Beatrix's Grave

There can be no sure way to know if he was doing it right. Dane couldn't imagine Beatrix, his little girl, his sweet kind little girl agreeing with his actions.

He was once asked: "what type of man could do what you do, and still be above ground? What keeps you sane? What helps you live with the things that drag even the most sane person under?"

Dane could never answer that question. He still can't. At the time he had a seven week baby girl at home, and the answer should have been obvious. It wasn't that easy. Yes, he was living for his daughter. She needed him, and he wasn't going to leave her orphaned.

However, the answer wasn't her that kept him sane. He's been doing it too long for her to be his answer. To him the question wasn't a reflection about being sane, because even a dying man could be sane.

Looking at the question it was like being asked what is your limit. What are you willing to do to live with yourself? How do you keep your moral compass in the situations you've been put in?

There is never an right answer to that question. Dane only response to that question was: "I'll call when I have the answer. Don't die till then."

They died. Still waiting for his answer.

Being reminded of that question as a reflection to his own thoughts at his daughter's grave is that for him there is no doing it right. There is no limit, or length he wouldn't go to. His actions are legally, and morally wrong.

Right now all he could do is wait to finally be dragged down by the vengeful ghosts of the past. Maybe they'll have an answer.

Dane dutifully cleaned Beatrix grave, a habit he's had since he buried her. He didn't want her grave looking uncared for. It was place in the most beautiful cemetery he could think of.

"Hey Bea, it's daddy again. You would be one year into college right about now. Well on your way to your degree." Dane said, his voice filled with love as he spoke to her.

He contuined on, peeling his apple peels slowly. Bea never did like apple peels. Said it made it harder to chew the apple for her.

"I'm doing well. Got a new job. You'll be surprised to where I'm now working. Over the past years I worked hard to get a new degree. Me, and past friends got together for a reunion. You don't remember, but they was at your third birthday party."

The silence was loud in Dane's ears, but he kept speaking.

"Everyday I miss you. You're my very soul. There is no other half of me. You are the completion of me. You make me me. I just wish-" Dane words came out choked until he could no longer speak.

"Lu- no that asshole downfall will be something to see."

Dane spoke of the past in between bites of his lunch for the day. At the end he put his together in a prayer, bowing his head, a silent promise passing between him, and the dead.

"Wait a while longer, Bea."

Dane didn't head straight home, he made a quick stop at a technology store buying two computers, and a new phone along with cameras. Things he would need for his new job.

"That one has low storage it wouldn't be good for classes. This one would be better for what you need to do. Easier to work with too." The store clerk says, directing the last person Dane expected to see right now.

"Do you have anything suitable for editing, but also classes." Rue asks, looking at the computers carefully.

"Yes. Follow me this way." The store clerk led Rue and his friend away, still keeping them in Dane line of sight.

Who would have thought he would be this lucky. Unfortunately he was tired of them meeting in unconventional places.

Dane followed Rue with his eyes who was dressed more comfortably. He didn't stick around until Rue left the hotel, so he has no idea how long he stayed to he left.

He must have been drilling holes into Rue's head, because he looked up suddenly, their eyes locking. He looked away first. He didn't know what he eyes held when he looked at Rue, and he didn't want him to see the hate he has for him.

He calm went to the counter to have his stuff checked out. To his discontent so did Rue. Dane didn't tense at having Rue at his back, he simply went through the motions.

"Your sweater is cute."

Dane looked back to find Rue looking at him, his gaze probing, waiting for any kind of slip up. Dane wouldn't give any openings.

He looked at his bee sweater before looking back up at Rue with a kind smile. "Thank you. My daughter bought it for me."

Even with saying that Rue didn't look any less cautious of him. They was starting to hold up the line, and more than one person looked dissatisfied with them.

Dane rub the back of his neck, his features contorted into embarrassment the longer Rue stared. "If this about me staring at you- I'm sorry. I shouldn't have. It's just-"

He said nothing else making his escape before Rue could speak. He never was a talker with his targets. Why talk when you're killing them?

If Dane went home to stalk Rue a little more who would know. After all they'll be seeing each other more often.