Sebastian stepped out of the car, his gaze scanning the entrance of the Elite Group building. Raymond followed, keys still in hand.

"Ah, perfect timing," Sebastian murmured, nodding toward Charlotte and Rachel, accompanied by a third woman, approaching the main entrance.

Charlotte juggled a big stack of documents, her face scrunched in effort.

Sebastian smiled, tapping Raymond's arm. "Hey, go lend a hand."

He gestured toward Charlotte, who teetered under the weight of her papers.

Raymond furrowed his brows, "Huh?"

Sebastian's nod was teasing "My flower over there needs assistance."

"But why? That's your flower not mine." Raymond protested.

Sebastian leaned in, whispering in Raymond's ear. "Because I am your boss."

Raymond's eyes rolled up, "Don't pull that card," he muttered, his tone laced with amusement.

Meanwhile, Rachel and Natalie cornered Charlotte, their expressions stern.

"Girl, what's with the paperwork?" Rachel asked, shaking her head. "We're in the 21st century, Charlie. A flash drive would've sufficed."

Natalie chimed in, bending to tie her shoelaces. "She's right, Charlie. You're going old-school on us."

Charlotte's cheeks flushed as she clutched the documents. "I just wanted to be prepared..."

Just then, Raymond stepped into the conversation, his smile warm. "Hey, let me help with that."

He gently took the documents from Charlotte, his eyes meeting hers. "I'm Raymond, by the way. Remember me?"

Charlotte's gaze lifted, her eyes sparkling. "Yeah, I remember you. You're Mr. Sebastian's friend."

Rachel stepped forward, her voice tinged with nervousness. "Mr. Raymond, remember me from the lobby yesterday?"

Raymond's smile faltered, his eyes scanning Rachel's face. He hesitated, unsure.

Rachel's smile grew uneasy. "We bumped into each other at the lobby."

The silence stretched and Raymond quickly apologized "I'm sorry...I don't..."

"I'm done." Natalie announced as she straightened, her hands finishing the last tie of her shoelaces.

As she raised her head, her eyes met Raymond's. For a fleeting moment, their gazes locked.

Then, Raymond's eyes widened.

"Maggie!" he called

Immediately Natalie's heart sank, her eyes growing

Rachel's laughter sounded strained as she spoke, "No, I'm Rachel, not Maggie." She rubbed her neck, her eyes darting downward.

Under her breath, she muttered, "I remember introducing myself."

Charlotte followed Raymond's gaze to Natalie. "Mr. Raymond, do you know our Natalie?" she asked, her curiosity stirred.

As this unfolded, Sebastian strode toward the group, his eyes scanning the scene taking place. As he approached, his smile flashed first at Charlotte. "Hi, Orchid."

And nodded at Rachel, his wave casual. "Hello."

Then, his gaze settled on Raymond. "What's going on, Ray?"

"Natalie, do you know him?" Rachel asked, after responding to Sebastian.

Natalie's eyes met Raymond's, then skipped to Sebastian, and finally settled on Rachel. "No. Wrong person," she stammered, her smile breaking. "I'm not Maggie, I'm Natalie."

Raymond opened his mouth to speak, but Natalie cut him off.

"Charlie, I forgot something important back at the office. Let me go grab it quick."

She swiftly turned and hailed a cab.

"Wait, Natalie!" Charlotte called out, but Natalie was already slipping into the taxi.

As the taxi drove away, Charlotte's eyes met Rachel's as they wondered what Natalie was up to.

Raymond leaned in and whispered to Sebastian. "That's Maggie."

Sebastian's brows furrowed. "Who's Maggie?"

Charlotte quickly intervened, her voice crisp. "Let's go! The meeting, remember?"


Sebastian leaned against the wall, eyes scanning the team leaving the meeting hall. Spotting Charlotte, he shifted to the side of the door, aiming for a casual encounter.

As Charlotte walked out, her gaze was fixed on her phone. Sebastian remained still, waiting. Her pace was swift, her heels clattering on the floor. Suddenly, she collided with Sebastian's broad frame.

"Oh my God!" Charlotte exhaled, startled, her phone slipping from her grasp.

Sebastian's hands instinctively wrapped around her elbows, steadying her.

"Sorry, I didn't see you," Charlotte apologized, her cheeks flushing as his intense gaze swept on her.

Sebastian smiled, releasing his grip. "Is the meeting over?" he asked, his eyes straying past Charlotte to peer inside the hall.

"Yes," Charlotte replied, her voice even, despite the sudden warmth spreading through her.

"You didn't attend today. Why?" She asked, examining her phone, ensuring the screen wasn't cracked.

Sebastian's lips curled into a smirk. "What? You missed me?"

Charlotte's gaze flicked up, her expression unreadable. "No, I was happy you didn't show up. You wouldn't add anything important either way."

With a dismissive smile, she turned to leave.

Sebastian's smirk faltered, his stride lengthening to keep pace with Charlotte's.

"Wait," he called out, his voice low to avoid attention. "We aren't done."


Rachel exhaled slowly, as she watched Sebastian and Charlotte's retreating figures. She observed they walked side by side, their strides in sync as if planned.

"I knew she'd leave me again," she murmured.

A gentle tap on her arm broke her reverie. "Hey."

Rachel turned to face the figure behind, her brows furrowed. It was one of the team members, Serena.

Serena's arms were laden with a towering stack of documents, Charlotte's signature binders.

"Yes?" Rachel replied, her voice cautious.

Serena's expression was stern, her eyes strained from the weight. "Tell your boss that next time she's coming, she should just bring a drive."

Rachel quickly apologized, "I'm sorry."

Serena sighed audibly as she adjusted the documents, her arms trembling.

Without another word, she turned and walked away, leaving Rachel feeling bad.

"Damn Charlotte!" Rachel whispered under her breath. "I told her."

She quickly walked out of the hallway, her pace quickened.

As she entered the lobby, a familiar figure caught her attention.

Raymond stood by the glass entrance, his eyes scanning the room. Their gazes met, and an awkward smile spread across his face.

He walked toward her, lazily tousling his hair, sending Rachel's pulse soaring.

"Miss Rachel, Can I speak to you please?" He asked in a low, gentle voice.

"Of course," Rachel nodded eagerly.

With a grateful smile, Raymond motioned to the elevator. Rachel tilted her head, trying to look cute.

"Please," Raymond said, his hand sweeping toward the elevator.

Rachel's smile lingered as she stepped into the elevator with Raymond behind her.