The Birth of the Wyrm Overlord    

[Player #42747044. Detected Dragon's blood]


[Your character creation has been pause]


[Initiating Configuration . . .]


[Configuration Complete]


[Would you like to resume creating your avatar now?]


"What the—?" Cloud muttered, his eyes narrowing in confusion as the text flickered on the screen before him.


As Cloud stepped into the magic circle, a cascade of notifications erupted before his eyes, overwhelming his senses. The world around him dissolved into a vast, infinite expanse of white, stretching endlessly in every direction. It was as if he had been cast adrift in an ocean of light, with no walls, no floor, and no sense of direction — just a boundless, ethereal void.


Gone was the orb room, the murmurs of his classmates, the robed figures, and the suffocating tension. Here, in this endless expanse, he was utterly alone, suspended in a surreal space where time seemed to stand still. The silence was profound, broken only by the echoing pulse of his own heartbeat.


For a moment, panic gripped him. Was he trapped here, lost in this formless abyss? But as the initial shock faded, a strange calm settled over him. This wasn't just emptiness; it was a place that put him at ease, where the boundaries of reality had yet to be defined.


"What's going on?"


Despite his confusion, curiosity got the better of Cloud. With a slight hesitation, he pressed [YES] on the screen.


Rather, there wasn't any other option but [YES].


The screens and options were all familiar to Cloud. He had been preparing for Eternia since he was young, honing his skills and knowledge for this very moment. The transition to this new world wasn't jarring; it was seamless, like stepping into a long-anticipated destiny. This was the world he had trained for, the one he was going to conquer.


|| Choose a Class ||


1. Dragon Hunter

2. Dragon Herald

3. Wyrm Overlord



|| E N D ||


Cloud stared at the screen. These weren't the usual classes he remembered from the booklets that he had memorize. He thought that he was already a Tamer? What was going on here?


He didn't have any answers right, so with a shrug, Cloud began browsing through the class descriptions, each one more intriguing than the last. He needed more information before making his choice — this decision could determine his fate in Eternia.




The massive maw of a crimson dragon unleashed a torrent of fire hot enough to melt steel, but the flames merely glanced off the shield of the armored hunter. Eyes glowing in the darkness, the dragon failed to notice the hunter cloaked in shadows, blade poised to strike. The rampaging beast halted, blood dripping from its fangs, as a lone figure stepped forward, inviting a deadly duel.


Dragons, descending from the Red Moon, were the ultimate threat to the world of Eternia, feasting on the Mana within its inhabitants. Entire regions trembled at their catastrophic assaults, and in response, a dedicated order of warriors emerged, determined to halt their devastation. To stand against a dragon required immense bravery, power, and a touch of madness.


Dragon Hunters, driven by tales of lost loved ones and unyielding vengeance, pursued these monstrous foes with relentless determination. They fused martial prowess with Mana to forge weapons capable of bringing down these terrifying beasts, crafting potent artifacts from their remains.


|| E N D ||




As spiders swarmed through a hidden passage in a crumbling ruin, a dwarven scholar etched a glowing rune onto her robes, shielding herself from the oncoming onslaught. A nearby adventurer's eyes ignited with an inner fire as he unleashed a blast of flames upon an orc raiding party. Cornered and wounded, a human grinned defiantly at her foes, transforming into the majestic and fearsome form of a bronze dragon.


To most, dragons were nothing but agents of chaos, but to Dragon Heralds, they were beings of unrivaled glory and majesty. While some served as agents of dragon broods, most heralds did not pledge allegiance to any specific Wyrm. Instead, they venerated the dragons, striving to emulate their abilities through Mana-infused magic and even taking on their forms.


Dragon Heralds sought to use their draconic powers for various purposes, whether to redeem the dragons or to harness their might for personal gain. Their mastery of runic magic, inspired by ancient dragon runes, allowed them to cast spells and empower themselves and their allies.


|| E N D ||




The headhuntress scanned the cavern for the source of the arrows. They were in a cave, could see in the dark, were armored, and wielded magical weapons. Yet, the arrows struck without warning, as if appearing from thin air. Hidden beside her dragon, the Wyrm Overlord smirked, nocking another arrow, while her wyrm, perfectly camouflaged against the cave walls, remained unseen.


Representing a bond forged in fire, steel, and magic, the Wyrm Overlord commanded the skies and the battlefield alongside their draconic companion. Whether soaring above the clouds or standing firm on the front lines, Wyrm Overlords embodied the ancient connection between mortals and dragons.


Wyrm Overlords wielded both weapons and spells, blending martial prowess with innate magical abilities. Their bond with their wyrm was not merely one of rider and mount but of equals who shared a profound, mystical connection. Through this bond, the Wyrm Overlord channeled the dragon's might, and the dragon drew strength from the Wyrm Overlord's power.


|| E N D ||


All the classes were impressive, but one stood out to Cloud — the Wyrm Overlord. He made his choice and tapped the screen.


[Are you sure you want to be a Wyrm Overlord?]


[YES] [NO]


Cloud didn't hesitate and pressed [YES].


[CONGRATULATIONS! You have become a Wyrm Overlord!]


[All stats increased!]


[Received skills of a Wyrm Overlord!]


[Character re-creation is almost complete.]


[Do you want to keep Cloud as your avatar's name?]


Without a second thought, Cloud pressed [NO] and swiftly replaced the avatar's name with [HORIZON]. He didn't want to carry his past here, not here — not now.


From this moment forward, Cloud would forge a new path, leaving behind the so-called friends who had abandoned him. He wouldn't voice it aloud, but deep down, he burned with a singular drive: to rise above them and make them regret ever abandoning him.


This was his chance to prove himself, to show the world that their betrayal only fueled his determination to rise from this world no matter how difficult it was.


[CONGRATULATIONS! Avatar's re-creation is completed!]