
That was the best word to describe it. My fashion intuition, I mean. When I'm analyzing someone through their attire, it feels like flipping through the pages of a book, except in this case it's the different layers of their dressing.

Every crease feels like the lines of a page holding words about the read and every accessory feels like a mystery waiting to be unraveled.

I remember the first time I read. It was when I was just ten. 2 years after I lost the family I've always known. 24 months after my whole world shattered. 104 weeks after I practically became an orphan. 730 days after happiness and laughter became a stranger and tears and melancholy turned into a friend. 17,520 hours after my last name changed from Reed to Blake. 1,o51,200 minutes after 8 years of my life disappeared like a dream and the years that followed, a stark reality. 63,072,000 seconds before I lost it all.