Sebastian sped through the streets, the GPS tracker leading him to Henry's house. His heart racing with every passing second, he envisioned the danger Charlotte is in.

"I'm going to kill him!" he bellowed, slamming his fist on the steering wheel.

As he turned onto Henry's street, the wail of sirens filled the air. Crowds of passersby and neighbors gathered, eyes fixed on the unfolding drama.

He screeched to a halt, barely parking his car before leaping out. He shoved through the throng, driven by urgency.

His gaze locked onto the chaotic scene: police officers pinning Henry to the hood of a squad car.

The sound of handcuffs clicking, Henry's muffled curses, the hum of sirens and people talking created a cacophony of chaos.

Sebastian's eyes scanned the area, searching for Charlotte but he didn't see her.

His eyes blazed with fury as he charged toward Henry, grasping his collar. "You prick!" he bellowed, tightening his grip.