Chapter 22: The First to Level Up

The land around the Black River used to belong to the Chu Youmin family. The tools they left behind are based on their decades of experience living by the river, so their effectiveness is well-proven.

Qi Xiu picked up the banner to examine it closely. The pole, as tall as a man, was made from black spiritual wood; it was inscribed with runes all over. At the top, a small flag made of gray beast hide was attached. 

The materials themselves weren't particularly valuable, but there was a faint fluctuation of wind-based spiritual energy emanating from the flag. Inside the banner, there was a rarely-used restriction typically seen in 1st-grade magical items, meaning a cultivator would need to refine it a bit before it could be used.

"Too bad it can only protect four people at once..." Qi Xiu sighed softly. To activate the Spirit Gathering Formation, the four who exerted the most effort would definitely need to go, which meant he wouldn't be able to join them. 

But there was no other option. With everything else already prepared, he handed the Black Wind Banner to Zhang Shishi, and once it was fully refined, they could set off.

Refining a first-grade magical artifact didn't take long. After about the time it takes for one incense stick to burn, Zhang Shishi, now holding the Black Wind Banner and carrying the Storage Pouch filled with supplies, stood ready. 

Behind him were He Yu, Qin Weiyu, and Pan Rong, each with a Fragrant Coix Seed Pill in their mouths, unable to speak. The four of them bowed to Qi Xiu as a silent farewell and then turned to head down the mountain, embarking on their first adventure since arriving in the Southern Borderlands.

Qi Xiu watched until their red robes disappeared into the black mist before finally averting his gaze. After ensuring that everything was in place for their return, he pulled Zhan Yuan into the Sect Master's inner chamber to ask about the details of his visit to the Ninth Three Market.

"Their cultivators... well, they were definitely less than welcoming towards our sect. They were very distant," Zhan Yuan said cautiously, carefully choosing his words. "I did as you instructed, spent half the day lingering around, and finally spotted an older cultivator who seemed decent. After giving him the gift, I broached the subject of the trade."

Zhan Yuan held back his frustration. During his trip to Ninth Three Market, he had endured plenty of cold remarks and unfriendly attitudes, leaving him with a lot of pent-up resentment. 

He initially wanted to vent his frustrations, but seeing the concern and care in Qi Xiu's expression as he watched the others head down the mountain, he decided not to add to his worries. Instead, he straightforwardly reported the details of the transaction.

As Zhan Yuan reported the expenses, Qi Xiu's frown deepened with each word. The cultivators from Chu Youmin's sect clearly saw the Chu Qin Sect as easy prey. Most of the items were overpriced, but the fact that the Black Wind Banner was sold at double the market price was particularly infuriating. 

The resources left behind by Qin Si Yuan, after just two dealings with them, were already half depleted!

"Lowballing us and hiking up prices—do they really think we're fools?" Qi Xiu's voice was low and seething with anger. "This Ninth Three Market conducts business so dishonorably. We'll need to minimize dealings with them from now on!"

Hearing Qi Xiu's harsh words, Zhan Yuan realized that his mission had been a failure. To think that he had proudly presented the items before everyone—now it just felt humiliating. 

Overcome with shame and frustration, he fell to his knees with a loud thud, his head hanging low as he pleaded, "I failed in my duty, Sect Master. Please punish me!"

Qi Xiu has always been soft-hearted and resilient against being belittled, rarely getting truly angry. But the unfair treatment from the Ninth Three Market really tested his patience this time, especially since it hit the sect where it hurt the most—their already thin resources. Running the sect was proving to be a tough job.

Seeing Zhan Yuan, who was less than ten years younger, kneeling and admitting fault so sincerely, Qi Xiu felt a pang of guilt. He hadn't expected his offhand comment to make such a respectful and diligent disciple so fearful. 

Feeling both compassion and regret, Qi Xiu quickly helped Zhan Yuan up. "No one blames you, and it's not your fault. You don't need to be like this," he said.

