answered mostly.
And finally they got onto first year's and professors thoughts about their new students, several of her colleagues pointed out that Draco Malfoy was becoming a bit of bully, but had reasonable grades. While his godfather Severus defended the boy, and praised his godson potions brewing abilities. So that notion went nowhere as usual, all due to Severus refusing to acknowledge their concerns, and then Albus dismissing it as unimportant, saying the lad would grow out it, but she had her doubts after seeing how his father had turned out.
Finally they got around to one of her favourite's Miss Granger. Speaking quickly to cut off Severus's not to quiet rant, about Miss Granger 'being a insufferable know it all,' explained that she was a role model student. Highly intellect and motivated, and was one of her top student who had a promising future ahead of her, with several of the staff agreeing with her who had meet the first year.
When they got to Ron Weasley, she was able to sum up the youngest male Weasley in a single word 'lazy' and explained to the room, and how he was bring down the rest of first year male Griffindors along with Neville's grades. And the hope with Miss Granger being his friend would instil upon the young boy some work ethics. And got around of agreement that boy was indeed lazy, even Severus didn't have anything to add to her rather brutal summary of Ron.
Then she went on and mentioned she would be writing to boy's mother in near future, if the lad's attitude continued. Which Albus agreed to handle it, since he was going to be visiting Molly in the next couple week's time, for his regular tea and biscuits with her. Which she always found rather usual, but Albus once stated she reminded him of his sister prior to her untimely death.
Hey guys I really need some power stones to Elevate the ranking :)
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