Chapter 15 - Anchoring at Azur Lane Main Headquarters

After my submarine entered the Azur Lane main base, several tugboats controlled by Manjuu were waiting for me. They threw ropes and swam to my submarine. They hooked the ropes to the front of my submarine and pulled it.

 "Kuuuhu... What cute creatures are those!" said Sofia who was observing Manjuu's activities from the submarine's periscope.

 "Those creatures are called Manjuu and often roam around Azur Lane's main base. Their intelligence is not too bad but they cannot carry out complicated tasks that require precision. Their presence has made up for the lack of manpower in this place," I said while observing Manjuu who was on duty on the deck of my submarine.

 "Humm... The exploitation of cheap labor. Very clever!" replied Sofia.

 Uwaaah... Sofia... Your intelligence and way of thinking are too much. At least, try to have empathy and sympathy for Manjuu.

 Ah... Yep... I forgot.

 Artificial intelligence that has a physical body cannot possibly have that conscience.

 [ Title: Silent Hunter Active! ]

 Erm... What's going on? Why is there an active Silent Hunter notification screen?


 Silent Hunter?

 What is that?

 [ Silent Hunter: This is the title given by the Admiralty Code to the Seawolf-class flagship with hull number SSN-21. All ships from the Eagle Union know the secret identity of the Seawolf and respect the hard work of the Seawolf unit. The chain of command from the Eagle Union has special access rights to receive orders from the Seawolf flagship under Azur Lane's jurisdiction. ]


 Does the title of Silent Hunter have this kind of effect?

 Does that mean... My command of the Eagle Union ships is at the highest point.

 Cold sweat began to drip down my face.

 This heavy responsibility, for some reason I want to escape from this troublesome burden. It reminded me of the Quest given to me, destroying the Seawolf-class unit with hull number SSN-21 or joining one of the nations.

 If I had known about this change, I would have happily destroyed the Seawolf class that became my second body.

 It felt so pathetic but it had to be done!

 I didn't want to mess up the Eagle Union with my unprofessional command.

 During my life and playing Azur Lane, I paid attention to every single one of their ships and equipment stats. At least, every single SSR ship had a combat power that exceeded 5000.

 Well… there were a few ships that reached 6000. But! The equipment they were using was not ordinary equipment! It would be a real headache if all the Eagle Union ships were under my command.

 Their admiral would have free time to SEEEGS with other ships! I'm not stupid enough to fall into such a trap!

 "Master, is it just me or are the Eagle Union's destroyers following us?" Sofia asked.

 "Sofia, they are escorting the submarine that is the Eagle Union's backbone in dealing with the sirens. Moreover, they are still kids who are curious about new things. Our identity as the Flagship of the Seawolf-class unit is a little special in their eyes."

 "I-Is that so? But… Several other ships have been stealing glances at us. Listen to this, Master."

 Sofia handed me my headset and the submarine's communication system that infiltrated the unknown network. Various foreign languages ​​were heard and in disarray. My radar system actively collected information on the radio waves spread across the Azur Lane main base.

 "Sofia, if we launch a de-authentication attack that attacks radio waves. Doesn't that sound fun?" a sly smile appeared on my face.

 Sofia responded to my mischievous plan with a sly smile on her face.

 "That's fine, Master. Let's do it! We haven't used the Semiramis Underwater Jammer yet. It would be a waste if we don't use it… Fufufu…" Sofia chuckled.

 The back of my submarine released a small cylindrical object. The Semiramis Underwater Jammer is a submarine defense device that can disrupt enemy sonar beams, disrupt torpedo sensors, create noise that disrupts hydrophone hearing and emit EMP destructive waves that damage electronic equipment.

 Before the Semiramis Underwater Jammer was activated, I made radio contact with the USS Charles Ausburne.

 "USS Seawolf to USS Charles Ausburne, Thank you for escorting me. You may return after your task is complete."

 "This is USS Charles Ausburne… Order received! We'll be back after the USS Seawolf docks."

 "Is it just me or do they want to follow my submarine to the dock?" I muttered.

 "Hmm... It's up to them..." I gave in to the situation and launched the Semiramis Underwater Jammer.



 The back of my submarine launched the Semiramis Underwater Jammer and emitted a powerful wave that disrupted Azur Lane's communications.


 USS Charles Ausburne issued a light code that indicated that its radio channel was having problems.

 Uh, sorry about that USS Charles Ausburne...

 The radio wave interference came from the Semiramis Underwater Jammer. The Semiramis Underwater Jammer was designed for underwater combat. Future torpedoes have built-in sonar that can chase their targets, to avoid sonar detection, a defense that can imitate a submarine's signature is needed, while torpedoes in the current era... they just like a dead swimming fish.

 Yep, they are thousands of steps behind.

 One of the torpedoes that can chase ships is the calculation of torpedo launch based on target movement. A common tactic often used by old submarines. Observing ship movements, determining torpedo depth, and measuring firing angles. All those troublesome calculations encourage submarine captains to think about adjusting to the situation.

 Well... the weakness of torpedoes in the past was only cavitation foam that left a trail on the water's surface. Surface ships had enough time to avoid it. That's why wolfpack tactics were carried out at night. Taking advantage of the night sky and the darkness of the ocean to attack a convoy of merchant ships or warships. A surprise attack by a wolfpack submarine.

 The fear of submarines in the future era is accidentally crashing or having a submarine system error. Diving without being able to rise to the surface of the sea is a fear experienced by submarine crews. Crashing into something unknown in the ocean is an event that does not need to be exaggerated.

 After passing the line of anchored ships, my submarine arrived at an empty open dock. The destroyer escorting my submarine also docked at the open dock. Manjuu who was in charge of guiding my submarine has now changed to Manjuu who is on duty at the open dock.




 My submarine slowly docked at the open dock. Manjuu who was on duty at the open dock had tied my submarine with a rope and built a small bridge connected to my submarine.

 "Sofia, it's time for us to touch some grass," I said to Sofia.

 "Unn... I prefer being on the ship," Sofia replied in a small tone.

 "Heee... Don't you want to have dinner with me?"

 "Urk..." Sofia's facial expression was a little depressed. The reason why Sofia wanted to be in my submarine was her poor communication skills. She wasn't used to talking to anyone other than me.

 "Well... At least we'll have a room comfortable enough to sleep together."

 "Then, I'll come out!" Sofia replied enthusiastically.

 The weakness of my submarine was its facilities which were less than satisfactory for a woman. Meh, Sofia complained too much about her body condition that couldn't adapt the tight submarine.

 Women are always like that...

 Always making a big deal out of small, unimportant incidents.

 When Sofia and I came out of the USS Seawolf's hatch, a little girl greeted me.

 "Sorry to interrupt your time, please forgive Lord Bismarck!" the little girl exclaimed.

 "Huh?" I muttered softly.

 I didn't know why this little girl said something like that. After I looked at her and noticed her body shape, I understood what had happened.

 This little kid...

 It can be said that she has a close relationship with Bismarck. The incident regarding our duel seems to have spread to the Azur Lane main base.

 What is this?!

 I feel like something troublesome is waiting for me at this military base.

 "Please forgive Lord Bismarck! Please!!" The little kid lowered her body and prostrated himself before me.

 "I will do anything, as long as Lord Bismarck is forgiven!" the little kid continued to say.

 If this incident continues, my self-esteem will drop drastically!

 Damn it!

 Without caring about morals and the FBI, I forcibly carried the little kid and explained my situation about Bismarck incident. The small misunderstanding ended peacefully with our closeness as fellow submarines attacked in the dark of night.