
One would expect Rue to know a threat when he saw one. The letter before him was indeed a threat if you could put it like that. To Rue it was nothing, but a cold hard fact. Whoever wrote it is certain that they would succeed.

Never had he received something like it before. Usually it was death threats, or hateful comments. The rare one's expressed their confusion. Asked questions waiting for an answer he could never give. 

He didn't know how to feel about the letter. It was different from the one's he previously received. It was almost cute. He immediately wanted to go search for the sender. For what? He didn't know. What would he even say when he found them?

This particular letter shouldn't have caught his attention, neither that of his butler either. Yet, it did. All the letters prior to now have never addressed him by his name. 

This letter had his name written down carefully. The calligraphy beautiful. Something to be treasured.

A derange laugh bubbled out of him, his back flopping against the soft mattress. The sound filled the empty room. If anyone heard it they would realize how hollow and fake it sounded. He couldn't pretend when there was no audience to watch.

Rue trace the words over gingerly, his fingers hesitant as if he feared he would ruin the letter.

Once again Rue read over the letter the same way he had since he got it half an hour previous.

Dear Mr. Lyarsian

You don't know me, but I know you. I know the crimes you've committed. The bodies you've hidden. You will be paying for your past deeds. I am here to collect. This is a warning for your reckoning. 

Sincerely Moon.

The sender was confident that they would succeed. He wanted to ruin that confidence. He wanted to see their face when they realize how futile all their efforts were.

They knew Rue, but he didn't know them. Giving them the advantage in the start of the game of cat and mouse.

One would be dead at the end of their little game. 

"What's so amusing?" 

Rue jumped at the sound of the voice, he didn't realize he was so deep in thought that he didn't notice someone else had entered the room.

He watched Fen who watched him waiting patiently for something. He belatedly realize he never answered Fen's question.

"A letter." 

"That interesting? Or a unique threat?" Fen curiosity was official piqued, never had he seen Rue as amused as he was right now that he couldn't hear him coming in.

Rue passed the letter to Fen, there would be no doubt that Fen wouldn't be as intrigued as he current is. "Read it yourself."

A few minutes passed and there was still no reaction.

He didn't understand what was taking Fen so long to read it. There wasn't much to read.

"It's definitely interesting." That's it? That's all he have to say?

His reaction was rather lackluster.

"Yeah…interesting." Rue's excitement was reduce due to Fen's reaction, making the blond frown. Usually Fen would find these letters as amusing as he did.

"Your father has called on you. Something about designers." 

Rue groaned getting out of bed, his energy drained. He's been up since last night researching how the victim's family were doing.

Most of them posted about their kids, some was trying to move on. Not letting the big event define them.

"Put it with the rest." Rue orders, not looking back as he left the room in search of his father.  To his surprise it was easy to find him. All he had to do was follow the noise.

The very loud noise.

"Lucien perfect timing. Come get your measurements for your suit." Sebastian said, barley looking at him, his focus on the colors for the suits along with a designer.

He will call them designer A.

Rue went through the motions of push and tug. Each designer fought over how to style him for the big event.

It shouldn't have been as draining as it was. Yet, it was. His leg ache with a familiar pain the longer he stood, he tried to not shift on his leg with his growing discomfort.

"Violet really make your eyes pop." Designer C gushes, her interest clear. "And the astronomy stars on your back really makes it more stunning."

"Thank you?" Was that the right thing to say? 

"Sorry. That was probably out of line." Designer C apologize looking embarrassed for their comment.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed about. Trust me I'm more embarrass in this moment." Rue gestured to the bite mark on his neck. A recent occurrence.

His father's look of disbelief when he saw it was everything. Lessening his anger for it being in such an obvious spot.

Designer C laughed at his words. "You must have a lovely boyfriend."

"He is lovely. My favorite person in the whole world." Rue agrees, subtly shifting his weight to his other leg.

"I'm lucky to have him." He would never take Fen for granted. 

Designer C smiles fondly at him in understanding, finish up the rest of her work along with the other designers.

"The suit will be ready the day before. One of us will drop it off." Designer A says, writing a note for his father.

As they spoke Rue disappeared outside towards the gazebo. No one ever comes back here. It was a reminder of their mother. 

His father did make sure to keep the surroundings extra pretty for her. A reminder that she wasn't forgotten even after he gotten married to Liana.

Unfortunately for him it wasn't as abandon as he thought it would be.

Rue turned around ready to head back in before the voice spoke up, showing that he couldn't sneak away unnoticed.

"Come sit, LuLu." Declan calls over, tapping the seat beside him.

God. There's no way for him to escape this conversation could he.

Rue faced Declan with a smile on his face as if he didn't just try to sneak away from him. "De, what a surprise."

"I glad I caught you alone. I feared that we would never get to have this conversation alone."

Rue tilted his head, playing dumb. "What conversation?"

Declan looked around them fearfully, his voice low as he leaned in. "The conversation on why you're truly back." 

Oh. That's it?

"I'm not back to give some big speech? Shocker."

Declan shoved him, making Rue tip sideways. "Don't be rude."

Rue indulged Declan long enough. They weren't close as they were currently pretending to be. They never were. 

"Get to the point."

"We're being blackmailed. Someone other than us know what happened thirteen years ago."

"That's impossible. We covered it up. Quite literally." Rue tapped his feet against the gazebo floor hinting at what he meant.

"I know that, but someone knows."

He could figure out who. After all didn't Moon say they know the bodies that he hidden.

Rue had no idea how. Unless his family went around running their mouth. The only one he could think who would do such a thing is the only person currently missing.

Ollie Lyarsian, his second older brother. His closest confidant.

Declan waited for a reaction for Rue, staring at him hard enough to bore holes through his head. Rue knew what he was worried about, but he didn't need to be worried.

Everything will remain hidden like it always was.

"No need to worry. Things will be fine." He assures, not wanting Declan to dig deeper.

Declan nodded. "I should go before we be seen together. I don't want more misunderstandings."

"Because being seen with me would be such a bad thing.

"How you'd know?" 

Rue smacked Declan across his back for his words, a soft smile forming. "Fuck you."

Declan laugh the sound carrying king after he walked away.

The smile on Rue's face quickly got wiped away. It looks like things will be fun for awhile.

He couldn't wait.