Day two of the show

Amara woke up to a voice that could've been mistaken for the world's most annoying alarm clock.

"Alright, everyone! Up and at 'em! Day two of the show starts in one hour!"

Her eyes shot open. One hour? The voice belonged to the director, booming through some unseen speaker in the corner of the room. Was this guy serious? It wasn't even daylight yet! Who planned these things?

Beside her, Elara groaned, pulling the covers over her head like she could block out the director's obnoxious morning greeting.

Amara, still half-asleep, blinked up at the ceiling. She had about five seconds of blissful ignorance before the system decided to make its appearance.

[Morning, sunshine! Just a friendly reminder: you've got about one day left to recruit Elara into the company. No pressure.]