He reassured him gently, "I'm just angry at those people from Ninth Three Market. They were supposed to look out for us as per the order of the South Chu Sect, but instead, they took advantage of our weakness for their own gain. It's truly disgraceful for cultivators! The Black Wind Banner is very important to us, so they knew they could raise the price. Even if I had gone, the result would have been the same. You don't need to feel so bad..."

Qi Xiu continued to comfort him until Zhan Yuan finally calmed down a bit.

"What should we do next?" asked Zhan Yuan after collecting himself.


Qi Xiu paced back and forth, lost in thought, and after a few turns, continued, "I never planned to get too close to the Ninth Three Market . Senior Kan mentioned a Foundation Establishment cultivator named Wang Guan in the northern region, who is known for his fairness. However, given that the Black River stretches north and south with Black River Peak in the middle, the journey to the north is quite distant. A Qi Condensation second-stage cultivator needs to be well-prepared to reach it with the Wind Array Spirit Boat. I intended to wait until we completed the Spirit Gathering Formation before finding an opportunity to visit. It seems now that the exploration of the mountain base and the water pool was done in haste…how about…"

Qi Xiu looked at Zhang Yuan and, after a long pause, continued: "Although Senior Kan is virtuous and reputable, he speaks from his own perspective. It would be better for you to scout Wang Guan first. Assess him and the situation, then I can decide whether to visit in person. Yes, that's it. You can stay in the market over there for a while, and it'll give you a chance to get familiar with the trading conditions. I used to frequent markets often, so I have a rough idea of the prices for low-level magical tools. Also, trading various cultivation materials is usually a crucial task for any sect. The more you understand, the better it will be for you and the sect. You can also get a head start for me when I decide to meet Wang Guan. Does that sound good?"

Zhang Yuan agreed without hesitation. After the mishap with the Jiusan Workshop, he was eager to improve in this area, and since the sect master clearly still trusted him, he was determined not to let him down.

Qi Xiu pointed out the way to the place. The market run by Wang Guan was called "Soldier's Outpost Market." It used to be a military post where mortals defended against the beasts of South Xinjiang. 

After the Southern Chu Sect expanded the area and moved the border further south, the outpost was abandoned.

 Wang Guan saw potential in the location and turned it into a market.

Usually, a Foundation Establishment cultivator wouldn't set up a market alone; only someone like Wang Guan or Chu Youmin, who had many cultivators in their family, would have the resources and need for such a market. 

This also reflects that their influence is greater than that of most Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Zhang Yuan, eager to redeem himself, was ready to leave immediately. Qi Xiu stopped him, telling him to prepare well and rest for the night, and then head north the next morning. 

As soon as Zhang Yuan left, Zhang Shishi, He Yu, and the other three returned.

"Sect Leader, Sect Leader!" Zhang Shishi handed the banner to a fellow disciple who came to greet them and rushed to Qi Xiu.

"There's good news!" He grabbed Qi Xiu's arms, his voice ringing with excitement.

"Oh? What's the good news?"

Qi Xiu, puzzled by his enthusiasm, looked at the three people behind him. 

Qi Xiu was a bit confused by his excitement. He looked at the three behind him—Qin Weiyu still looked dazed as usual, while Pan Rong and He Yu were both beaming with joy. He Yu, in particular, had a face flushed with excitement and a genuine smile, which made his usually rugged appearance look almost radiant in the morning light.

"We went to the base of the mountain and found the cave and the pond you mentioned. To our surprise, the pond emits a faint aura that keeps the black mist outside. The environment is excellent. We estimate that in three more days, we can clear the Gathering Spirit Formation," Zhang Shishi said and then pulled He Yu over. "Especially the layout there suits He Yu's Fate Source perfectly. After spending just one night cultivating there, despite the minimal spiritual energy, he managed to advance to the fourth layer of Qi Condensation!"