Noah didn't hear them. Didn't care. The moment the roundabout was behind him, he hit the gas, the guttural roar of the engine tearing through the quiet of the sleeping city.
220 km/h.
Buildings blurred, neon signs streaking like comets in his peripheral vision. The streets were his. Empty, endless, bending to his will.
Ahead, the final stretch. A narrowing underpass, concrete walls pressing in. Most drivers would hesitate.
Noah didn't.
He threaded the needle.
A pair of headlights flared in his side mirror—a car in the next lane, too close, too slow. Noah cut between it and another vehicle with inches to spare. The turbulence rocked them both, their side mirrors rattling from the force.
The sedan's driver let out a strangled yell. "Are you INSANE?!"
A motorcyclist, barely missing the chaos, wobbled violently, cursing into the night.
Horn blasts. Shouts. Chaos in his wake.
Noah? He barely registered it.