Chapter 11 - Siren Weather Device

The cold ocean looked calmer than the raging storm that hit the ocean. Under the silence of the cold water, I followed the movement of the siren submarine approaching the small island.

 Passive sonar contact reports showed Siera activity scattered around the island.

 "Oh... My... Isn't this a big catch?" Sofia asked.

 "Yeah, according to my prediction, they are big catch" I replied.

 "Master, it looks like the Royal Navy convoy has joined the battle."

 My main system now switches to passive sonar reflections that detect the impact of hard objects touching the water surface. The condition of my submarine enters silent running mode. So, I use a headset to hear the situation around my submarine.




 "There's no mistake, it's a large caliber bullet fired from the Battleship and hit surface sea," I said while glancing at my sonar system that captured the movement of the Royal Navy.

 "Master, there is a new Siera contact. Different from the Siera contact that makes noise. This one contact doesn't move but emits a siren communication wave that is difficult to understand. The submarine database is unable to decode the communication waves."


 "Bearing 340!"

 Responding to Sofia's report that detected strange irregularities in the passive sonar, I immediately checked the report with the Tactical Map Operation data. The distance between the island and the target Siera looked very far. Seeing the strange condition, I checked the movement of the Royal Navy that was keeping a distance from the island. My passive sonar received a signal that identified the mysterious waves emitted by Siera.

 "Sofia, how thick is the ice layer above us?"

 "More or less, it is around 20cm to 30cm! The echoing sonar reflection makes it difficult for us to get a definite answer," Sofia replied.

 "Ah! If we move closer to the island. We will pass through a thick layer of ice," Sofia continued.

 "Passing through the ice layer, huh? Well... Our condition is very bad. The only weapons that can be used are underwater torpedoes because the sea surface is covered in ice. What about Siera's new contact? Are there any changes in location and passive sonar?" I asked.

 "Nothing, Master. It's still at its previous point."

 "Uhm… Is there a thick layer of ice around it?"

 "Based on the passive sonar reflection, the target Siera is outside the ice layer zone."

 "Good! Sofia! Adjust the submarine's course towards the target at gear 3 speed. After passing through the ice layer, raise the submarine to periscope depth and prepare the Hunter Killer Drone in the torpedo launch tube!" I ordered.

 "As you wish, Master!"

 For some reason, I could feel a good feeling about this. A target that wasn't moving but was emitting an incomprehensible siren communication wave?

 There was only one answer to that.

 That was Siren Weather Device!

 I'm very sure about it!

 Finally, I found you, Siren Weather Device!

 Destroying you would be the turning point that would help the Royal Navy and Iron Blood convoy's attack. The bad weather interference that was disrupting their ship's radar would soon be over.

 Well, this was my chance to destroy it and show the power of the Seawolf class in front of the Royal Navy and Iron Blood.

 The body of my submarine moved through the thick layer of ice. Under the ice, the ocean felt very quiet. The reflection of the sound waves was too resonant and confused my sonar sensors to determine the direction.

 The Tactical Map Operation that appeared on my submarine's main system experienced a glitch. The interference was too troublesome, especially with the direction of my submarine's heading which had shifted two degrees from the target.

 "Sofia, adjust the sonar sensor with the gyroscope sensor. If both sensors display different numbers. Immediately adjust with the gyroscope sensor!"

 "Un! Understood! Calibrate the sonar sensor with the gyroscope sensor!

 My submarine's journey was difficult due to the interference of the Siren Weather Device. My submarine's propellers worked hard to be in silent mode while tracing the thick layer of ice under the ice. Contacts under the sea were not detected, passive sonar sweeps did not get new contacts, and the Tactical Map Operation monitored the movement of the Royal Navy convoy that was busy circling the island.

 Suddenly, I got a communication wave interference that penetrated my submarine's network.

 Bzzzzttt... Bzzzzttt...


 "Urm, Sofia..."

 "I know, Master! The communication system is trying to capture the siren's communication wave and retrace its position."



 "Master, our database has no information about this communication wave. However, we managed to retrace the direction of the siren's communication wave. The communication wave came from the island towards the target Siera that we are pursuing" Sofia's words made me speechless.

