The Art of Distraction (and Questionable Life Choices)

Amara Lyselle had a problem.

A very specific problem.

Elara had been gone for exactly sixteen hours and thirty-seven minutes not that she was counting and Amara was already debating whether she should book a flight to Paris under the guise of a "business meeting."

This was ridiculous.

She was an independent, highly competent woman. She had survived years without Elara before they'd even met. Surely, she could last a few weeks without turning into a desperate, lovesick fool.



She groaned, rubbing her temples as she leaned back in her office chair. Across from her, Felix sat with his legs crossed, scrolling through his phone, the absolute picture of a man who lived to be annoying.

"You know," he mused, not even looking up, "you could just go to Paris."

Amara shot him a glare. "I am not that pathetic."

Felix smirked. "Debatable."

"I literally have a company to run."