Kan Lin Visits Again

"Uh..." Zhan Yuan was at a loss for words. Everyone's excitement for the future had just been sparked, only for Gu Ji to pour cold water on it. 

For a Qi Condensation cultivator to deal with the giant boulders on the peak and gather materials for building houses? That's no easy task. Not to mention, no one here knew the first thing about construction. 

Zhan Yuan realized he had been overly optimistic and shook his head with a bitter smile.

Qi Xiu noticed this and felt a slight pang in his heart. After completing the transaction with Spreading Blossom Sect, perhaps it would be wise to purchase a 2nd-grade talisman, the [Construction Warrior]. 

Though it would come at a hefty price, it would significantly boost the sect's morale and improve their living conditions—seems pretty necessary.

As for the Yellow Sand Illusion Formation, it must always have its shield and illusion active. Although the minimum energy consumption wasn't huge, it still meant that even if Chu Qin Sect did nothing, their supply of spirit stones would only dwindle. 

They couldn't just sit around and exhaust their resources. So, it's time to start considering ways to generate income for the sect.

But the most important thing right now was to reactivate the Secret Sect's Spirit Gathering Formation; any trade deals would have to wait. This was the quickest way to boost everyone's morale and will also help Zhang Shishi and He Yu feel more at ease. 

Lately, He Yu has been acting strangely, even more withdrawn than before, and his troubled state hasn't gone unnoticed by those living under the same roof. 

Qi Xiu suspected it had to do with Kan Lin's recent appearance, which likely intensified He Yu's sense of urgency about his path to the Great Dao. If they can't stabilize their most promising disciple, Chu Qin Sect might lose all hope.

Qi Xiu called Zhang Shishi, Zhan Yuan, and He Yu into the inner room to plan the reactivation of the Spirit Gathering Formation. 

Most of the supplies they had purchased last time had been nearly used up, and setting up the mountain formation in the past few days had been exhausting. Fortunately, Zhan Yuan knew how to cook, so they hadn't been stuck eating cold, raw food every day.

From now on, Huang He, Yu Jing, Shen Chang, and Pan Rong would need to take turns going to the nearby villages to buy daily necessities and grains. Gu Ji, along with the two youngest disciples, Qin Weiyu, would be responsible for cleaning the small temple. Everyone in Chu Qin Sect was kept busy; no one had time to be idle.

"So, you're saying that as long as we clear the small hole at the center of the Spirit Gathering Formation, spiritual energy will start flowing out?" Zhang Shishi said after hearing Qi Xiu explain the description from the jade slip. "And the material blocking the hole is just ordinary soil, not some kind of seal?" 

"Exactly. Using a seal would create spiritual energy fluctuations, which would easily be detected by cultivators. So, they simply plugged the hole with clay. All we need to do is remove the clay!" Qi Xiu replied confidently. 

The jade slip made it clear that the Southern Chu Sect had discovered this secret by chance; otherwise, this small temple on Black River Peak, which had existed for countless years, would have long been occupied by cultivators.

The four of them discussed it at length and decided that the sect members with wood-attribute soul roots would use a 1st-grade wood-element talisman, the Vine Talisman. Meanwhile, Zhang Shishi and He Yu, who had earth-attribute spiritual souls, would use a 1st-grade earth-element magic technique, [Dust Smash]. 

The combination of these two would allow them to clear the path and reactivate the Spirit Gathering Formation.

With the plan decided, they got to work. Qin Weiyu and Pan Rong, who had wood attributes in their mixed soul roots, started by using the talismans to soften the clay blocking the hole. Then, Zhang Shishi and He Yu used their techniques to break up the clay. 

Qin Weiyu and Pan Rong, both at the second level of Qi Condensation , could only use the Vine Talisman about seven times in their full spiritual state. Zhang Shishi and He Yu, though higher in cultivation, found their techniques quite draining as well, so they could only use them a few times. 

The Vine Talisman was a commonly used 1st-grade wood-element attack talisman, and they had plenty among their supplies. The four of them took turns working tirelessly, almost without pause.

Even though it was just clay blocking the way, years of time had made it hard and compact, so clearing it out required a lot of painstaking effort.

After seven days, Qin Weiyu, pale and exhausted, formed a hand seal, causing a burning yellow talisman to float in front of him. Concentrating, he directed a vine-like green spiritual energy into the hole. After maintaining this for about fifteen minutes, the talisman burned out, and the green energy vanished. Unable to hold on any longer, Qin Weiyu slowly collapsed into Gu Ji's arms. 