 "Sofia, send the siren's communication data that was successfully obtained to my main system!"

 "T-There, Master!"

 My main system now contains the random data that was successfully obtained. The data is just a code of ones and zeros, in other words, it is the digital data of the siren that uses binary code. The communication signal used by the Azur Lane ship is an analog channel that can be heard by anyone. For digital signals, there is only one answer to this, which is the encryption siren channel.

 "Sofia, bring the submarine to periscope depth and raise all our radars! Lower the speed to 0. We will attack two targets at once! Prepare launch tubes one and two with Hunter Killer Drones, launch tube three with UGM-84 Harpoon, and Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile on the fourth tube!"

 "Order received! Prepare Solution on the designated tube!"

 While the body of my submarine moved toward periscope depth, I looked at the Tactical Map Operation and observed my attack targets. The distance between the island and the Royal Navy convoy was quite far. It seemed like they were using Battleship cannons to attack and maintain distance.

 My submarine's main system worked hard to decipher the binary code until get a plain code of siren command program filled my main screen, the digital signal that Sofia captured came from The Empress III. She sent a command signal to the Siren Weather Device to change the cold stormy battle weather. The communication used by the sirens was quite advanced, they had used digital channels for communication.

 Very clever!

 However, it would be useless if I understood the plain code of siren commands!

 For now, I will collect the codes and study them.

 If I can make one special exploit that uses the siren's communication network. It will fun to playing with Siren Weather Device.

 "Fufufu... That would be beneficial for my condition when fighting the sirens," I muttered.

 "Master, Solution 1 and Solution 2 are ready!" Sofia reported.

 "Prepare Solution 3 and Solution 4!" I continued my order.

 "Understood! Preparing Solution 3 and Solution 4! ETA 15 seconds!" Sofia replied enthusiastically.

 I glanced at the remaining ammunition supplies on my submarine.



Mark-48 Torpedo x41.

Mobile Submarine Simulator x30.

UGM-84 Harpoon x3.

Tomahawk Anti-Ship Missile x18.

Tomahawk Anti-Land Missile x20.

Semiramis Underwater Jammer x100.

Hunter Killer Drone x11.



Ah! My ammunition supply is running low! If only I hadn't gone overboard in the previous attack. This kind of ammunition shortage wouldn't have happened.

 However, if I hadn't done the test. I wouldn't have known the damage the UGM-84 Harpoon did a real damage to the siren's defense.

 The price paid for the information was worth the result!

 No regrets about this.

 Yep! Just consider it part of the experience and answered my curiosity.

 "Master, Solution 3 and Solution 4 are ready!" Sofia reported.

 I went back into my serious mode, no time to cry over low ammo. This is war! A war without low ammo is no war!

 "Set Solution 1 to target Siera! Change Hunter Killer Drone data transmission to live broadcast using Alpha channel security protocol!"

 "Set Solution 2 to Royal Navy convoy! Change Hunter Killer Drone data transmission to live broadcast using Hotel channel security protocol!"

 Following my order, Sofia immediately launched Hunter Killer Drone and changed the Tactical Map Operation screen to a live broadcast from Hunter Killer Drone's perspective.

 I watched Hunter Killer Drone's live broadcast heading to target Siera and a big smile spread across my face.

 "Bingo!" I said.

 Right in front of me, a tower with a red core was visible. The building was black with six pillars embedded in the ocean. At the top of the building was a red crystal core and purple laser beams flanked by two large antennas.

 "Fufufu… Hahaha!!" I laughed out loud after finding the Siren Weather Device.

 "Sofia, establish a communication channel with King George V! I need to talk to her."

 "Urm, Master… That will give away our position," Sofia replied.

 "Ah! That's right. Then, use the light signal on the Hunter-Killer Drones hovering around King George V."

 "What message do you want to convey, Master?"

 "Ladies, winter is about to end!"

 "Understood! Urm… Master…"

 "What's wrong, Sofia?"

 "Is it just me or is Master teasing them?"

 "It's not like that, Sofia. This is just communication between Flagships and superior Flagships!" I asserted.

 For some unknown reason, Sofia doubted my words.