Raymond shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes fixed on Natalie as she leaned in, her words spilling out in a slurred rush.

"So, I'm sitting there, watching everything I've built crumbling around me, and my partners couldn't do squat to save it." Natalie's voice rose, her hands gesturing wildly. "And then, the unthinkable happens – I actually consider crawling back to Daddy." She snorted, rolling her eyes. "Can you believe it? Me, the independent one, begging for help."

Raymond's expression remained polite, but his eyes betrayed a flicker of confusion.

Natalie's face transformed, a bright smile spreading across her face, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "But then, miracle of miracles, my friend pulls through, and we land this massive contract. We're back in business, baby!" She raised her glass in a toast, nearly spilling its contents.

Raymond forced a chuckle, lifting his own glass in response. "Woah... That's quite a story. Congrats."

Natalie didn't pause, her words flowing unchecked. "But I was angry at her, you know... How could she take out a huge loan using our company just to give to her boyfriend! The worst part is he ran away, leaving her broken." She shook her head, lips pursed.

Raymond's gaze drifted around the room, his attention waning.

Natalie pushed a refilled glass toward him. "I was so angry, but I had to comfort her. No one else was going to do it; she has only me."

Raymond's eyes reconnected onto a familiar face across the room – Emma, scanning the crowd for him. He stood abruptly. "Listen, I've got to go."

The opening chords of "Softcore" by The Neighbourhood filled the air, and Natalie's face lit up. Her eyes sparkled with excitement as she grabbed Raymond's hand.

"I love this song! Come let's dance!" she exclaimed, pulling him into the swirling crowd.

Raymond hesitated, his feet rooted to the spot. "I can't dance," he protested, shaking his head.

Natalie grinned. "Follow my lead, then," she said, guiding his hands to her waist. Her eyes locked onto his, her voice dropping to a hush,"Just feel the music."

Raymond chuckled, feeling out of his depth. He'd never danced with the crowd before, he was always content to watch from the sidelines.

Natalie's hands slipped from his, and she spun away, losing herself in the rhythm. Her voice blended with the music as she sang along, her body swaying to the beat.

"Just watch me," she called out over her shoulder, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Raymond watched Natalie, mesmerized. She danced with abandon, her movements smooth and sensual. The music pulsed through her body.

He suddenly felt his feet tapped out the rhythm. He couldn't resist moving to the beat as Natalie's energy drew him in.

He wrapped his arms around her waist, swaying to the music.

As the music faded, Natalie tugged on Raymond's arm, pulling him back to the bar. "Let's drink more!" she exclaimed.

By this time, Emma appeared at his side, a frown forming on her face. "Ray... you said you were getting drinks?"

Raymond's gaze bounced between Natalie and Emma, his expression sheepish. "Uhmm... I got distracted."

Emma's eyes narrowed, her stare piercing as she turned to Natalie. "She distracted you?"

Raymond opened his mouth to explain, but Natalie cut him off, her grip on his hands tightening. "Let's drink more!" she urged, tugging him toward the bar.

Emma's lips pursed, her eyes flashing with annoyance. "Let's go, Ray," she said, turning to leave.

Raymond hesitated, his eyes locked on Natalie's expectant smile. Then, he glanced at Emma's retreating back, his expression torn.

"Sorry Maggie, I've got to go. Nice meeting you though. I'm Raymond, by the way." He offered a polite smile as he bid her farewell.

Natalie's face fell, her lips curling into a pout. "Oh... okay."

Raymond nodded and followed Emma, leaving Natalie alone at the bar. As they reached the stairs, Emma led the way, but Raymond suddenly stopped.

"Emma, you guys have fun without me. I've got to go back," he said, his expression apologetic.

Emma's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "What? Why?"

Raymond didn't answer, already turning to rush back down the stairs.

"Ray!" Emma called out, but he was gone.

Raymond weaved through the people, his eyes scanning the bar for Natalie's familiar figure. He spotted her, still sitting alone, nursing her drink.

Her head lifted as he approached, a hint of surprise crossing her face. "You came back," she whispered.

Raymond slid onto the stool beside her, his expression apologetic. "Yeah, I couldn't just leave."

Natalie raised her glass, her eyes slightly closed "Cheers to that."

Raymond chuckled, clinking his glass against hers. "Cheers... I guess."

They drank in silence, the minutes ticking by as they sipped their drinks. The room began to blur, and their laughter grew louder.

Natalie's words slurred together. "Lesh go to your housh."

Raymond's brow furrowed, his speech equally impaired. "You want to go to my place?"

Natalie nodded vigorously, her dark hair swaying. "Yesh, you're my friend now. Lesh go."



Natalie stumbled through the doorway, her eyes wide with wonder. "Woah... Your house is big..."

Raymond staggered behind her, grasping her elbow to steady her. "I almost forgot my door code," he chuckled.

Natalie burst out laughing, her giggles contagious. Raymond joined in, their laughter echoing through the apartment.

As they caught their breath, Raymond asked, "We're in my house, what next?"

Natalie's eyes sparkled mischievously. "We'll do what other people do."

She leaned in, her lips brushing against Raymond's. He hesitated, pulling back.

"Woah, slow down. We're drunk and not thinking straight. Let's drink water and calm down."

But Natalie wouldn't listen. She pressed her lips to his again, her kiss urgent.

Raymond's resolve crumbled, and he deepened the kiss. They stumbled through the apartment, lips locked, until they reached the bedroom.

He gently laid Natalie on the bed, his hands trembling as he undressed her.

"Are you sure?" he whispered, pausing.

Natalie's smile was radiant. "Yes."