Chapter 23 - Scam Smoke Device

One long night has passed.

 After spending a passionate night with Sofia, I realized one thing.

 Correcting Sofia bad habits is very difficult to do!

 Yes, it was my fault too. Pampering an artificial intelligence that has a physical body has led it down the wrong path. It doesn't mean that I refused the profitable request from her ship girl body.

 It's just...

 We are doing vigorous activities until morning without rest.

 That's too much for a child like me, right?

 Without eating and sleeping, my physical body will be very exhausted. For now, I need additional food besides emergency food. The only way to get such food is to buy it. So, I need personal pocket money. This fake body has money saved in the Bank. However, that is money for old age luxuries.

 Well, this fake body lore is very calculating with the small details of his salary.

 For that, I made one small item that can be sold at a high price with my skill like a Prototype Smoke-Ship Grenade Launchers META version.

 In a sea battle that uses smokescreen tactics. The perpetrator of the smoke is a ship that can move quickly to spread a smokescreen. In general, the use of smokescreens is needed to hide or create deception. This tactic is used to confuse the enemy's perception in determining attack patterns and cover the movement of ships in attack or defense formations.

 Smokescreens in sea battles are very effective. However, the game changed when radar technology was discovered. In addition to displaying the position of ships on the sea surface, radar works optimally to search for surface ships and monitor ship movements directly.

 I am reminded of the Battle of Samar. An unbalanced sea battle between the United States and Japan. The United States only had 6 escort carriers, 3 destroyers, and 4 destroyer escorts. While the Japanese side had 4 battleships, 6 heavy cruisers, 2 light cruisers, and 11 destroyers.

 Statistically, the presence of Japan carrying heavily armed ships guaranteed success in that unbalanced battle.

 As a small note, Japan had sophisticated radar technology and a division of ships capable of flattening the United States in that battle. With the battle conditions that were not favorable to one party, the United States moved back slowly and carried out aggressive tactics to spread smokescreens on their escape routes. Japan may have advanced radar but it is not supported by FCS or Fire-Control System so every shot fired is stuck in their line of sight. The smokescreen that occurred that day saved the United States ships from destruction. Japan's military doctrine that upholds old traditions has backfired embarrassingly.

 Although there were some casualties and damage ships, it was not a defeat if they used the tactic of retreating in style and inflicting great damage on the enemy.

 In the world of Azur Lane, radar has been created and is commonly used by Eagle Union skill ships. One of the ships that uses radar as a skill is the USS Helena.

 Eh! I can smell dirty money from the sale of this business!

 The prototype I am making is a scam business in the field of disposable weapons. Knowledge from the old world and META technology led me to create a new weapon that this world might need.

 The Prototype Smoke-Ship Grenade Launchers uses a launcher consisting of 12 cylindrical tubes. The design is used to spread in a radius of one kilometer and activate jamming that disrupts enemy radar. In addition, the effect of this smokescreen is to increase the radar detection range of the ship covered by the smokescreen. Of course, this great effect is worth the purchase price. For a disposable smokescreen, this business is very profitable!

 The problem is how do I sell it?

 "Master, what are you doing?" Behind me, Sofia hugged my body tightly as a mental support.

 "Sofia, are you awake?" I asked.

 I could hear Sofia's drowsiness coming from the weight of her body pressing down on me. It was like pressing me to continue her unsatisfied night battle.

 "Hmmng..." Sofia nodded and gave me a small kiss on my right cheek.

 "It seems that Master made an interesting device. Isn't that a smoke launcher for surface ships?" Sofia asked.

 Sofia's gaze was now diverted to the small details written on the blueprint.

 "You can understand it from the rough draft of this blueprint?"

 "In theory, what is written on the blueprint, I can understand it. But to confuse the enemy's radar and increase radar detection-"

 "How do I do it?" I cut Sofia off and put my index finger on my lips as a symbol to not ask any further questions.

 "I see... Company secret? If Master can made it, I won't ask any further questions."

 Sofia's understanding of nature helped me a lot.

 With the Weapons From Another World skill and the META technology knowledge I had acquired, creating a weapon like this was easy to do.

 I took out the Prototype Smoke-Ship Grenade Launchers that were inside my head into their material form. A long box containing 12 cylinders of smokescreen was ready to be sold. As the seller and creator of this weapon, I put a small watermark as the company logo.

 "Master, that skill ability that is beyond human comprehension is very frightening. As your first creation, I am very happy to be the first page of your creation weapons list."

 "Thank you for creating me, Master."

 Sofia released her tight hug and knelt in front of me.


 "Yes, Master?"

 "At least, try to get dressed before doing so."

 "Eh? Doesn't Master prefer this form?" Sofia replied.

 "That's right, I do like it. But it feels strange."

 "Un! I understand. Then-"

 Before Sofia could continue her words, I gave her new clothes that were more covered than before. I didn't want Sofia to be the center of strange gazes from the unknown Admiral of this place.

 "M-Master… This is it…" Sofia received her new clothes and sniffed them.

 "New clothes made by Master. Un! I will clean my body before wearing them!" Sofia said excitedly.

 Sofia left me with a small hum and a happy smile on her face. While waiting for Sofia to finish her business, I made another variation of the Prototype Smoke-Ship Grenade Launchers. Small ships such as destroyers and large battleships have different size dimensions. For the destroyer type, twelve cylinders are enough for one use while for light cruisers twenty cylinders are needed.

 Then, where is the scam part?

 Fufu… The radius of the smokescreen is the same but the duration is different.

 By increasing the size of the type of ship that uses it. I sell the same goods at different prices,


 Simple calculations like that have made my wallet thick in instant.

 Scenarios like selling weapons and refilling ammunition turned out to be very tempting.

 Hmm... Why didn't I think of this before?


 Does Azur Lane need something like this?

 The main principle in selling goods is that there is a need to buy them. Without an urgent need to have it, this item is just a useless display.



 On this bright morning. My ears heard the sound of the air raid warning echoing in Azur Lane's main headquarters.


 "Master! The air raid warning siren has sounded!" Sofia returned to the room in a hurry. I could see her panic through the uneven soap rinse on her body.

 "Calm down, Sofia. I'll take care of it."

 I said those words to calm Sofia down.

 "Eh? M-Master?"

 "I have a good feeling about this, especially..." my gaze shifted to the Prototype Smoke-Ship Grenade Launchers.

 Yep! Free promotion and creating market demand!

 I'm excited for this one!

 Alright, time for some Prototype Smoke-Ship Grenade Launchers action!