Ten-year-old Charlotte's eyes sparkled with excitement as she gazed up at the gleaming billboard that read "THE Club". This was where her mother worked, and she had been strictly forbidden from visiting. But the club was close to their house, and she was bored and restless, tired of playing alone with her doll, Darla.

Her father had left when she was born, leaving only Charlotte and her mother.

She watched from the side, observing the security guards as they chatted and shared a cigarette. Even at her young age, she knew she'd have to sneak in to see her mother. The security guards would likely call Child Protective Services if they caught her, so she waited for the perfect moment to slip in unnoticed.

Charlotte's luck changed quickly. The security guards received a call and left their posts, leaving the entrance unguarded. "Yes!" She exclaimed, slipping inside unnoticed.