He Yu quickly stepped forward, pointing with his fingers to shoot two yellow beams of light into the hole.

Qin Weiyu might be clumsy, but he's determined. Once he sets his mind on something, he goes all in without thinking about saving his energy. 

Watching him push himself too hard yet again made Qi Xiu genuinely worried. "He's still just a kid," Qi Xiu thought, remembering how much easier his own life was at that age. His rigid impression of Qin Weiyu improved quite a bit.

Zhan Yuan, who had been handling logistics for the four of them alongside Qi Xiu, frowned. "The hole is getting deeper and deeper, the consumption is increasing; the progress is slowing down day by day," he said to Qi Xiu in a low voice. "If they keep going like this, I'm afraid their exhaustion will harm their vitality. Perhaps we should take a break for a while?'"

Qi Xiu turned to look at Zhang Shishi and Pan Rong, who were meditating to restore their spiritual energy. They didn't look too good either. Sighing, Qi Xiu nodded and agreed. "I suppose we have no choice." 

When He Yu also ran out of energy, his pale, handsome face showing a hint of unhealthy redness from overexertion, Qi Xiu at last decided to call a temporary halt. He instructed the four to rest for a few days and resume work only after they had fully recovered.

"'Sect Leader!' Yu Jing, who was outside the temple, suddenly rushed into the main hall, holding something in his hand. 'Just now, while I was on guard outside, this piece of paper suddenly flew into the formation and was floating in the air outside the cave entrance,' He reported.

"Hmm?" Qi Xiu droned and hurriedly took the paper and examined it. The paper had only four characters: 'Kan Lin' in large letters occupying the center, and 'respectfully' in small letters in the bottom left corner."

"A letter of respect? He's outside!" Qi Xiu was taken aback. What was this Foundation Establishment cultivator up to now? He glanced at the small hole in the center of the Spirit Gathering Formation. This mustn't be discovered! 

But a Foundation Establishment cultivator could not be treated lightly, and he couldn't think of a good way to deal with Kan Lin. Reluctantly, he interrupted the four disciples in their meditation, informed them about Kan Lin's arrival, and had Zhang Shishi cover the small hole with his Green Spirit Stone Cushion. He reminded everyone not to reveal the existence of the Spirit Gathering Formation and then led all the disciples out of the small temple in a hurry.

Outside the Yellow Sand Illusion Formation, they saw a cultivator in blue robes standing with his hands behind his back. Qi Xiu took the lead, followed by Zhang Shishi, He Yu, Zhan Yuan, and the others who lined up in order and stood properly.

Qi Xiu then used the Sect Leader's token to open a gap in the formation and respectfully welcomed Kan Lin in.

Qi Xiu stepped forward and performed a junior's bow. "We did not know Senior was coming and have been negligent," he said respectfully. Please forgive us.'

The disciples behind him followed suit and said in unison: "Please forgive us, Senior."

"No offense, no offense. It is I who am disturbing you," Kan Lin said with a smile and a wave of his hand. 

Qi Xiu and the others quickly welcomed him into the main hall, where he took a seat at the head.

Kan Lin looked to be in good spirits. "I didn't intend to bother your sect again," he said with a smile once seated. "But as I was flying back over Black River Peak, I noticed that in just half a month, you've set up an illusion formation. It seems you're determined to establish yourselves here. I was curious, which is why I made this unexpected visit. This place is quite dangerous. Even without considering your connection to the Southern Chu Sect, there are far better places, like areas beyond White Mountain, where conditions are much more favorable. Why insist on staying here?"

Qi Xiu wasn't sure why Kan Lin was asking this, so he explained the situation between Chu Qin Sect and the Southern Chu Sect, sharing what he could.

Kan Lin chuckled. "I had a hunch about Southern Chu Sect's intentions, and since your sect is willing to stay here, I won't press further. However…" His gaze shifted to He Yu. "Last time I visited, I got along well with your disciple He Yu. While in Qi Nan City, I came across a manual that suits his Fate Source's Soul Root attribute, so I thought I'd bring it as a gift."

With that, he pulled out a jade slip from his robes and gently pushed it towards He Yu. 

The jade slip floated slowly into He Yu's hands.