In the shadowy depths of a world where the supernatural lurks just beneath the surface, Ethan Blackwood, a retired occultist, lives a peaceful secluded life in the forested Olympic Peninsula in Washington State with his beloved wife, Aisling, and their two daughters, Fiona and Maeve. Once a feared figure in the dark underworld, Ethan has abandoned his reckless past, hoping to shield his family from the horrors he once embraced. But the past has a way of catching up, and the shadows of Ethan's former life are about to engulf him once more. One fateful day, a malevolent demon he once humiliated returns with a vengeance, turning young Maeve into an infernal being. The demon brutally kills Aisling and kidnaps Fiona, leaving Ethan devastated and consumed by guilt. The demon's ultimatum is clear: retrieve the legendary Sword of Michael, a powerful biblical weapon, or lose Fiona forever. With his family shattered and time running out, Ethan is forced to confront the darkness he once fled.